Kirk Fenton News
12th July 2024
Please look on our website for up-to-date information.
Dear parents and carers.
This week has flown by, and we cannot believe we are heading into the last week of the year. Thank you for the lovely conversations I have had with some of you this week, as I head towards my last day. This very special community has been a huge part of my life for a long time, so next week will be emotional!
The highlight of our week has been the fantastic year 5/6 production, 'Porridge'. The whole school thoroughly enjoyed the dress rehearsal on Monday, and this was followed by two performances to friends and family. We were immensely proud of the children for working so hard on the show. It is always a delight to see children who have not always had the confidence to put themselves out there, shining on stage. Thank you to our audience members for showing so much appreciation to the children. These are the things that they will remember for years to come.
The week has been 'geography fieldwork week' at Kirk Fenton, with all classes taking their learning outside to investigate the geography on the school grounds and our local area. It was lovely to see classes heading off around the village, armed with their clipboards, making the most of our local environment. In Monday's worship, each class we be sharing their fieldwork findings; we are looking forward to hearing about their great learning.
Despite it being the last week of term, next week is a busy one. It will sadly be time to say good bye to our fabulous year 6 children, but we will make sure they get the send off they deserve with their leavers' lunch and school disco on Thursday, an end of year assembly on Friday morning, and a leavers' service in church on Friday afternoon. There will also be two music performances next week, for parents of children in years 3,4,5 and 6. Our music teacher, Helen Moulds, has sadly been absent for most of this term, however we have been grateful to have Melanie Evans take over, and I am delighted that she is able to come in next week so that the children can showcase what they have been learning this year. The performance for parents/carers of children in Y5 and Y6 will be on Tuesday at 2.45pm, and the performance for Y3 and Y4 parents/carers will be on Wednesday at 2.45pm.
We are expecting some very tired children on Monday morning, as I am sure many are keen to stay up and watch the final. Wouldn't it be lovely to start our final week with an England win!
Enjoy your weekend.
Becca Cameron
Good Work Awards
This week's certificates were awarded to the following children:
Attenborough - Maddison and Nancy
Rashford - Kieran and Eva
Thunberg - whole class and Howie
Seacole - Emilia and Theo M
Luther King - Eddie and Jacob
Jean King - Emie and Harvey
Pankhurst - Milo M and Brooke
Barnardo - Toby and whole class
Hot Chocolate Friday
Well done to the following who earned the hot chocolate award:
Attenborough - Max
Rashford - Molly
Thunberg - Darii
Seacole - Harry
Luther King - Joe
Jean King - Georgia
Pankhurst -Sam
Barnardo - James
Cloakroom Award
Lunchtime Awards
Thank you to Archie (Y1), Eden (Y1), Eva (Y2) and Laurence (Y5) for helping us all to enjoy our lunchtime in the dinner hall.
Winning Team
Congratulations to Rupert, Alexa and the Purple Typhoons who are our overall winners this term and will enjoy a celebratory picnic next week.
Message from Head Pupils
A big congratulations to Y6 & Y5 for a fantastic week of performances. So many people have said how well everyone sang and acted.
We are looking forward to our final week at Kirk Fenton.
Freddie & Ella
Even though it has been a long half term, it's great to see so many children still being enthusiastic about their maths learning. I have given out more certificates this week than ever before! Our Numbots superstars are Grayson S, Jack B, Louie M, Holly S-W, MAisie A, Alice H, Elin C, Zack S and Emila C. This week's Rockstars are Toby A-T, Sam C, Nate C, Brooke T, Tilly B, James D, Jude L, Tommy J, Erin N, Tom O, Austin B and Hector T. Well done everyone!
Our raffle winners this week were Nate C, James D, Emila C and Zack S. Well done!
Gardening Club
Wow what a wonderful term we've had weeding, planting and the past couple of weeks reaping the rewards of our harvest, even a whole bucketful of potatoes from one of our compost areas! We have thoroughly enjoying working with a small group of Y3 & Y4 children in all weathers. Thank you to Annabella, Isabel, Matthew, Scarlett, Tom and Willow for your hard work and enthusiasm. Don't forget to send us photos of your herbs over the summer so we can see how they are growing!
Thank you to Mrs Lynn's neighbour for supplying the sunflower seedlings which are just beginning to flower.
Can't wait to be back in September to harvest even more delicious vegetables!
Mrs Mc Keating & Mrs Hathaway
Y5/6 Music Performance to Parents
Tuesday 16th July, 2.40pm
Y3/4 Music Performance to Parents
Wednesday 17th July, 2.40pm
Non-uniform Day
Thursday 18th July
Y6 Leavers' Lunch
Thursday 18th July
End of Term Discos
Thursday 18th July: EYFS/KS1 3.15pm-4.30pm; KS2 4.45pm-6pm
Y6 Leavers' Service, St Mary's Church
Friday 19th July, 2pm
Staff Thank You's
If anyone would like to say thank you to or has any positive comments for a member of staff then please complete and submit the form below.
Registered charity no: 1154660
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STAR MAT Vacancies
Please click on the following link for details of our current vacancies: