Panther Pamphlet
October 13th, 2024
Principal's Corner
Thank You!
Conferences were a success!
- Thank you to everyone who participated in, in person, virtual, or phone conferences! This is so important to support a strong home-school collaboration.
- Our staff was so appreciative and thankful for all of our parents who helped provide meals during conference week! This was such a thoughtful gesture and really made a difference for our staff. Thank you so much from all of us!
- Monday, October 21st- Half Day for Professional Development of Staff. This replaces Early Release days from last year. Dismissal at 12:06.
- October 29th Picture Retakes
- October 31st- Literacy Parade for Kindergarten through 3rd grade
- Nov 1st- No School
- Save the Date- 5th grade camp will be Dec 3rd- Dec 6th. More info to come soon!
Thank you again for your support during conference week! We have one of the best family communities around and we are so appreciative to be in this together with all of you!
-Principal Jessica Rosecrans
(269) 337-0720
Panther Prowl- Final Total
What an incredible achievement we’ve accomplished together with this year's Panther Prowl! Thanks to your support and enthusiasm, we raised an astounding $29,478 during our fundraiser—far surpassing our goal of $25,000! Every grade level not only met but exceeded their targets, with our first graders leading the way at an impressive 139%!
This remarkable effort will directly benefit our students, funding unforgettable experiences like 5th grade camp and enriching field trips. We truly appreciate every donation, every share, and every encouraging word that helped spread the spirit of giving. The fun we had—pajama days, hat days, and even inflatable costumes—was a testament to our vibrant community, showing that teamwork makes the dream work!
We’re excited to announce that the pie-in-the-face event for our principal and awards will be celebrated at an upcoming school assembly, October 21st. Water bottles have been ordered and, we’ll soon schedule the bumper ball party, with more information to follow.
Let’s celebrate this achievement and continue inspiring our students to shine, knowing that every effort counts, whether big or small. Thank you for being such an integral part of our success!
Premier Basketball- 2nd & 3rd Grade
Attendance Matters
Did you Know?
Did you know that arriving 90 minutes after the bell in the morning or leaving 90 minutes before the bell in the afternoon counts as an absence?
Did you know for every day missed it can take up to 3 days to make up what is taught?
Did you know teachers have carefully planned lessons and interventions that are strategic in supporting students reading and math goals? When students come in late or leave early they often can miss this very important targeted learning that can be hard to achieve the same impact when the student returns.
We need your help! Right now we have about 87% of students in the green zone when looking at how many days they have been absent vs how many days we have been in school. We ended last year with about 75% of students in the green zone for attendance. This is a good starting point, but we haven't hit cold season yet. Please be mindful with planned absences since we know more unplanned absences will be coming up during our winter months.
Students will have to miss school sometimes and we completely understand that. Please call or email steckeras@kalamazoopublicschools to report an absence. If you are struggling with any attendance barriers, such as: transportation, student unwillingness to come to school, medical needs etc, please reach out to our home support specialist, Mrs. Strasser, at beasleyba@kalamazoopublicschools.net.
Save the Date
Dates to Remember:
Oct 21st- Half Day Dismissal at 12:06
Oct. 25th- First Popcorn Friday
Oct 29th- Picture Retakes
Oct. 31st-Peep-3rd grade Literacy Parade line the sidewalk 2:45
No 1st K-12 No School
Nov 15th K-12 No School records day
Nov 26th K-12 half day Dismissal at 12:06
Nov 27th No School
Nov 28th-29th No School Thanksgiving Break
Dec 11th- K-12 Half Day Dismissal at 12:06
Dec 23rd- Jan 3 Winter Break