Bi-Weekly Newsletter

Sunday, December 15, 2024
Gentle Reminders
It's that time of year again when it becomes necessary to remind parents about a few items and policies. Please refresh your memories so that we can all work together effectively. Thanks.
- Smart watches, cell phones, or other personal electronic devices are prohibited at school. Quite simply, students don't have the skills in avoiding use during the school day. If your child needs to contact you, he/she is more than welcome to use the phone in our office.
- PJs are only permitted on announced, special days. Students should not be wearing pajamas to school overall. Slippers shouldn't be worn, either.
- If your child's dismissal plans change from routine, please send in a note or write on your student's planner. Don't email the teacher in isolation. If you do use email to communicate, please include the names of our office staff, too, particularly since substitutes don't have teacher access to email accounts. (Jill.Malone@nordoniaschools.org and Sandra.Morrison@nordoniaschools.org).
- The school day starts at 9:00 a.m. and concludes at 3:30 p.m. Try to avoid any additional appointments during these times. Your child tells his/her teacher and other staff members just about everything. Going for haircuts, early starts to the weekend 'just because,' and other miscellaneous 'fun' events really aren't appropriate. Instructional time is at a premium.
Thanks, PTA, for a fantastic Holiday Shop this past week.
NF Staff Wish List
Earlier this fall, parents and PTA members discussed some advantages and disadvantages of our fundraising schedule. The feedback was very helpful. As a result of those conversations, the school was asked to put together an ongoing wish list from our educators. Attached in the link below is the beginning of such a list. The wish list will be updated and shared as a regular feature of the Family Connections newsletter.
Month of January: 7 Mindsets Theme...100% Accountable
- Monday, December 16, Monthly BOE Meeting, 7:00 p.m., NF Cafeteria
- Friday, December 20, Last Regular School Day Prior to Winter Break
- Wednesday, January 1, Happy New Year!
- Monday, January 6, Return from Winter Break
- Thursday, January 9, CAVS Night
- Friday, January 10, No School for Students
- Wednesday, January 15, Monthly PTA Meeting, 6:00 p.m., Annex
- Monday, January 20, MLK Day, No School
- Friday, January 24, Coffee Chat, 9:30 a.m., Pre-Registration Required
- Friday, January 31, Spirit Day
- NF School Twitter/X Account: Due to lack of use from the NF community, the NF Twitter account will be closed on December 31, 2024. Some individual teachers may continue with their classroom accounts, though.
Marc Kaminicki
Marc is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters