December PreK-4 Newsletter
December 2, 2024
It's December!
Our students are truly making this the best year ever! Every day, they come to school with big smiles, ready to learn, explore, and grow. Whether it's working together in class, showing kindness to their classmates, or tackling new challenges with enthusiasm, they are creating a positive and exciting atmosphere all around. Our staff celebrates their success by recognizing students with Dojo points, Positive Office Referrals, and fun events like Turkey BINGO. We couldn't be more proud of how our students are making this year so special! Keep up the great work!
December Events
December Holiday Dress Days
Each day in December is a dress up day. Your child can participate in any or all of the days. Click on the image to see what each day has in store!
ECFE Open House- December 3
Come to the Windom ECFE Open House December 3 from 5-7 PM at Bridges Preschool/Highland Early Learning Center. There will be a gingerbread theme, many FREE activities, and a guest reader.
Windom Elementary PTO Information Session December 5
Windom Elementary PTO will have an informational meeting on December 5 from 5:30-6:30 in the Windom Area Elementary Commons. Come learn about what the PTO is, what it does for our kids, and how you can be a part of it.
Family Engagement Night December 10
Windom Area Elementary will host Family Engagement Night on December 10 from 5:45-7:00. There will be a FREE meal, some light information about helping children to be successful readers, time to read with your children by "firelight", and FREE books thanks to Windom Elementary PTO. Sign up by clicking on the image!
Elementary Holiday Concert December 17
Windom Area Elementary will host our annual Elementary Holiday Concert on Dec. 17. Kindergarten and first grade will sing from 6-7PM and grades two and three will sing from 7-8PM. Both Concerts will be held at Windom Area Middle High School in the Gold Gym. Look for more information on SeeSaw and in your child's take home folder.
Winter Break Dec. 23-Jan. 1
Policies, Updates, and Reminders
In an effort to best serve our students in a safe, productive, and positive environment, there have been a few small updates to our Elementary Student Handbook. Please review the handbook and remind your child of any important information.
Cold Weather Recess Dress Policy
As the weather gets colder, we want our students to stay warm and healthy. If the "feels like" temperature is above zero, and it isn't actively raining, kids will go outside. When there is snow on the ground, students will need appropriate snow gear including snow pants, boots, hats, and gloves to play anywhere there is snow. If you need help getting these item, please contact Melissa Pletcher or Cassie Muskie at the elementary school. or
Snow Days
Snow days are likely in Minnesota. In the event of a snow day, please listen to or read the announcement to see if it an E-learning day. In the event of an E-Learning day, your child has work to complete for each teacher they see. These days are counted as student contact days, so work completion counts as attendance on E-Learning days. Thank you for supporting your child's education.
December Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Breakfast and lunch menus can be found on the Windom Schools Website. Go to Family->Food Service->Printable Menu. Here is the page to get you started.
Health Office
Health Office
Our Windom Nursing Department consists of District Nurse Jessica Matt & Elementary Nurse Jacki Larson. Both Nurse Jessica & Nurse Jacki care deeply for the well being of students and they have put together a great resource website for your use. You can click on the image to view the site.
Attendance Email
Windom Elementary has a new attendance email. is a place where you can send a note if your child will be absent, late, or needs to leave early. You can also continue to call in to 507-831-6925 Ext 443 or 441 (Ext 311 for Spanish)