Virtual Academy K-5 Newsletter
October 14-18
Materials Pick Up This Week at Vista View
Enter Vista View through Door 1 and find your students grade and then name either in the file cabinet or on top in a box. Doors are unlocked:
Monday 7:30am-8pm
Tuesday 7:30am-8pm
Wednesday 7:30am-4pm
Thursday 7:30am-4pm
Friday 7:30am-4pm
How (and why) to PowerWash your Chromebook
When your Chrome device is no longer working correctly and you have worked through troubleshooting items like clearing cache, signing out of your device, and performing a restart, performing a PowerWash may help.
A Powerwash will remove anything that is not the Chrome Operating System. NOTE: All information stored locally on the device will be erased. This will not affect information stored in the Google Cloud applications.
When beginning this process, you may see the option to select “Restart”. Please continue by selecting the “Restart” button and the next screen will prompt you to select “PowerWash”.
Press CTRL + ALT + Shift + r keys simultaneously
Select Powerwash
Confirm Powerwash - press Continue
Select Let’s Go at the welcome screen
Connect to your available network
Accept and Continue to Google terms of service
Select Done at the “Enterprise enrollment complete” window
Sign in to your Chromebook.
Registration is still open for fall enrichment activities and clubs through Community Education. Go to https://communityed.isd191.org/ to learn more.
VIDEO: See how chess club through Community Education is sparking strategic thinking and fostering a sense of community for District 191 students.
Technology Levy Renewal
Election Day coming up Tuesday, Nov. 5
If you are a District 191 resident, renewal of the district’s technology levy will appear on your ballot Tuesday, Nov. 5.
The technology levy provides about $4.6 million per year to support classroom technology, learning devices (Chromebooks) and programs (Schoology and SeeSaw), technology safety and security systems and technology support staff.
Because it’s a renewal of an existing levy, there will be no tax increase if it’s approved.
You must be 18 years old on Election Day and a resident of District 191 to vote. Early voting can be done by mail or in person. Visit mnvotes.org to learn more about how to vote and to find your polling location.
To view a sample ballot and find other information on the technology levy, visit isd191.org/referendum.
Technology Levy Renewal VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKiOLlQqleE&t=3s
Upcoming Events
29-School Picture Retakes at Vista View
3 Daylight Savings Ends
27 K-5 Virtual Artic Wolf field trip 9-11
28-29 Thanksgiving Break-NO SCHOOL
Tech Support
Need Chromebook help? You can contact Technical Support by submitting an online request
or by phone 952-707-2758.
About One91 Virtual Academy
One91 Virtual Academy is a school in District 191 with 100 percent online instruction. Curriculum is designed and taught by District 191 staff.
Email: 191va-elementary@isd191.org
Website: https://virtualacademy.isd191.org
Location: 13109 County Road 5, Burnsville, MN, USA
Phone: (952)707-2900
Important Numbers to know
Attendance line: (952)707-2904
Main number: (952)707-2900
Technology support: (952)707-2758