Paw Print Press 2.0
October 3, 2024
Substitutes Needed
We are looking for your support in the classrooms. Thank you to so many of you for completing the volunteer request forms to come in for lessons and chaperoning on various field trips. If you or someone you know is interested in substitute teaching, please consider completing a substitute application to become eligible to be a substitute teacher. We appreciate the support and like you, want to fill open vacancies so our students are receiving a complete offering of the classes we offer at Rogers Park. If you have any questions regarding this process, please reach out to our front office for support.
Thank you.
ALICE Drill - October 7th
ALICE Drill to Alternate Site - October 7th
Good evening Running Wolves Families,
Monday, October 7th we will be conducting an ALICE drill at Rogers Park Elementary School.
What Is an ALICE Drill?
An ALICE drill, also known as an active shooter drill, is a type of emergency preparedness exercise that is designed to help us practice how to respond in the event of an active shooter or violent intruder situation.
The goal of an Alice drill is to minimize the risk of harm and save lives by preparing staff and students to respond quickly and effectively in an emergency situation.
What Does ALICE stand for?
The acronym ALICE stands for Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, and Evacuate.
- Alert: “If you see something, say something,” is the first piece of advice, reminding people that anything that seems off or a potential threat should be reported to the authorities, especially if it could possibly indicate an active shooter or violent intruder situation is unfolding.
- Lockdown: Should an active shooter be identified, quickly find shelter in a safe location, lock and barricade doors, turn off lights, and remain silent to avoid detection.
- Inform: If possible to do so safely, the next goal is to inform others in the area and local authorities that an active shooter is present.
- Counter: If someone is seen by an active shooter, they will need to take action to protect themselves. Throwing objects, improvising weapons, or physically confronting the attacker may be necessary.
- Evacuate: When and if it is safe to do so, anyone in the vicinity of an active shooter should evacuate the premises quietly and carefully, according to pre-planned evacuation routes.
Please note that if we were to need to evacuate, our rally point is First Christian Church. Please speak to your child about the importance of school safely and that if they see something, to say something.
Please feel free to reach out to us if you have questions.
Mary Wood
Rogers Park Elementary School
Reporting Process for Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying
The Anchorage School District is dedicated to providing a safe and civil learning environment. Harassment, intimidation, and bullying disrupt a student's ability to learn and a school's ability to educate. Students and staff are expected to consistently demonstrate respectful conduct and communication to ensure safe learning environments for all.
If a student experiences, or another person observes, a student being harassed, intimidated, or bullied, they should report it to a school administrator or through STOPit anonymous reporting. This Harassment, Intimidation & Bullying flier outlines the reporting process.
WIN has Begun for Neighborhood Students
We are mid-way through the month of September and during announcements we are reminding students about grades and missing assignments. Please look at Q and grades for your students.
Remote Learning days
As many of you have already seen emails from the district about November 5th. The district has decided to move to a Remote Learner Day on Tuesday November 5th. This will mean students will not be going to school but will have to log in to Canvas and look at assignments for that day. As we get closer to this date we will have more information.
If you have any gently used running shoes, please consider donating them to our school. We love to have shoes available for students to use if they do not have any.
Thank you
Picture Retake
Picture Retake day is October 11th. If you have any questions, please visit www.Fitzgeraldphotos.com or email Alicia@fitzgeraldphotos.com
Attendance Matters
We know that attending school is important. But did you know that school attendance is a powerful predictor of student outcomes and student success? We can’t teach our students if they don’t come to school! The article linked here
Pick Up and Drop Off Protocol
- Please only pick students up and drop off from the curbside pick up lane. It is extremely dangerous to have students crossing multiple lanes of traffic. DO NOT PARK in the pick up lane. This lane should continuously move as cars move on, please pull up.
- Please be mindful of your speed as you travel through the pick up lane. Our young running wolves are out and about and we want to be sure they get to their destination safely.
- Students in grades K-3 should not be crossing the crosswalk to the parking lot without an adult. Please accompany your child across the crosswalk when coming to pick them up.
- Thank you for minding the traffic flow of our pick up loop. Please refer to the picture to review our pick up traffic flow.
PTA News
Hello Rogers Park Families,
Thanks to many of you who joined us at our first meeting of the school year. It was great to meet some new faces and see familiar ones, too. We elected two new board members, Kim Hays, VP-Legislative Liaison, and Brittany Ford, VP-Volunteer Coordinator. Welcome, Kim and Brittany, we're so excited you are joining us. We have many open chair and volunteer positions for those who are interested in volunteering.
Our next meeting will be Thursday, October 17th at 6 pm in the library and on Zoom. Minutes and Zoom information will be emailed to members the week of the meeting. Please consider renewing your membership here.
Lost and Found
Upcoming Dates
Oct 1-31 Bully Prevention Month
Oct 2 School Custodian Appreciation Day
Oct 11 (F) Fitzgerald Picture Re-take Day
Oct 14 (M): NO SCHOOL Indigenous Peoples Day
Oct 16-20 School Bus Safety Week
Oct 17 (Th) *6:00pm - 7:30pm* PTA Meeting (Library/Zoom)
Oct 18 (F) *no school* *Grading Day - no school*
*End 1st Quarter*
Rogers Park Mission: Preparing Passionate, Productive, Learners for Life
Rogers Park Vision: Empower the HOWL
(Help each other, Own our actions, Work together, Listen & Learn)