Pence Newsletter
October 2024
Happy Fall to YOU!
Happy October to you! As the seasons begin to change, it is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on what you are grateful for. With so many things out of our circle of control, it is truly important to remember what you are in control of and be grateful for the blessings in our lives. I am grateful for the 400 students and staff who walk our halls at Pence each day. It takes everyone to make Pence the great place it is! Thank you for choosing Pence for your child! We are grateful! :) Mrs. Jones
Upcoming Dates
October 4th- No School/PD Day
October 7th- No School/Secondary Conferences/Elementary PD
October 11th, 18th & 25th- 2pm Early Out
November 1st, 8th, 15th & 22nd- 2pm Early Out
November 18th- No School/PD Day
November 19th- No School/ Elementary Conferences/Secondary PD
November 27th-19th- Thanksgiving Break
Jersey Day!
Friday Morning Dance Time!
Homecoming Parade FUN!
School Pictures- October 3rd
Pence will have fall pictures on October 3rd. Students will be brining home order forms and you may notice a change. FCSD is now using Halverson Photography for school pictures. We hope this change will meet your family's needs.
Pence Fundraiser- FINAL NUMBERS
Our final numbers are in and I am quite excited to announce that our students raised nearly $38,000 in cookie dough sales. With a 50% cut on the profit, our students will benefit by putting efforts towards our Leader in Me initiative! Our leadership teams will be able to make purchases to support us adding value to our school & community. Also, again this year, we will have TWO Leader in Me Family Nights! We plan to have hands-on activities, along with a meal this fall and spring! ALSO, this spring STUDENTS will be active in our planning!
Halloween Party- October 31st
This year we will have our Halloween Party on October 31st. Students will be allowed to wear their costumes to school, as long as they are not disruptive to their learning or others in their room. Teachers may have a Halloween Party in their classrooms after 2pm. Please be in contact with your child’s teacher if you’d like to donate items/food for this day.
Leader in Me @ Pence
At Pence, our Fridays are devoted to Leader in Me and embedding our 7 Habits with Pence Families- 1x/month, Student Leadership Teams- 2x/month and Student Led Assemblies- 1x/month.
We LOVE Fridays!
Our Pence Families started back up at Pence. Pence Families give every student and every adult, a small group that they connect with each month to build relationships. The bonds these kids make through the years is awesome! It’s all about making connections with one another!
We will be starting our third year with Pence Leader in Me Leadership Teams. At the end of last year we began to brainstorm ways with students about what we could do to improve Pence. Our two guiding questions when creating teams were, “How does it add value to Pence?” and “How does it add value to our community?” Our students & staff have spoken again. We have created approximately 20 teams for students and staff to join. These teams will be meeting twice a month to do just what we’ve asked, ADD VALUE TO PENCE & OUR COMMUNITY!
We look forward to sharing our work with you this year!
2nd grade Trojan Trait Superstars
3rd grade Trojan Trait Superstars
4th grade Trojan Trait Superstars
September 2024 Trojan Trait Superstars
Our September Trojan Superstars are those who exemplify Trojan Traits (Respectful, Responsible & Safe) in and out of the classroom. We are honored to recognize these leaders within each class.
2Bo- The 2Bo Trojan Trait Superstar is a student who consistently does their job from the moment they walk into the classroom at the beginning of the day until they leave. This student is a leader inside and outside the classroom. She listens to staff and her peers. You can count on this student if you need a helping hand. This month’s Trojan Trait Superstar is, Karley Ryan. Karley is a great example of what it means to be a leader. I am so proud of you. Keep up the great work!
2B- The 2B September Trojan Superstar is someone who has shown great leadership in our classroom. She enters the classroom each day with a smile on her face and starts the day giving compliments and encouragement to her classmates. This Superstar has a winning attitude about her schoolwork, and is always willing to help other students solve problems in a kind and supportive way. She is a hard worker, a good listener, and a positive role model for other students. She is always willing to participate in classroom discussions and share her ideas. Our Superstar has been a great friend to a few students who are new to our district. She supports them and continually gives them encouragement using kind words. She follows all the rules on the playground and includes everyone. Our September Trojan Superstar is Frannie Vivacqua. Thank you, Frannie, for being a great leader! Keep up the good work! You are truly a Trojan Superstar!
2Bu- Our 2Bu Trojan Trait superstar is someone that is consistently setting examples for other students to follow in and out of the classroom. He comes to school each day prepared and ready to learn. Our Trojan Trait superstar gives 100% effort on all of his work and puts his best foot forward. I can always trust this person to be honest and kind to any adult or student at Pence. Our Trojan Trait superstar is Brian Parham. Thank you Brian for being such a great leader!
2J- The September Trojan Superstar in 2J is Almir Ahmed! Almir begins each day by welcoming classmates and teachers with a smile. He is a leader throughout our whole day together. He comes ready to do his best work. Almir participates in our lessons and shares this thinking. I know that he is working to show his best effort in each activity. Almir is a friend to everyone and is ready to help out anyone that he can. Almir does a wonderful job of showing his Trojans Traits! I am so proud of you, keep up the great work!!
2M- The first Trojan Trait Superstar from 2M has been a leader since the first day of school. This student is proactive each day. She makes sure that she is doing her best work and participates in every lesson. Our superstar not only makes sure that she is doing the right thing, but she is there to help her classmates. If someone needs help, this leader is willing to lend a hand. She is a great partner to all of her classmates. I can always count on this student to be setting an example of how to be a positive leader. She exemplifies our Trojan Traits and our classroom mission statement. We are so glad that Avanley is part of our class family!
3SM - The September Trojan Trait Superstar for 3Sm is Oliver Hunter! Oliver is the student that is a great example for other students in his class. He is a leader of being respectful, responsible and safe at all times. He comes through the door with a smile on his face and prepares for the day! Oliver’s kindness and willingness to help others stands out. Keep up the great work Oli!
3H- The 3H Trojan Trait Superstar for September is a quiet leader in our classroom. She leads by example and is always respectful, responsible and safe. She comes into class every day ready to learn with a smile on her face. Our Superstar gives her best work on all assignments and has a positive attitude about new learning. Her classmates are so glad she is in our room as she is a friend to all and treats others with kindness. Our September Superstar is Lisa Nguyen! Thanks for being a great example of a Trojan leader!
3S- Our 3S Trojan Trait superstar is someone that our classmates stated was safe, respectful and responsible. He shows his Trojan Traits by thinking win-win and encourages others to be their best. Our Trojan trait superstar is a proactive leader and ensures he is ready for each day. We appreciate this leader’s integrity as they do the right thing even when no one is watching. Thank you Cael Countryman for being such a great leader!
3O- The Trojan Trait Superstar from 3O is Kathryn Tyler. Kathryn is a proactive leader in our class. She strives to do the right thing at all times. She can always be counted on to help her teachers and classmates. Kathryn sets an example for others by putting first things first to do what needs to be done in order to be successful. Kathryn is a kind friend to all and we are so lucky to have her in our class family. Congratulations, Kathryn!
3M- 3M’s September Trojan Trait Superstar is someone who is known by her classmates for being kind to everybody, leading in a quiet way, and encouraging others to be their best. She is someone I can count on to be putting first things first while giving her best effort. Her classmates say that she is proactive and always follows the rules. Bindi Brown is someone who comes to school with a positive attitude, a smile on her face, and is always ready to learn. A classmate said, “Bindi is the best person to count on,” and we are so glad she is in our 3M Class Family. Congratulations, Bindi! Keep being a leader!
4N- 4N’s September Trojan Trait Superstar is Serenity Dille. Serenity is a calm and caring presence in our classroom. Serenity is an amazing example of a leader. She is proactive and in control of her actions. She puts first things first by engaging in class and contributing her ideas. She models habit 5 by listening to others. She waits for her turn to talk and follows directions quickly. I can count on Serenity to treat her classmates with love and kindness. Thank you for being our leader! Thank you for bringing peace to our classroom! I am proud of you!
4F- September’s Trojan Superstar for 4F is Harper Haumersen! I’m so proud of how Harper has started 4th grade ready to learn. She pays attention, answers questions, and works hard on her lessons. Harper also is a great partner to others and stays on topic with table discussions. She uses her leadership skills to help others and think win-win with her friends and classmates throughout the day. Harper can be counted on to be in charge of herself and her actions in a positive way, which is very proactive! Harper definitely deserves to be our September Superstar! :)
4R- September’s Trojan Superstar for 4R is Brooklyn Reinier! She is an excellent role model for our classroom. She is very good about using her Leadership skills by listening first and then responding to instructions. Brooklyn is an awesome partner as she can take on any role that is assigned to her, whether that be a leader or a support person. She encourages others to do and be their best at all times.
4T- The Trojan Superstar for 4T is Olivia Leach!! She comes into the classroom everyday ready to learn. Olivia is always willing to lend a helpful hand to anyone! She continuously shows gratitude and kindness towards others. No matter where she is, Olivia is always respectful, responsible, and safe! In class, she loves to share her ideas and she works hard to complete any given task! Olivia has been working hard at practicing her 7 habits! You can always count on her to seek first to understand in any conversation! Olivia, you are a fantastic role model and leader for your peers! Congratulations Superstar!! You deserve it! (:
4Ry- The September Trojan Superstar for 4Ry is Kinsey Burkhalter! Kinsey is a quiet leader who is always willing to lend a helping hand and put forth her best effort. She shows kindness at all times and offers solutions in which all students can win. I am so proud of her strong work ethic and her ability to see a need and immediately offer to help with it. Thank you for being such an amazing role model, Kinsey! I appreciate you!