Peterborough Elementary School
December 13, 2024
Dear PES Families,
Over the weekend, I had the pleasure of experiencing my first Lantern Parade, and it was wonderful to see so many families out and about downtown. The whole area looked beautiful with all the lights!
During this morning's all-school meeting, we reminded students to check the lost and found, as sweatshirts and mittens are starting to accumulate. Please encourage your child to take a look before we donate unclaimed items next week.
Additionally, we’ve included a survey below about the concert schedule. Your feedback would be greatly appreciated and will help us plan for next year.
I hope you all have a great weekend!
Girls on the Run
PES is looking for volunteers to coach our Spring 2025 Girls on the Run program! Practices are after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays starting in late March, with a celebratory 5K on May 31st. If you are interested in being a coach, please email Mrs. Obuchowski at kobuchowski@conval.edu.
Parents Make A Difference Newsletters from Title 1
About Us
Email: toconnor@conval.edu
Website: https://pes.conval.edu
Location: 17 High Street, Peterborough, NH, USA
Phone: 603-924-3828
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/peterboroughelementaryschool