May Family Newsletter
2023-2024 School Year
Dear Barley Sheaf School Community,
We hope this edition finds you well and filled with the joys of spring!
We were very busy at Barley Sheaf during the month of April. We safely observed the Solar Eclipse on April 8 and were amazed at this extraordinary phenomenon. Our PTO sponsored the mobile planetarium, Starlab, that was facilitated by Mrs. Hanan Attiyah. Mrs. Attiyah also hosted a fun and engaging Family Technology Night! We had over 100 students participate in this fantastic event. Our students also had a chance to sample some of the lettuce grown in our Hydroponic Tower. Our Green Team worked hard to grow basil, arugula, rainbow chard and mixed greens! Thank you to our PTO, staff, and all of our families for your support.
We have other special events planned for the month of May! Our partners at goHunterdon and Ms. Renye have organized our next Walk to School Day on May 2. The district is hosting the annual Color Run on May 19. We hope that Barley Sheaf can keep our winning record of having the most participants! Our Spring Concert will take place on May 22. Ms. Kaetzel is hard at work preparing our students for their performance. Finally, our PTO is hosting our Scholastic Book Fair from May 13 through May 17.
Thank you to all of our families for your continued partnership and support.
With great appreciation,
Amy Switkes, Principal
Kimberly Bostory, Vice Principal
Students Food Tasting from Hydroponic Tower
Staff Enjoying The Solar Eclipse
Family Technology Night
Save the Date
5/2/24- Walk to School Day
5/3/24- Spirit Day
5/6/24 to 5/10/24- NJSLA (Grades 3 and 4)
5/6/24 to 5/10/24- Teacher Appreciation Week
5/13/24 to 5/17/24- Scholastic Book Fair
5/17/24- Spring Family Night
5/17/24 and 5/18/24- Clothing Drive
5/19/24- Color Run
5/22/24- Spring Concert
5/27/24- School Closed, Memorial Day
5/29/24 and 5/30/24- Fourth Graders Visit Camp Mason
Baby Chicks at Barley Sheaf!
Our PTO generously funded a teacher grant by awarding Mrs. Kathy Mikalsen and Mr. Truncale with supplies for hatching chicken eggs! The grant included an incubator, brooder, heat lamp and stand, waterer, feeder, and feed.
All of our Barley Sheaf students have enjoyed visiting Mrs. Mikalsen's class for the last three weeks to observe the life cycle of the chicks. Each teacher displayed the "chick cam" in their classrooms for everyone to enjoy. We maintained a count down calendar and were thrilled to welcome 8 baby chicks between April 30 and May 1!
Hatching in the Incubator!
Baby Chicks Ready to Transition to the Brooder!
Our School-Wide Countdown!
Walk to School Day
Please join us on May 2 for Walk to School Day. Thank you to goHunterdon for your support as we participate in the Safe Routes to School program.
Staff Appreciation Week
This month, we are honoring the educators who shape our lives and make Barley Sheaf School a joyful place to learn and grow. Please join us in celebrating our staff during Staff Appreciation Week, May 6 through May 10. We are so grateful for our dedicated, kind, and professional staff.
NJSLA Testing
Please remember that our third and fourth grade students are preparing for the upcoming state assessment, NJSLA. Testing is scheduled for May 6 and 7 for ELA and May 8, 9, and 10 for Math. Please encourage your child to get a good night’s rest, eat a healthy breakfast during testing, and have operational headphones.
Color Run
Please join us for this amazing FRSD community event! April 25 is the deadline to register and be guaranteed a shirt, as well as the end of the “early bird special.” After April 25, the pricing goes up another $5. A trophy will go to the school with the highest registration.
Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Heritage Month
During the month of May, Barley Sheaf is proud to recognize Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Heritage Month! This month, we celebrate the culture, history, and achievements of Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders. We will have a special display in our library and a read aloud with Mrs. Switkes and Ms. Bostory!
From Our School Counselors
This month, Mrs. Collins and Ms. Coates share helpful tips, strategies, and tools for teaching children to self-advocate.
Safety and Security Reminders
Families, please note these important safety reminders:
- Please use the crosswalks at dismissal if you are picking up your child from YMCA or bringing your child to the playground.
- Please be sure to obey crossing guards. Cars may not pass at the crosswalk until the crossing guard is back to the side of the road.
- Please obey the stop sign and flashing red lights when a bus is picking up and dropping off students. Cars may not pass a stopped school bus.
Attendance Reminders
Please continue to be mindful of your child's attendance. It is crucial that your child attends school regularly to ensure their success. More than 9 absences for the school year may negatively impact your child's education. Please review these helpful tips for what you can do at home to promote regular attendance for your child. Thank you for your partnership!
Barley Sheaf PTO Newsletter
Please enjoy the May Newsletter from our wonderful Barley Sheaf PTO!
School Information
Send a Birthday Message!
Make your Barley Sheaf child's birthday extra special by wishing him or her a Happy Birthday on the electronic sign in front of the building! Please send an email to Jodi Carmon at jodi.carmon@frsd.us at least one week before the date and include your child's name, birthdate, grade and teacher. A Happy Birthday message with your child's first name will appear on the sign on their special day. The $10 cash or check donation can be sent to Barley Sheaf either in your child's backpack or via US mail. Checks should be made out to Barley Sheaf PTO.