About Toontastic: FREE
★★★ NY Times - Top 10 iPad Apps of 2011 ★★★
Lights, Camera, Play! Toontastic is a storytelling and creative learning tool that enables kids to draw, animate, and share their own cartoons with friends and family around the world through simple and fun imaginative play! With over 2 million cartoons created in over 150 countries, parents and teachers rave about the app... and kids can't stop creating!
Making cartoons with Toontastic is as easy as putting on a puppet show - simply press the record button, move your characters onscreen, and tell your story. Toontastic records your animation and voice as a cartoon video to share with friends and family on ToonTube, the app's global storytelling network for kids.
Cheat Sheet (Updated)
Step 2: Hit the create cartoon button to start creating your cartoon.
Step 3: Hit the new cartoon button.
Step 4: Listen to the story arc tutorial or bypass it by hitting the white x in the upper left hand corner.
Step 5: Use Toontastic's five scene template or add/delete scenes by hitting the +scenes button or tapping on existing scenes and hitting the red trash can.
Step 6: Choose a scene to work on by tapping on it and hitting the green paint brush.
Step 7: Choose to draw your own setting or choose a stock setting from the cartoon bank.
Step 8: Choose to draw your own character/characters by hitting the draw a character button or choose characters from the cartoon bank by tapping them on the screen.
Step 9: Hit the animate button when you are ready to animate your scene. Then move your character and tell your story. The microphone and camera will record the audio and visuals.
Step 10: Complete this same process for all your scenes.
Step 11: When you are done you will get to name your film and you will have the option of sharing the cartoon on Toontube. To share, you will have to create an account by submitting an e-mail address.
Step 12: Special animations have been added on most characters including laser beams from robots, space sabres, fire breathing dragons and more. To activate the new animations you just tap the character.
Step 13: Characters now talk and blink with new sprite animations.
Step 14: You can now add your face into characters by using the camera function.
Step 15: You can now sign in to ToonTube and toggle the main menu music and voice guides via the new settings screen.