Redoubt Weekly Newsletter
September 6, 2024
Upcoming Happenings
September 10th-Picture day
September 13th-Early release @ 1:45
Early Release Days-1:45pm
Sept. 13
Oct. 18
Nov. 15
Dec. 13
Jan. 17
Feb. 7
March 6
April 11
Parent Pick Up
Our crossing guard at parent pick up asks that when parents are ready to pull away from the sidewalk to please put on your signal light. This will help him know you are ready to pull out and will signal you when it is safe to go.
We also ask that parents please end their cell phone usage during parent pick up. Many parents are looking down at their phones and not pulling ahead to keep the line going.
Dress For The Weather
Please remember to dress your child for the weather. We go outside for morning and lunch recess everyday, even if it's raining. We also ask parents of small children to make sure their child has a change of clothes in their backpack each day. Sometimes puddles are just to hard to resist.
Student Messages/Absences and Early Pick Up
A reminder that all parents must call the office with a change of plans for students or to excuse their child from school. Please, do not Dojo your teacher regarding messages or absences. For safety reasons these messages will not be honored. All information must go through the office. We try very hard to keep everyone safe and going home according to everyone's plans.
Thank you for your understanding. Please remember that all calls after 2:45 go directly to our voicemail, so please leave a message and we will get to it ASAP.
Free and Reduced Lunch Application
Please take the time to fill out the free and reduced lunch application. This will help keep our
Title 1 Pre K, STEAM and all Title 1 positions at our school.
We have students riding bikes to school and that is fantastic. Please remind your child if they ride their bike to school to make sure they park their bike on the bike racks. Lots of bikes are being parked in the fire lane at the primary wing.
Meet Our Staff
Jason Williams
Head Secretary
Cindy Kircher
Attendance Secretary
Emily Manley
Pre K
Tara Oberts
Mrs. Dawson
Mrs. Belger
1st Grade
2nd Grade
Ms. Miller
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
Ms. Landess
3rd Grade
Mrs. Walter
4th Grade
Mrs. Joachim
4/5th Grade
Mrs. Straw
5th Grade
Mr. Stitt
6th Grade
Mrs. Wardas
6th Grade
Mr. Parrish
Multi Grade
Mrs. Fraser
Multi Grade
Mrs. Buckbee
Mr. Franchino
Welcome New Redoubt Staff
Not Pictured:
Mrs. Rogers- STEAM
Ms. Diehl- Title 1 Tutor
Ms. Vinzant-Lang- 1st Grade
Mrs. Boehmler- Part time 5th grade
Mrs. Hobart-Library Aide
Ms. Willingham-Multi Grade K-3
Mrs. Cruickshank-Multi Grade K-6