WMS Weekly Warrior
January 27, 2025

Good afternoon, Woodbury Middle School Community,
The groundhogs have made their predictions, and, like other weather forecasters, it all depends on who you choose to believe. Connecticut’s Chuckles the Groundhog predicts an early spring, while Punxsutawney Phil forecasts six more weeks of winter. Either way, the weather this week looks challenging. We will monitor it closely, as there are discussions about potential weather events on Thursday and Saturday night. Hopefully, this will not interfere with our scheduled Super Bowl Pancake Breakfast.
A special shout-out to everyone who donated supplies for our Super Bowl Pancake Breakfast. Our Alliance students, along with help from our Culinary Club, are sure to make this a fantastic community event.
The next Parent in the Middle meeting will be held on February 25th at 6:30 PM in the WMS Library Media Center. For parents who cannot attend in person, a Google Meet link will be sent prior to the meeting. Additionally, please refer to the letter from our Parent in the Middle program linked here.
Tickets for the Valentine's Dance are being sold daily in the cafeteria for seven dollars. Please note that tickets will not be available for purchase at the door, so be sure to buy them in advance.
The Alliance Leadership Team is hosting a clothing drive. The collected clothes will be donated to the Salvation Army and Safe Haven. The grade that donates the most clothing will win a grade-level prize. Clothes can be dropped off in boxes located in the main hallway. The clothing drive will run now through February 14th.
Have a great week,
WMS Admin
Bill Nemec, Principal
Aimee Shuhart, Interim Assistant Principal
Please make sure to review the Woodbury Middle School Student Handbook with your student regarding cell phones. Some of you may be aware that the state has issued recommendations on cell phone usage in schools. I have included the proposed language from the state below. Click the picture to access the entire document from the state.
• Middle School − The policy for middle school students should also focus on removing cell phones from the school day or classroom. Developmentally, this age group is particularly vulnerable to the negative effects of excessive personal technology use and has a difficult time controlling their impulses. Concurrently, middle school students experience increased autonomy and independence during the school day, which can lead to increased opportunity for cell phone misuse. − Possession of cell phones in this age group is likely to be viewed as a rite of passage into adulthood, so communication and application of policies that restrict use must be developed in consideration of the specific challenges of middle school students.
Mark Your Calendar
2-9 Super Bowl Pancake Breakfast 9-11
2-13 Valentines Dance 5-7
2-17,18 Presidents Day/ February Break , Schools not in Session
2-25 Parents in the Middle Meeting (PIM) 6:30 LMC
Grade Level Notes
Please follow the link for the latest from our School Counselors.
WMS Literacy Corner
Signs and Shirts School Store and Athletics Store Link
Woodbury Middle School
Follow us On:
Email: wnemec@ctreg14.org
Website: www.ctreg14.org
Location: https://www.instagram.com/region14schooldistrict/
Phone: 203-263-4306