Taking Stock: June, 2024

June 2024
Ms McIntosh's Update
And we're back. Summer 2 has started with a bang, with lots of events happening around the school. It's a very busy time, so please check school communications, the school website and the calendar regularly.
We were at Brockwell Park for KS2 Sports Day on Tuesday. What an event! The children sprinted, hurdled, chest passed, javelined and speed bounced their way through the afternoon.
Yesterday morning, the Pre-School children took part in their Sports Day as well. They completed an obstacle race, the egg and spoon race, ball scooping and a relay. They did absolutely brilliantly and were cheered on by the pre-school team, the Children's Centre team, parents and carers.
Thank you to the Pre-School team for all of their hard work in getting this organised for the children.
Last week, we hosted our third annual BJS Federation Transition Social event for our Year 6s. This is a chance for the children to get to know each other, to find out about others that they will meet at secondary and think about how to transition to secondary school successfully.
Pupils and staff from Bonneville, Jessop and Stockwell all came together to think about the secondary school experience. They carried out ice-breaker games, worked in groups to consider how to have a 'Sensational Secondary Experience, and played outdoor games together.
It was lovely to see the children starting to get to know each other and making the most of this opportunity.
On Friday, we held our final Enterprise Marketplace of the year. There was an array of dreamcatchers, pasta jewellery, bag juice, loom band jewellery, hand made toys and more on offer. Nursery sold out of their products and had to turn people away.
Despite the weather's best efforts, the event was well-attended. These events teach the children about the value of money and how to be entrepreneurial - both great skills to have.
In the Spring term, Year 4 generated the highest income, raising over £200. This time, Year 3 were the most profitable, raising £134. Well done everyone!
Thanks to everyone that came along and supported the children.
Mr Hirsch and Mr Coker took a team of children to take part in the Platform Cricket festival. Teams from across the borough took part. This gave them the chance to develop their skills and put them to use in a competitive arena.
Three of the children were chosen as the players of the day.
Well done everyone.
We were lucky enough to receive a free performance of Windrush Child by John Agard , which was delivered by Southwark Playhouse. The play is an adaptation of the poem, which explores themes of migration and family bonds, using music and humour. The play is aimed at KS1, and our Year 1 and children thoroughly enjoyed it. We also snuck Year 5 into the show, as they are currently learning about The Windrush Generation. The show was a great success and the adults and children alike thoroughly enjoyed it. Huge thanks to Southwark Playhouse for this wonderful opportunity.
At the end of the first week of term, we held our annual Portuguese Celebration. The children shared songs and dances, talked about their heritage and the history of Portugal as well as telling the audience about the great food, landmarks and famous famous of Portugal. Children from Nursery to Year 6 took part in the assembly, which was coordinated by school staff.
Tomorrow is the last day to visit the Scholastic Book Fair. It features an exciting array of new titles from your favorite authors. Even better, all books are available with a special "buy 2, get 1 free" offer*. But hurry—the book fair will only be here from June 17th to June 20th! We eagerly await the arrival of our super Stockwell readers.
*Cheapest book free
Don't forget to drop off your old, unwanted clothes. The donations will go to new homes that need them and we will raise money for the school.
Fill up a bag and pop it in.
Have a look at the poster below for more information.
The clothes bank is located outside the Main Hall.
EYFS and KS1 Awesome Animals Writing Competition
Get your child writing about animals in any style!
Awesome Animals is a super-fun and easy-to-adapt writing activity suitable for all . Your child will love writing about animals and the chance to see their work published in a book will add some real excitement!
Your child could write poems:
- acrostic
- sense poem
- riddle
- kennings
- haiku
- free verse
Or have a go at fictional or factual writing:
- story
- recount
- diary
- description
- fact file
Please make sure that your child's entry is 250 words or less. (Handwriting is not being judged, so you can ask your child to tell you what they want to write and you can write for them.
Visit The Awesome Animals Website for more information.
Entries must be returned to Ms Thomas (Y3) by 20th July if your child would like to be entered into the national competition.
Monthly Value
Thank you. That's very thoughtful of you.
It was a very kind and thoughtful gesture.
Synonyms: considerate, kind, caring, kindly More Synonyms of thoughtful,
...the bouquet of flowers he had thoughtfully purchased for the celebrations.
I can't tell you how much I appreciate your thoughtfulness. .Subject Spotlight
Computing at Stockwell Primary School provides students with a strong
foundation in digital literacy, coding, and computational thinking. Our curriculum is designed
to equip pupils with the necessary skills to navigate and contribute to the digital world
Key Stages and Curriculum Structure
Key Stage 1 (Year 1 and 2)
- Basic Digital Literacy: Students learn essential computer skills and how to use technology safely.
- Simple Algorithms: Pupils begin to understand and create simple programs.
- Logical Reasoning: Students use logical reasoning to predict how programs will behave.
- Safe and Responsible Use: Emphasis on e-safety and protecting personal information.
Key Stage 2 (Years 3-6)
- Advanced Digital Literacy: Students create and manage digital content using various
- software tools.
- Programming and Algorithms: Pupils design, write, and debug more complex programs, incorporating sequences, selection, repetition, and variables.
- Understanding Computer Networks: Students learn about basic network concepts, including the internet and web services.
- Problem Solving and Computational Thinking: Developing problem-solving skills and understanding algorithms.
- E-Safety: Continuing to reinforce knowledge of e-safety and responsible online behaviour.
Teaching Methods
- Interactive Learning: Lessons include interactive activities, such as coding exercises with visual programming languages like Scratch, and unplugged activities that teach computational thinking without computers.
- Cross-Curricular Links: Computing is integrated into other subjects, allowing
- technology to support learning across the curriculum. For example, using spreadsheets in Maths or creating presentations for topic projects.
- Practical Application: Students are encouraged to apply their learning to real-world
- problems and projects, fostering creativity and critical thinking.
- Resources and Tools
- Educational Software: Programs like Scratch, Purple Mash, and other age-appropriate coding platforms.
- Hardware: Utilisation of tablets, laptops, desktops, and interactive whiteboards.
- Online Resources: A variety of online resources, including coding tutorials and interactive games, support the computing curriculum.
Formative Assessment: Ongoing assessment through observation, classwork, and discussions to monitor student progress.
Computing at Stockwell Primary School aims to equip students with the skills and knowledge
needed to thrive in an increasingly digital world.
Top questions to ask your child this month
What Computing vocabulary is your child learning?
Early Years- Los animales (learning animal names)
Year 1- Pictogram, Data, Information, Research, Gathering, Interpreting
Year 2- European, enforcement, Questionnaire, Traffic, Collect, plotted
Year 3- touch typing, posture, typing, keys, multimedia keys
Year 4- html, link, LAN, Network, Network topology, cited
Year 5- form, field, store, gdpr, cloud services, data logger
Year 6- licence, presentation, "Web services", Wi-fi, ethernet, server, footage
Please reinforce the learning by asking your child/ren what their new vocabulary means.
Dates for Your Diaries
An election for a Parent Governor is taking place across the BJS Federation of Schools.
Parent governors are very important in the life of the Federation and it is hoped that you will vote
and also consider being a candidate.
All parents at the schools are eligible to stand as candidates and vote in the election, each parent will have one vote. All candidates will have to write a summary profile and include a picture of themselves. These will be emailed out for parents to review.
If you want to nominate yourself, please review the desirable skills person specification on the
Federation website, and follow the instructions to submit your nomination by 3pm on Friday, 21st
June 2024 to Rebekah Lessey (PA to Executive Headteacher) via pa@bjsfederationofschools.co.uk
If you would like to nominate another parent, please check with them first to make sure they are
willing to stand.
Profiles will be shared on Monday 24th June for you all to read.
A digital vote will take place from 9am on Monday 24th June – Wednesday 26th June at 5pm.
The new parent governor will be announced on Tuesday 2nd July 2024
Caribbean Celebration
Own Clothes Day and Caribbean Celebration - come and join in the fun!
Get Rid of To Donate
Bring your good quality unwanted items to donate!
- 18th - KS2 Sports Day
- 19th - Pre-School Sports Day
- 19th - 3T Class Assembly
- 20th - EYFS Sports Day
- 20th - 3T Class Assembly
- 20th - BLC Spelling Bee (Year 5)
- 21st - Caribbean Celebration Event/ Year 5 Carnival
- 25th - KS1 Sports Day
- 25th - Year 5 Trip to Black Cultural Archive
- 26th - 1S Class Assembly
- 26th - Year 4 Cinema Trip
- 27th - 1T Class Assembly
- 27th - LMX Music Festival
- 28th - Year 6 trip to Go Ape
- 2nd - Year 3 Create Day Performance to Parents
- 2nd - KS2 Science Workshop
- 3rd - Year 1 trip to Brighton
- 3rd - 2G Class Assembly
- 4th - 2B Class Assembly
- 9th - The Big One Concert
- 10th - Year 4 Imagine a Story trip
- 10th - RA Class Assembly
- 11th - RB Class Assembly
- 12th - Art and DT Exhibition
- 12th - Year 2 River Cruise trip
- 15th - Federation Art Event
- 16th - Bike The Borough
- 17th - Year 6 Performance
- 19th - Reports home
- 22nd - Summer Fair
- 22nd - Topic Dress Up Day
- 22nd - Year 6 Dance
- 23rd - Leavers' Assembly
- 23rd - Pre-School Graduation
- 24th - Term Ends - 1:30pm
Parent and Carer Support
Friends of Stockwell PTA
We have an active PTA, called Friends of Stockwell, who do a brilliant job of fundraising for the school and bringing the community together. Last year, every child was given a £5 donation to reduce the cost of trips; the PTA contributed to class Christmas presents; they also raised money for vulnerable families at Christmas.
It is great to see new faces getting involved. Every parent is a Friend of Stockwell. I ask that everyone gets involved. If you can spare an hour per term (that's three hours per year), your contribution would make a huge difference.
Please email friendsofstockwell@gmail.com to get involved.
Call to Action
Can you help out around the school? Are you a keen gardener? Do you have skills or knowledge that the children would benefit from? Visit our Call to Action page to let us know how you can help.
Have you read the BJS Federation Newsletter? You can find it below.
This issue is all about Sensory Processing Difficulties.
Check it out.
We are revisiting some of the signs we have already learnt, so that we can secure our learning. Do you remember these signs? Can you use them in a sentence?
Central to raising standards in all schools and ensuring all pupils can fulfil their potential is the need for children to attend school regularly to benefit from their education.
There is a strong link between good learning, high achievement, rapid progress and developing good social skills with excellent attendance.
We want to take this opportunity to outline our expectations for school attendance this academic year.
If your child arrives at school from 9.02am they will be marked as LATE, if they arrive after 9.30am, they will be classed as “late after the register is closed” and their attendance is classed as absent for the morning session. As the registers would have already been returned to the Department for Education.
Regular poor punctuality can also have a negative effect on your child’s attendance as well as their academic learning. Being 6 minutes late each day equals 30 minutes of missed learning every week.
If your child’s attendance drops below 90%, we will need to share our concerns with the Local Authority Education Welfare Officer at Lambeth Council.
Attendance Winners
Our overall attendance last week was 95%. Let's see if we can maintain or improve on this as we approach the end of the school year.
EYFS Attendance Winners
RB - 94%
KS1 Attendance Winners
1S - 99%
LKS2 Attendance Winners
4H - 99%
UKS2 Attendance Winners
6K - 99%
School Uniform
School uniform should be worn throughout the school day. While we do not enforce that all school uniform should be branded, children should be wearing the correct colours (white t-shirt tops, navy trousers/ skirts/ pinafore dresses, sensible black shoes). Football boots/ coloured trainers are not school uniform and should not be worn.
Children should be changing into their PE kits for PE lessons (blue or black tracksuit bottoms, plain white t-shirt, trainers). We have made arrangements for girls and boys to be able to change separately, so the expectation is that all children change for PE.
While our supplier of school uniform is WearAbouts, we do have some items available for sale from the school office. Please check with us to see if we have what you need in stock.
Reporting a Concern
If you have a concern, please see your child's class teacher in the first instance. If they are unable to resolve the problem, please speak to your child's phase leader.
If they are unable to help, please see one of the school's Assistant Headteachers.
If you are still dissatisfied, please see the Acting Head of School.
Phase Leaders
Ms Mansell
Pre-School, Nursery and Reception
Mr Serra
Years 1 and 2
Mrs Fraga
Years 3 and 4
Ms Kelleher
Years 5 and 6
Assistant Headteachers
Mrs Fraga
Ms Mansell
Acting Head of School
Ms McIntosh
We let space around the school.
You can hire the school hall, and grounds, on a regular basis or as a one off.
Need a space for a party?
Looking for a pitch for your team?
Contact the school office on:
to make an enquiry.
Our Learning Updates
What are Pre-School, Nursery and Reception learning about? Find out below.
Years 1 and 2 are incredibly busy with their learning. Find out more on our website.
Are you keen to find out more about the learning in Years 3 and 4? If so, have a look by clicking the button below.
Please check our website, to find out what the children in Years 5 and 6 are learning about.
What's on at the Children's Centre?
Community Events
Inspire event - Third Black Communities Health and Wellbeing Day.
Life gets busy, and it's easy to lose track of our health goals among the day to day hustle. It's important to keep an eye on things like blood pressure, diabetes, mental well-being, staying active, and any other health concerns you might have.
That's why we're excited to announce the return of ‘inspire’ our third Black Communities Health and Wellbeing Day! Join us for a day dedicated to YOUR health, with support from health professionals available. Whether you've attended before or it's your first time, expect a warm welcome and a lot of information to support improving your health journey.
Expect activities designed to connect the Black community and promote health. From FREE food and uplifting music to engaging with your local NHS teams, there's something for everyone. Get advice on everything from maintaining good health to managing conditions like diabetes, alongside tips for healthy eating and spotting early signs of cancer.
But that's not all! Fun activities throughout the day, include, arts & crafts and fitness classes. And don't forget to check out the Lambeth Health and Wellbeing Bus parked just outside!
Let's come together to prioritise our health and well-being—it's time to thrive!
Date: Saturday 6 July 2024
Time: 11am to 4pm
Location: St Mark's Church Kennington, SE11 4PW (opposite Oval tube station)
Entry: FREE
Book or simply show up
Have questions? Reach out to us at PublicHealth@lambeth.gov.uk