Norte Vista High School
2024 WASC Overview
WASC Action Plan Goal #1: All students will reach high standards, at a minimum, attaining proficiency in ELA, Math, History, and Science.
- Positive gains in ELA. Math, Science CAASPP
- New curriculum for Math, Science, and Foreign language
- Sitewide AVID/WICOR focus
- WICOR training for all teachers
- WICOR department posters
- WICOR evidence in classrooms
- AVID training for all teachers and strategy implementation across campus
- PBIS awards for students achieving and improving in academics
- Posted learning targets, daily agendas in all classrooms
- Side-wide professional learning on reading and writing for all content areas
- Writing plans created and implemented by every department
- Addition of new IB courses (IB Chemistry, IB Math Analysis)
- Site-wide focus on student interaction and active supervision
- NVHS Learning Walks
- NVHS Big 2
- Increase in College and Career readiness (A-G)
- Tuesday Literacy Opportunity
- NVHS Ten things that require no additional talent
- NVHS Portrait of a graduate
- NVHS Writing Expectations
WASC Action Plan Goal #2: For the school community to be engaged in a continuous improvement cycle, the school leadership and the teachers develop and implement a long-range action plan based on WASC criteria.
- Effective PLC communities
- Common Formative Assessments in all departments
- Ongoing professional development for all teachers with a focus on ELD
- Data-driven decisions
- Department collaboration days
WASC Action Plan Goal #3: In their departments and PLCs, teachers develop common assessments that will identify student progress toward mastery of learning objectives, which will become a significant component of the school's continuous improvement cycle.
- Common Formative assessments in all departments
- PLC meetings focused on CFA data analysis and progress towards WASC goals
- Posted learning targets in all classrooms
- Teachers and staff engaged in a continuous cycle of improvement
WASC Action Plan Goal 4: School administration, the counseling team, the English Learner Facilitators and teachers ensure that all English Learners receive English Language Development Instruction targeted to their English proficiency level and appropriate academic instruction to reclassify in the shortest amount of time possible.
- Professional Learning for all teachers about best practices for English Learners
- Significant gains for English learners in CAASPP ELA scores
- ELPAC student chats
- Teacher training on ELLevation
- ELPAC familiarity for all teachers
- ELD standards professional development for NVHS teachers
- Professional development on EL Reclassification for all teachers
- Integrated and designated ELD instruction
- Professional learning about NVHS data and subgroups
- Data snapshots and professional learning for NVHS teachers
- Reclassification ceremony for families and students
- Saturday Academy EL Leadership Academy/Breakfast club
- Increasing Access and Equity to higher level classes through scaffolding instruction for Newcomers/EL Snapshots.
- NVHS Learning Walks
WASC Action Plan Goal 5: School administration should improve upon their parental involvement and engagement activities to include parent workshops and activities with the school principal regularly.
- Creation of Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
- Coffee with administration
- Parent-Engagement workshops
- Monthly Academic Newsletter
- Parent "Passports"
- School Site Council
⭐Norte Vista High School Highlights "What's Good."
Jennifer Casillas
Jennifer is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters