WLE PTA Update
June 2023
The culmination of the year!
What an awesome year we are about to complete! With the entire school on the same track, our teachers have been able to collaborate in deeper ways, our students have been able to experience events and opportunities together, and our community has been able to come together for all our students. Let's finish strong, wallabies!
Please add these final 22-23 dates and a few 23-24 dates to your calendars.
- Memorial Day, no school
Friday, June 2:
- Field Day! Sign-up genius for parent volunteers is here! More details are in this letter.
- Spirit Day ~ Dress like a superhero!
Wednesday, June 7:
- 10AM: Kindergarten orientation for rising Kindergarteners & their families
- 6:30PM: Spring Chorus Club concert
- 5:30 – 7:30 PM Spirit Night: Rock Solid Warrior (See below for registration links.)
- Grades 3-5: Math End of Grade Test (EOG)
Friday, June 16:
- Grade 5: Science EOG
- 4-10PM Spirit Night: Flavors Ice Cream; 2831 Jones Franklin Road
- Teacher workday, no students
- Grades 3-5: Reading EOG
Wednesday, June 21:
- 11AM- 9PM Spirit Night: Aye Toro (See below for more details)
Tuesday, June 27:
- 5th grade drive-through promotion ceremony (6-7PM) at WLES and family reception following (6:30-9PM) at Ritter Park. Sign up to bring stuff or help here!
- Last day of 22-23 school year for all students
23-24 School Year!!
Thursday, July 27:
- Meet the teacher night
- 5:30-6:15PM Last names A-M
- 6:15-7:00PM Last names N-Z
Monday, July 31:
- First day of school for grades 1-5
- Kindergarten staggered entry begins.
June Spirit nights
- 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM Spirit Night: Rock Solid Warrior
- $15 per child; $45 for families of 3 or more
Fuquay registration link: https://rocksolidwarrior.pike13.com/e/199636330
Apex registration link: https://rocksolidwarriorsouthapex.pike13.com/schedule
Come out and enjoy an ice cream Friday, June 16 4-10 PM at Flavors Ice Cream! 2831 Jones Franklin Road. Please mention West Lake Elementary so we get a percentage of sales back!
Aye! Toro Spirit Night
303 Matthews Drive, Holly Springs
Wednesday, June 21
11am - 9 pm
Mention West Lake Elementary School so that 20% of proceeds are donated back to our school!
Thanks to our PTA, school, and classroom leaders!
Thanks to all who attended our last PTA meeting of the year in May and congratulations to our incoming officers! Thanks, too, to our whole board, our room parents, our teachers, staff, and administrators who have facilitated PTA work this year! We couldn't have done it without all these helping hands!!
23-24 WLES PTA Officers
President: Nicole Morris
Vice President: Billie Jo Cochran
Treasurer: Amanda Austin
Secretary: Michelle Shields
Around West Lake last month!
WLES teachers & staff are awesome!
We love our teachers and staff, and we think it showed during Teacher Appreciation Week! Thanks to all the volunteers who made our appreciation evident!
WLE Art T-shirts
Happy birthday, Mrs. Diane!
We asked and you delivered! Thank you to everyone who contributed to Mrs. Diane's birthday gift of a backpack blower! Mrs. Diane is our much beloved custodian who goes above and beyond for our school and our kids. Thank you all for making her birthday special!
Celebrate our specialists!
If you are thinking about giving our specialists a small gift as an end-of the-year thank you, consider chipping in for a gift card from the whole school! You can do so by clicking on this link and joining any of the specialists' gifts that the PTA has set up. You can give any amount and leave a personal note, too. On the last day of school, the specialists will receive an email with the total amount and can choose from over 400 gift cards, including Amazon, Target, and other great brands! Let's shower some love on our hard-working specialists!
We are celebrating our 5th graders on 6/27/23!
5th grade yard signs
Did you know that your PTA buys a yard sign for each fifth grader? These are presented at the drive-through promotion ceremony by their teachers on June 27. Just keeping all you fifth grade parents in the loop so you don’t go out and buy signs instead!
It's not too late to make your shopping work for our school!!
Check out our fundraising page on our website to see all the ways you can passively make your shopping work for our school! From Harris Teeter (Together in Education) & Publix Partners & Lowe's Foods (Cart to Class) to RCityRocks and more!
Let's stay connected!
Want to hear about the day-to-day needs of WLES PTA? Join our Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/731676564358189! And you can always join the PTA on our website!
Let's continue the conversation
Email: westlakepta@gmail.com
Website: https://wles.memberhub.com/
Location: 4500 West Lake Road, Apex, NC, USA
Phone: (919)662-2300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/West-Lake-Elementary-PTA-176148959238531/
Twitter: @westlakeelempta