November 2024 News
Central Elementary
November 2024 Calendar
December 2024 Calendar
January 2025 Calendar
WOW, it's almost 2025!!!
Parent/teacher conferences are coming up. They are November 12th, 14th and 15th. If you haven't already signed up for a time to meet with your student's teacher, please use the link below to do so. We can't wait to see everyone!
Your Opinion Matters
Families, we want to hear from you! To better serve the school community, please take a minute to fill out this survey. Thank you for your time!
Central Staff
Attendance Matters
Congratulations to Ms. Warren's class on earning September's Wonderful Attendance Award. They had the best attendance in the whole school so they earned a pizza party and got to keep the stuffed panther in their classroom for the month. They decided to dress the panther up for Halloween so it's ready to party!
We have a wonderful new librarian!
Hello, my name is Liz Castleberry and I am thrilled to be your child's new District Librarian! I am looking forward to helping them become a critical thinker and enthusiastic reader. Central students currently visit the library on Tuesdays and Thursdays, during which time they partake in story time and then have time to browse for new books. Please encourage your child to enjoy and take care of our library materials and return them for more. Also, please enjoy library books WITH your children!
Mr. Dave turns 50!!
Mr. Dave is our wonderful volunteer who always has a smile and positive words for everyone he sees. He is turning the big 5-0 on Wednesday, November 6th, so show him some love and appreciation for all he does for our students, families, and staff.
Upcoming EFA Field Trips
We have a couple EFA field trips coming up. Sadly we are not allowed to take parent chaperones on these field trips with us. Here are the specifics on when the classrooms will be leaving and returning to school those days.
Tuesday, November 5th:
Whole school trip to Miller Auditorium for Hangin’ With The Giants
Young 5s, Kindergarten, and 3rd grade
Leave Central at: 9:15
Return to Central at 11:30ish
Lunch at normal time
Performance starts at 10:00
1st and 2nd grade
Leave Central at: 11:45
Return to Central at: 2:00ish
Lunch at 11:20, everyone. Use classrooms if needed. Play when we get back.
Performance starts at 12:30
Wednesday, November 6th:
Whole school trip to Miller Auditorium for Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus
Whole school leaves at 9:15 for a 10:00 performance
Should be back around 11:30
Normal lunch times
Square 1 Art Fundraiser
Look for your Square 1 Art Fundraiser paper coming home with your child soon! This is an opportunity for you to order items with your child's artwork printed on it. It would make great holiday gifts! All proceeds go directly to the art room to help buy things like clay, glazes and other needed supplies! All orders are online and the directions for ordering are on the form. If you have any questions - please email Mrs. Campbell at hcampbell@parchmentschools.org.
Hungry Howies Fundraiser
Our first Hungry Howie's fundraiser was a big success, we earned $302.30! Thank you to everyone who ordered pizza especially those in Mrs. Riekena's class,. Their class had the most orders and was the winner of the pizza party.
Our next Hungry Howie's fundraiser day is Monday, November 18th.
Candy Donations
We will gladly take whatever candy you don't want from Halloween. We use it for rewards in the office and classrooms.