The River Hawk
Rio Norte News - May 10, 2024
A Note From the Principal
Hello River Hawk Families,
Our staff felt all the love and appreciation this week thanks to you and your kids! We appreciate all the parents who donated items and/or their time to give us an amazing teacher & staff appreciation week! Thank you for the cards, notes, flowers, and goodies - we are blessed to work with your children and have your support! A huge shoutout to PTSA and Vergine Vartanian, who organized all the donations and set-up special goodies each day for our staff to enjoy.
On Thursday our Track and Field Team absolutely ROCKED at COC and brought home 2nd Place at the All Junior High District Track Meet. They were in high spirits, upbeat, and used their positive mind set and it paid off! We are so proud of all of our athletes! Thank you to the parents who donated items or their time to help with this event as well. Special CONGRATS to our 7th Grade Girls Mile Relay Team (pictured above) who won FIRST PLACE! Next week we will have a full report of results with more pictures to enjoy from the event!
Our Drama Hawks put on a splendid production of Clue - On Stage this past Thursday and Friday night. It was wonderful to see so many staff members, families, and friends out supporting our students, under the direction of Mr. Owston! It was a wonderful evening and they were FANTASTIC! Next week I'll have a display of photos I took last night.
Be sure to see the important dates as it's a busy week ahead! Tickets go on sale Monday for the 8th Grade Block Party. Be sure if your 8th grader is going to Universal on Thursday evening, that they are showing you the information in google classroom (more info below).
In this issue learn more about:
- Important Dates
- 8th Grade Block Party Tickets go on sale this week
- VHS Sports Medical Clearance for 8th graders headed to sports summer camp
- Food Service Newsletter
- Teen Mental Health Resources from the Dept. of Public Health (DPH)
Repeat of:
- Textbook Collection is coming soon
- Summer School Options
- 8th Grade Universal Trip Information
- From the Hart May Newsletter
- May Menus from Food Service
Have a wonderful weekend,
Mrs. Bennett
PTSA - Our Teachers and Staff Set the Bar High
Important Dates
May 14th:
- Rio Norte Choir Concert, Rio MPR at 7 p.m.
May 15th:
- NJHS Mandatory rehearsal, after school 1:30-2:30 p.m.
- NJHS Ceremony in the Gym at 5:30 p.m. by invite (went out 4/26)
May 16th:
- 8th grade Universal Studios Trip - leaving school at 3 p.m., must be present at school day of trip, must already have purchased ticket to attend
May 17th:
- Rio Band Concert - all bands & guitar, MPR at 7 p.m.
May 28th:
- Yearbook Distribution Day
- 8th Grade Block Party (Dance) - 5 to 7 p.m.
May 30th:
- Minimum Day - Last STUDENT day - dismissal 12:05 p.m.
- 8th Grade Good-bye bash (2nd block after brunch)
CLICK HERE for a printable copy of the calendar pictured.
Eighth grade block party (dance) tickets go on sale starting this Monday, May 13th. Tickets will be $20 from the 13th through the 17th and then go up to $25 after that. If your student has a groove pack, it is extremely important that they RSVP at the ASB window. If they do not RSVP at the window, they will not have a ticket. Groove Pack RSVPs need to be done by May 17Th. We need these numbers in order to prepare for food and ticket sales. We expect this dance to sell out, so get your tickets as soon as possible. Thank you!
8th Graders - VHS Medical Clearance for Summer Sports Camps - links in PDF below
Food Service May Newsletter
Textbook Collection Coming Up!
This is a reminder that our students have textbooks and/or books checked out from our Rio Norte JHS Library. Our collection dates for ALL materials due back to the library are during the week of May 20th – May 24th.
With some exceptions, here are the textbooks your student should have checked out at home:
8th grade:
English – Collections 8
History – American Stories
Only Spanish I students: Spanish – Descubre 1
7th grade:
English – Collections 7
History – World History
Science – Life Science
Only Accelerated Math 7 students: Math Accelerated
*See the pictures below to see what the book covers look like.
It is important we receive these titles back at the end of the school year. Failure to return student’s materials during this time can result in loss of privileges at the end of the school year which include attending end of the year activities or events (yes, for 8th graders, too), not receiving the student’s yearbook on time, and this can even impact registering for high school.
For a full list of the titles checked out to your student, along with replacement costs if needed, please visit: bit.ly/destinyRN. Students can log in using their student Google email account to see what titles are outstanding on their account.
If you have any questions, please contact our Teacher Librarian at bgonsalves@hartdistrict.org. Thank you!
English 8
History 8
Summer School Opportunities!
Summer School opportunity for current 8th graders. The William S. Hart School District is offering an online Health class to allow students to complete the Health requirement before starting high school. This is a terrific opportunity to get ahead and complete a required course. If you are interested, please fill out this form: Summer School Interest Form for Current 8th Graders
Summer School Opportunity for current 7th graders. The William S. Hart School District is offering summer school for current 7th graders that either need to make up some junior high credits or wish to review some key concepts before their 8th grade year. This is called The Summer Impact Program. It will begin July 1 through July 30 (no school on July 4th or 5th). If you are interested, please fill out the form below.
8th Grade Universal Studios Grad Bash - Important Info.
***Make sure students attending this trip charge their phone and keep it off during the school day (as they're supposed to anyway), to conserve battery for the trip. Students will be reminded to text their parents when the buses are leaving Universal.
Please be sure if you purchased a ticket for this event that your student has joined the Universal Google Classroom. They must join through their hartdistrict google classroom account to be accepted. Students can see their advisory teacher or go to the office for help with this, if needed. Information will be constantly added as we get closer to the trip date, May 16th. Have your student regularly show you the information in this google classroom, which includes detailed information on Universal Studio's rules and policies. Remember, students must be present at school on May 16th to attend. Buses are expected to depart the school at approximately 3 p.m.
Thomas Flores, 8th grade Assistant Principal
Shonna August, 7th grade Assistant Principal
ATTENDANCE Needs: Email lmcdaniel@hartdistrict.org
Email: bjbennett@hartdistrict.org
Website: https://www.rionortejuniorhigh.org/
Location: 28771 Rio Norte Dr, Valencia, CA, USA
Phone: 661-295-3700
Nondiscrimination Statement / Declaración de no discriminación
The William S. Hart Union High School District prohibits discrimination, intimidation, harassment (including sexual harassment), or bullying based on a person’s actual or perceived race, color, ethnicity, national origin, immigration status, ancestry, religion, age, marital status, pregnancy, parental status, physical or mental disability, medical condition, military or veteran status, political affiliation, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, sexual orientation, or association with a person or a group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. For questions or complaints, contact Equity Compliance Officer and Section 504 Coordinator Erum Velek, and Title II / Title IX Coordinator, Mark Crawford. Both can be reached at the William S. Hart Union High School District, 21380 Centre Pointe Pkwy, Santa Clarita, CA 91350, (661) 259-0033, or by email: UCP@hartdistrict.org.
El Distrito de Escuelas Secundarias William S. Hart Union prohíbe la discriminación, la intimidación, acoso (incluido el acoso sexual) o intimidación basada en la realidad o percepción de una persona raza, color, etnia, origen nacional, estado migratorio, ascendencia, religión, edad, l estado civil, embarazo, estado parental, discapacidad física o mental, condición médica, estado militar o veterano, afiliación política, sexo, género, identidad de género, expresión de género, información genética, orientación sexual, o asociación con una persona o un grupo con uno o más de estos características percibidas. Para preguntas o quejas, comuníquese con el Oficial de Cumplimiento de Equidad y el coordinador de la Sección 504, Erum Velek, y el coordinador del Título II / Título IX, Mark Crawford. Ambos pueden ser contactado en William S. Hart Union High School District, 21380 Centre Pointe Pkwy, Santa Clarita, CA 91350, (661) 259-0033,
o por correo electrónico: UCP@hartdistrict.org.