Parent Communication
Getting the word out in 2022

Message from Principal Thomas
Hello Van Duyn Families! We are excited to share with you our 1st C.H.A.M.P.S. newsletter. Each month please expect to see this newsletter with important information for our school. We appreciate you all taking the time to read it. Please be sure we have your updated contact information so you are able to receive messages from the school and your child's teacher on talking points. We are looking forward to an amazing year of growth for our students. Thank you for partnering with us in your child's education.
C.H.A.M.P.S.: Courageous Hardworking Accountable Motivated Persistent Safe
Van Duyn is an inclusive learning environment where everyone is respected, empowered, encouraged, and supported to thrive and succeed as responsible global citizens while being held to a standard of excellence in academic achievement and personal character
We are an inclusive community that believes all students can learn.
Did you know that if your child misses 18 days of school or more for the year, he or she is considered chronically absent? Students can fall behind even if they just miss a day or two every few weeks.
If your child will be absent for the day please notify the main office or there teacher.
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
- Doors open at 9:05am.
- At 9:15am Door 2 will close and all students must go through Door 1. All late students who arrive between 9:15am-9:30am will enter Door 1 and be signed in.
- Dismissal starts at 3:35pm.
- Parents picking up children in K-5 may pick up their child outside Door 1. Parents picking up a PreK student may pick up their child at Door 3. (By the Playground).
- We do not dismiss between 3:15pm and 3:35pm. If you need to sign your child out before that, please call the main office and let them know.
Upcoming Events
- Curriculum night - October 10th 5:30pm - 7:30pm:
- Prek,1st, 3rd and 5th grade presentation times 5:40pm & 6:20pm
- K, 2nd and 4th grade presentation times 6:00pm & 6:40pm
- Last day of Van Duyn popcorn fundraiser October 15th
- Book Fair- October 7th -11th.
- Picture Day October 28th and 29th. Specific information will be coming from your child's teacher
- Van Duyn RED Fridays is fading to Van Duyn PINK Fridays for the month of October.
Van Duyn PFO
- PFO meetings once a month
- Next Meeting is on October 21st at 4:30pm
Please enter at door 3 (by the playground)
- All Champ family members are welcome to join PFO.
- PFO is holding a Popcorn fundraiser this month. If you have not received an order form and would like one, please reach out to your child teacher or the main office.
Contact information:
Van Duyn PFO President Monique Hill
Email: vanduynpfo@gmail.com
Phone: 315-435-5406
Before & After school
Van Duyn Elementary Contact Information
Website: https://www.syracusecityschools.com/vanduyn
Location: 401 Loomis Ave Syracuse NY 13207
Phone: (315)435-4660
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vanduynchamps
Principal: Amanda Thomas
Vice Principal: Nicole Heath
Dean of Students: Zakia Richardson
Social Worker: Molly Phelps
Guidance Counselor: Sharon Boatwright
Board of Education Officers
Tamica Barnett-President
Twiggy Billue-Commissioner of Education
Nyatwa Bullock-Commissioner of Education
Karen Cordano-Commissioner of Education
Mary Habib-Commissioner of Education
Gwendolyn Raeford-Commissioner of Education
Ranette Releford-Commissioner of Education
Administrative Staff
Anthony Q. Davis, Superintendent
Pamela Odom, Deputy Superintendent
Britt Britton, Chief Academic Officer
Rob DiFlorio, Chief Operations Officer
Timothy Moon, Chief Accountability Officer
Laura Kelley, ED.D., Chief of Student Support Services
Scott Persampieri, Chief Human Resources Officer
Michael Puntschenko, Chief Financial Officer
Monique Wright-Williams, Chief of Staff
Katie Moulton, Assistant Superintendent