The Buzz
Summer Term - 25th May 2023

Message From The Executive Headteacher
As we approach the half term holiday, we say goodbye to Mrs Safia Ashak who is leaving HISN with today being her last day in school. Safia has been a member of staff here for 10 years and has worked across the school as a higher level teaching assistant and as a class teacher. She has been an integral part of the school taking the lead most recently on the computing curriculum within the school. We wish her every success in her new role outside of education.
Thank you to the year 2 families who have accepted the year 3 place at HJS, you will receive further information regarding the transition process for the children and a link to the welcome pack will be sent out on the 12th of June which will need your attention.
A reminder that the school admin office closes at 4pm each day and there is no access to the school site after 4.30pm. The school can be contacted via email after that time.
Helen Lockey
Executive Headteacher
With half term round the corner it is a good time to remind ourselves that safeguarding children is everyone's responsibility.
If you have a concern about the welfare of a child please don’t keep it to yourself and assume somebody else will report it.
If in doubt call Single Point of Access 0208 547 5008 or out of hours 0208 744 2442.
The class with the best attendance last week was RK with 99%
The class with the least number of lates last week was RK
Last week certificates were given out to children who focussed on the HPP principle of ASPIRATION
RDC Lewis
RF Reggie
RC Lucy
RK Everleigh
1B Annabel
1C Jasmine
1H Aurora
1K Ryan
2A Olivia T
2D Oliva
2J Juvan
2T Lily
We have come to the end of our traditional tales topic and have been amazed at the children's fantastic storytelling skills, use of new vocabulary and incredible imagination. The Nursery team is so proud of all of the children's hard work and commitment to their learning this half term. As another week has flown by we have loved junk modelling, cutting and sticking and hunting for bugs in the sunshine.
After a few weeks of observing our caterpillars move through the stages of their life cycle we are still patiently waiting for them to transform into butterflies. We are hopeful this will happen before we finish for the holidays so that we can release the butterflies together.
We hope you have a wonderful half term break and look forward to hearing the children's holiday news when we return in June.
Change to Nursery drop off and collection
Due to some concerns around children's safety and behaviour, after half term we have decided to reverse the flow for entry and exit to the Nursery as a trial for the final half term. Children and parents will enter via the single gate and exit via the double gate. A member of staff will open the single gate when it is time to come into the Nursery.
Thank you for your support and cooperation with this.
We have some exciting new additions to our classrooms, with our butterflies hatching out of their cocoons! It was amazing to see the butterflies wiggle their bodies and open up their wings for the first time. We noticed lots of bright orange colours and intricate patterns on their wings and they loved eating pineapples too.
We were so inspired by the wing patterns on our butterflies, we used them in maths to explore doubling. We drew a butterfly outline and painted spots onto one side, talking about how many we could see. We then folded the butterfly over in the hopes that the paint would mirror the same number of spots onto the other wings creating a double number fact. To explore our knowledge further, we practised recalling double facts by rolling two dice to see if they matched - we found lots of matching pairs.
In forest school this week, we popped our music hats on and pretended we were musicians playing in a band. We made our own musical instruments using our junk modelling resources; we created guitars using elastic bands for strings, and rain shakers with pasta and rice to make the rain sound. We explored all the different ways we could make a sound with our musical instruments and used them to play and sing along to 'I am the Music Man'. It was so much fun and what an amazing end to this half term!
In PE, we have been transferring our ball skills into small modified games with defenders and attackers. We have also been continuing to develop our overarm and underarm throwing skills, knowing when to use each type of throw.
In Computing, the children have been experimenting with different writing tools in a word document. Specifically, we have developed our knowledge on using bold, italic and underline. We transferred this knowledge to update our ‘Missing Ted’ poster.
In Design and Technology, the children have been enjoyed starting their new textiles topic. The children have had the opportunity to design their animal puppet after choosing their puppet colour. Children have then moved on to sewing together their puppet and adding different coloured fabric using templates where needed to try and make their puppet as similar to their design as possible.
In English, we have been finishing off our setting description for a Kenyan village. The children have enjoyed using the sense of see, feel and hear to help them with their writing. The children have created some excellent pieces of writing. The children have also spent some time recapping their learning on non-fiction texts and enjoyed completing some learning on bees.
We have continued looking at the concept of fractions in Maths this week. We have been finding and making quarters of various objects and shapes, as well as using our knowledge of splitting a whole into four equal parts to find a quarter of a quantity.
Year 2
Maths: We have explored a different way of problem solving, through telling stories. The children listened to a story of a pirate on an adventure to find treasure. We followed along to work out how much money he had at different times. From losing money to finding shiny pennies, the children enjoyed this exciting maths.
Science: Within our topics 'living things and their habitats', we have been thinking about where different animals live and how they may be adapted to live in that environment. From a camel living in the hot desert to how a penguin survives in the Arctic, all animals have adaptations to help them survive.
Art: We have been exploring different rangoli patterns and how anokhi is used to decorate fabrics and tiles in Asia. The children have drawn a range of rangoli, focusing on making them symmetrical. We used those patterns to carve tiles which we will use for ink printing after half term.
Year 2 Explorer Day
Year 2's explorer day was a great success! The children all looked amazing in their costumes made with recycled materials and they all looked the part.
We started off the day with exploring some different vehicles, learning about how they move by looking at the axle and the wheels. We discussed how they are attached by a chassis to the main body of the car. After that, we discussed what we will need to include in our body. The purpose of creating the vehicle was to transport an injured tiger and so the children decided that we would definitely need a cage. We also discussed how you would need to include a spare wheel, a bumper, headlights, radio equipment as well as making it camouflage. We designed our jeep and started to make our vehicle using tools such as dowels, sawing blocks and a saw. After lunch, we used all our recycled materials to create all the different parts of the vehicle.
It was a fantastic day, the children really enjoyed themselves and were very proud of all the work they did. We want to say a big thankyou to the parents that helped us and to everyone that sent in recyclables for us to use.
Information for Parents below
Contact details
Email: office.hisn@hpp.school
Website: hpp.school
Location: Hampton Infant School and Nursery, Ripley Road, Hampton, UK
Phone: 0208 979 1815