Cougar Connection
May 3, 2024
5/6-5/10 Staff Appreciation Week
5/6-5/10 3rd-6th ELA CAASPP Testing
5/9 School Site Council - 7:45am
5/9 Cougar Cruise Thursday
5/10 Choir Rehearsal - 7:30-8:30am
5/10 Kinder Spring Sing - 2:00
5/13-5/17 3rd-6th Math CAASPP Testing
5/14 4th Grade Donner Museum field trip 9:15-5:30
5/14 SJUSD Board Meeting
5/16 Cougar Cruise Thursday
5/16 Choir Performance 6:00pm
5/23 Cougar Cruise Thursday
5/23 Open House/6th Grade Travel Fair 5:30-7:00pm
5/24 Choir Rehearsal - 7:30-8:30am
5/24 Minimum Day - Dismissal 12:45pm
5/27 Memorial Day - No School
5/28 SJUSD Board Meeting
5/30 Cougar Cruise Thursday
5/30 TK End-of-Year Celebration 9:30-10:30am
5/31 Choir Rehearsal - 7:30-8:30am
5/31 TK/K Water Day - 1:30 Kinder Playground
5/31 4th Grade Field Trip - Bowling 9:30-11:30
5/31 6th Grade Sunsplash TBD
6/3 Field Day - 9:15am
6/4 6th Grade Promotion Upper Playground - 11:00
6/4 Last Day of School - Dismissal 12:45pm
A note from Mrs. Rowan...
As we get closer to the end of this school year, many of you have started thinking about next year and are beginning to ask questions. Here are a few that have come up so far and my responses to each:
When does school start next year?
The 2024-2025 school year starts on Thursday, August, 15th.
When will I know who my child's teacher will be?
Class placement for your child will be published in Parent Portal in early August - usually just a few days before school starts. Expect a letter from me to be mailed out the first week of August with all the important beginning of the year information and dates you'll need to get started.
Can I request a specific teacher?
Twin Lakes will not be accepting requests for specific teachers for the 24-25 school year. I believe that we truly have a gifted staff of educators here at Twin Lakes, and that though they are unique in the way that they deliver instruction, each of them can offer your child a positive learning experience.
What do I do if I know we will be moving?
Please let our front office staff know as soon as you know what school your child will attend so that we can get records there in time for the start of school.
Is it too late to register my kindergartner?
Not at all. Head over to central enrollment at 3700 Garfield Ave, Carmichael, and they'll be able to get you all set up for next year.
Apply Now - Twin Lakes Camp Invention Summer Program
Twin Lakes will have Camp Invention summer programming from July 29th-August 9th. Camp Invention is a project-based learning program that builds students' confidence, persistence, and creative problem-solving skills through fun, hands on education.
All current Twin Lakes students in grades K-5 are eligible to apply, but space is limited. Students will be enrolled on a first come, first served basis. Please turn applications in to the front office.
Look for an application in your child's backpack today or print from the link below!
CAASPP Testing
Language Arts CAASPP testing will begin next week here at Twin Lakes for all 3rd-6th grade students. Our testing schedule is below. We ask that you try your best to get your child to school on time each day during testing as late students will not be allowed to enter active testing environments and will need to make up test sessions during the afternoon block.
Twin Lakes' Testing Schedule
- 5/6-5/10 3rd-6th grade - Language Arts
- 5/13-5/17 3rd-6th grade - Math
* Our testing window is from 9:00am-11:00am each day