TCE Colt Chronicle

Happy March. It is the month of Trimester Awards, Parent Conferences, Spring Break, and so much more.
Thank you for taking the time to read our Monthly Newsletter. We try and pack it with useful information.
March of Dimes
March of Dimes Presnetation
Mrs. Reinhardt is out remarkable AVID Coordinator. She spearheads our AVID program at TCES and is passionate about ensuring our families are informed about AVID. The link below is to a presentation we shared with families at one of this year's COLT Connection. AIVD is a learning model which supports our scholar's preperation for college. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1dzAGV65R9juiwRfI7dpTQLi-KdPQD8o0fRY8banDx8Q/edit?usp=sharing
AIVD Learning Model
Attendance is a priority at Triple Crown. Scholars who miss school are more likely to struggle academically and socially. We encourage you to prioritize daily school attendance to ensure your child is successful in school! Our current attendance rate is 94.5%. We took a large dip in our attendance just prior to the holidays. Our goal for the school year is 96%. We encourage parents to take advantage of our Saturday STEAM days to make up an absence.Our next Saturday STEAM is November 16th.
Digital Attendance Procedures
TCE has gone digital! If you would like to check your child out early, excuse an absence, or report a tardy, simply scan the QR code and complete the form. If you are checking your child out from school early, please be prepared to show a photo ID. Thank you for your support and cooperation as work to improve our systems.
Behavior Expectations
Our site has established behavior expectations for our scholars. It is the responsibility of the teachers and administrators to see that rules are carried out in a fair and reasonable manner. Every teacher, administrator and other designated employee will hold scholars to a strict account for their conduct on the way to and from school, in the classroom and other school buildings, on school grounds, and on the school bus. Rules of conduct also pertain to scholars who pick up siblings on campuses other than their own. Scholars must conform to school regulations, obey all directions, be diligent in study and respectful to teachers and others in authority, and refrain from the use of profane and vulgar language. In addition, any form of bullying, harrassment, or discrimminatory and/or racialized language will not be tolerated.
Scholars are expected to follow school and class expectations at all times and be diligent in their studies and be respectful to the teachers and others in authority.
Possible Consequences:
If a scholars is unable to adhere to established behavior expectations, consequences may be assigned. Possible consequences are:
Verbal warning.
Parent contact.
Parent contact and consequence.
Detention or other consequences.
Referral to administration.
Possible Recognitions:
If a scholar is observed demonstrating our schoolwide expectations, they have ample opportunities to be rewarded. Possible recognitions are:
- Colt Champ Card
- Glow & Grow Card
- Classdojo Points
- Scholar of the Month
- Colts Be Nice
New for 2024!
With a new school year, we have new schoolwide expectations! We used to "Live the 3Bs!" Our NEW school wide expectations are "We are C.O.L.T.S.!" We see all of our scholars as:
Leaders who
Take Responsibility and
Show empathy!
We are so excited for our new school wide expectations and cannot wait to teach our scholars!
Important Dates
Every Wednesday is PTA Fundraiser at Yogurland
3/3 - 3/7- Read Across America/Spirit Week
3/5- Trimester Awards 1st-3rd
3/5-COLT Connection
3/7- Trimester Awards 4th-5th
3/11-3/14 ELPAC testing
3/15 Saturday STEAM
3/18 Spring Picture Day
3/18 Superintendent Awards
3/20 Family Night
3/24-3/28 Spring Break
Parking Lot
- Please park in designated parking spaces.
- Do not leave your vehicle unattended along the red curb.
- No dropping off or picking up scholars in the second lane of traffic.
- Do not leave small children unattended in your vehicles.
Early Pick-Up
- We do not dismiss scholars during the last 20 minutes of the school day.
- Any parent/guardian picking up their child prior to dismissal will need to show a photo ID.
Item Drop Off
- Please work with your child to remember all school/lunch items prior to leaving home in the morning.
- Items dropped off during the school day are not guaranteed to get to the recipient in a timely manner. When items are dropped off during the school day, the teacher of the child is emailed. If the teacher does not see the email, the item may not be received.
- We do not call the classrooms during instructional time unless it is necessary. Our goal is to minimize classroom disruptions as much as possible to ensure all children receive the best education possible.
Birthday Celebrations
- Birthday students may share a small NON-FOOD gift as students depart from class at the end of a school day.
- Appropriate non-food items might include items such as pencils, erasers, dry-erase markers, coupons, or other age-appropriate gifts. Students may even hand out invitations to parties they are hosting off campus, but no food.
- Parents/Guardians are invited to have their child's name posted on the marquee. The cost is $5.00 and sign-ups are in the office.
Triple Crown Elementary Minimum Day Schedule
EVERY Wednesday is a Minimum Day!
Please be advised that every Wednesday is a MINIMUM day. We follow a modified schedule to allow teachers time in the afternoon for planning and professional development.
Minimum Bell Schedule Time
All Kindergarten Students follow the Early Bird Schedule
- Breakfast served 7:25 a.m. – 7:55 a.m.
- Supervised Campus Opens 7:45 a.m. (Students line up by class)
- Grades K-5 Class Bell 7:55 a.m.
- Grades 1-5 Tardy Bell 8:00 a.m. (Students must be in class)
- Grade 1 10:15 a.m. – 10:45 a.m.
- Grade 2 10:35 a.m. – 11:05 a.m.
- Grade K 10:55 a.m. – 11:25 p.m.
- Grade 3 11:25 a.m. – 11:55 p.m.
- Grade 4 11:45 p.m. – 12:15 p.m.
- Grade 5 12:05 p.m. – 12:35 p.m.
Dismissal: Grades K-3 12:30 p.m.
Grades 4-5 12:40 p.m.
About us
Email: jfanning@valverde.edu
Website: https://triplecrown.valverde.edu/
Location: 530 Orange Avenue, Perris, CA, USA
Phone: 951-490-0440
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TripleCrownElementarySchool
Twitter: @TripleCrownEl