Distance Education Newsletter
Kapi‘olani Community College | March 1, 2022
Two Years of Learning Online
And now, with COVID numbers dropping, it's time to really think about what our futures hold. Which environment(s) will allow us to maximize our students' learning? And how can we best support and serve our students through the coming transitions and into the future? We know a whole lot more about online education than we did two years ago. What will we, both individually and collectively, do with that knowledge?
---Data to Ponder---
UHCC Modality Survey (A Link Again!)
Last month, we mentioned online courses had the highest fill rates at KCC for Spring 2022, matching the preferences of our student survey takers in Fall 2021, but we didn’t re-share a link to the UHCC modality and class preference survey results data dashboard! Oops. Here it is.
---Celebrating Good Work---
Kapi‘olani CC Wins A(nother) National Award for Online Education!
In the past two years, more teachers and students have experienced the flexibility and unique affordances of learning online; it’s clear that in the future, a major part of the Kapi‘olani CC learning experience will take place online. Thanks to the hard work of the institution’s amazing students, staff, faculty, and administrators, and thanks to the interconnected web of innovations celebrated by this award, Kapi‘olani CC is ready for that future. And we’re pretty excited about it, too.
Learn more about the initiatives celebrated by this award and about previous awards earned by the college.
---Professional Development Opportunities---
Virtual Excellence in Education Day Is Friday, March 4!
UHCC 2022 Excellence in Education Day
Friday, March 4, 2022, 8:30am – 12noon
Register for 2022 EIE Day here: 2022 EIE Day RSVP
This year’s theme, Mālama Kekahi i Kekahi (taking care of our students, each other, and ourselves) reflects the UHCC’s ongoing commitment to student and employee success and wellness. Participants will engage in best practices, innovations, and strategies.
The day will continue with campus-specific afternoon activities. For Kapiʻolani CC, that means a mission-building summit from 1-3 p.m. via Zoom. As Chancellor Pagotto says, "Because it guides all that we do, there is no more important document than our mission statement. I strongly encourage you to join in this important dialogue." Details and a Zoom link in the calendar can be found on the strategic planning website.
TOPP 2022
Our award-winning Teaching Online Prep Program (TOPP) will be facilitated in the spring and summer of 2022 by faculty colleagues who are experienced online teachers:
- TOPP Tech Basics
Sharpen your basic tech skills in Zoom, Google, and Laulima
Apply online by March 4, 2022
- TOPP Course Planning for Active Learning
Design an SLO-aligned active learning space for your students
Apply online by April 18, 2022
- TOPP Building an Online Classroom
Build an engaging online/hybrid class in Laulima enhanced by Web tools
Apply online by April 18, 2022
- TOPP Applying Digital Accessibility
Join accountability groups to learn together and revise your classes for accessibility.
More details coming soon
Please contact kaptopp@hawaii.edu if you have questions.
Let’s Make Our Classes Accessible. Together. (Coming in July)
Changes in Distance Education Regulations ACCJC webinar on Tuesday, March 15th, 2022, 10:00 – 11:00 p.m. (HST)
Two years after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and the global shift to online education (whether we liked it or not) colleges are working to make sense of changes in distance education regulations and "the new normal" when it comes to student support and engagement in the online environment. In this webinar college distance education practitioners will discuss how they have addressed the new distance education regulations at their colleges including concrete steps to communicate those changes and to integrate them into policies and professional development.
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88461546826
Free Webinars!
Currently, Kapi‘olani CC has a subscription with Go2Knowledge, which offers Kap‘olani CC faculty and staff free access to dozens of Innovative Educators webinars, both live and on demand (pre-recorded). Many of them are quite good! Here's a sampling to pique your interest:
Building an Online Community of Learners: Mindset, Content & Strategies
(Wednesday 3/2, 10:00 - 11:00 am HST)
How to Develop, Nurture & Enhance Cultural Competence on Campuses (Tuesday 3/15, 10:00 - 11:00 am HST)
Close The Equity Gap by Teaching Students Metacognitive Learning Strategies (Monday 3/21, 10:00 - 11:00 am HST)
Creating Inclusive Classroom Environments: Addressing Implicit Bias, Microaggressions & Exclusion (Wednesday 3/30, 10:00 - 11:00 am HST)
Reimagining Your Online Classroom: Practical Techniques & Innovative Engagement Strategies (Thursday 3/31, 10:00 - 11:00 am HST)
And many, many more. Sign up at Kapi‘olani CC's G2K account page and browse through the offerings.
---Online Andragogy---
The Magical Unicorn: Tips to Enchant and Enhance Your Online Class
Make Your Class Site More Student-friendly
Upload course syllabus to the LMS and provide a downloadable file.
Upload assignments with clear instructions and due dates.
Enter grades into the LMS when grading is complete.
- Use a consistent mode of communication and mention it in the class.
- Organize course materials into modules according to the content matter.
- Remove unused tabs or pages from the course navigation.
- Organize the course homepage with instructor contact information.
- Utilize clear and consistent naming conventions for all assignments and files.
- Use OER when feasible.
- Leverage the resources and support available from the University.
Online Class Coaching FAQs: Headings
Our DE Class Coaching efforts have been collegial, collaborative, and constructive thanks to our amazing course coaches and coachees. Everyone involved in the process has also been learning so much by asking hard questions and sharing the answers. Every month, we plan to highlight two Q&As from our Peer Coaches FAQ archives as we believe that some of the information will be helpful for anyone teaching online. This month’s questions and answers are:
For a Laulima page, what if I use an image for my heading instead? Am I still mandated to use H1 somewhere before I’m able to use H2, or can I begin using H2 for my headings in other sections?
Option 2: Add “Welcome {{firstname}}!” to create Heading 1 under the banner.
- On a Laulima Lessons page, an accordion section heading is coded as H3. Does that mean that anything under an accordion has to start at heading 4?
---Helpful Tech Tips---
Where Did Adobe Spark Go?
---The Best for Last---
Draw alongside the silence of stone until its calmness can claim you. Be excessively gentle with yourself.
What We Are Reading, Listening to, & Watching Now
What Students Are Teaching the Rest of Us about the New Normal (article, Educause)
Sometimes our students "teach" us and, as the pandemic persists, many higher ed students are modeling healthy ways we all can adjust to the new normal. While some of these insights relate directly to online learning, others are more overt and yet they all impact the way we navigate the challenges both in and outside of the classroom. From our students, we can learn the importance of diligent self-care, openness, and above all-empathy.
Federal Policy Surprises! Updates and a Call to Action (blog, WCET Frontiers)
It’s easy to do (if you know how to do it (blog, Seth Godin)
Melissa Nakamura
Jamie Sickel
Helen Torigoe
Youxin (Yoyo) Zhang
Kristie Malterre
Kara Plamann Wagoner
Kelli Nakamura
Nadine Wolff
‘Iwalani Koide
Kawehi Sellers
Man Beryl Yang
Michelle Dela Cruz
Leigh Dooley
Links to Previous DE Newsletters
- DE Newsletter - February 2022
- DE Newsletter - January 2022
- DE Newsletter - December 2021
- DE Newsletter - November 2021
- DE Newsletter - October 2021
- DE Newsletter - September 2021
- DE Newsletter - August 2021
- DE Newsletter - July 2021
- DE Newsletter - June 2021
- DE Newsletter - May 2021
- DE Newsletter - April 2021