October Newsletter
Salish Coast Elementary
Upcoming Events
- Wednesday 12:50 early release: 10/5, 10/12, 10/19, 10/26
- Monday, 10/10, Indigenous People's Day
- Monday 10/10, Tentative Start Date for YMCA After Care Program at Mountain View
- Tuesday, 10/11- 1st Grade Field Trip to Fort Worden
- Wednesday, 10/12-Tentative Start Date for Salish Coast After Hours Library Program
- Wednesday, 10/12, PT PTA Meeting via Zoom at 7:30 pm
- Friday, 10/14- NO SCHOOL- Staff in-service day
- Tuesday, 10/18- School Picture Day
- Thursday, 10/20, Great Shakeout Earthquake Drill
- Thursday, 10/27- NO SCHOOL- Conferences
- Friday, 10/28- NO SCHOOL- Conferences
Happy First Month of School!
Eagle Time Groups
Second Step Social Emotional Learning
Dear Families,
Salish Coast Elementary uses the Second Step Social Emotional Learning curriculum in all classrooms. The Second Step program teaches children important skills for getting along with others and doing well in school. It also helps our school be a safe, respectful place where everyone can learn.
To further help our school be a safe and respectful place, we are also going to use the Second Step Bullying Prevention Unit. In this unit, your child will learn specific skills to help stop bullying. Students will learn how to:
1. Recognize when bullying is happening, report bullying to a caring adult, and refuse to let bullying happen;
2.Be a bystander who helps stop bullying;
3. Support someone being bullied by standing up for that person and being kind and inclusive; and
4. Recognize, report, and refuse cyber bullying when they see or know about it happening.
Students are also learning the difference between one-sided bullying and two-sided conflict. They are learning that bullying is when someone keeps being mean to some else on purpose. The person it’s happening to hasn’t been able to make it stop. It’s unfair and one-sided. Conflict, on the other hand, is two sided. We encourage students to use Kelso’s Choices to solve small conflicts so that they can learn the skills necessary to become good problem solvers.
Ellen Thomas, school counselor, will be making her way around to all of the classrooms to teach these important lessons, beginning with the 5th grade. It will take several months to teach all four lessons to all of the classrooms.
If you have any questions about our bullying prevention program, please contact school counselor Ellen Thomas (ethomas@ptschools.org or 360-379-4888)
October Staff Spotlight: Jessica O'Mahoney- Resource Teacher
My favorite thing about teaching is seeing the joy and excitement in students when they see that they can accomplish something.
What are you most excited about this year at Salish Coast?
This year, I am most excited about developing relationships with the students, staff, families, and the community.
What is a fun fact about you?
I love being outdoors and going on adventures.
Parent Teacher Association (PTA) Meeting
Save the date for the district’s PTA meeting via Zoom. The PT PTA envisions serving the school community throughout the year with events and activities to build community, hosting a few meetings on topics relevant to your families’ needs (e.g. health, wellness, academics, safety, etc.) and providing volunteer opportunities for community members to offer hands-on support to our schools.
Wednesday, October 12th at 7:30 pm. A meeting link and agenda will be posted closer to the date.
For more information, follow the “Port Townsend PTA” on facebook or email ptpta@gmail.com
Backpacks for Kids Nutrition Program
Dear Families,
Salish Coast Elementary will once again be participating in the Backpacks for Kids Weekend Nutrition Program, provided by the Port Townsend Kiwanis Club, for families in need. The program provides child-friendly, non-perishable, and easy to prepare food for children to bring home once per week. This year the food will be distributed to your child’s classroom on either Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday.
Please let us know if you would like your child to participate by signing the form below and returning it to your child’s teacher or the office. You can also call Alixaundrea Poli, elementary School Social Woker, at 360-994-9045, or email her at apoli@ptschools.org. Names of participating families will be held in strict confidence.
Also, please note that the food bags will NOT contain nut products. Unfortunately, the Kiwanis cannot accommodate other allergy needs.
We hope this program is helpful to our Salish Coast families! Take care and please let us know if you have any other needs. We are here to help!
Many thanks,
Alixaundrea Poli
Salish Coast Elementary School
Follow this link to access the form to sign up for the Backpacks for Kids program this school year.
About Salish Coast Elementary
Website: https://salishcoast.ptschools.org/
Location: 1637 Grant Street, Port Townsend, WA 98368, USA
Phone: 3603794535
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/salishcoast
Non-discrimination statement
Port Townsend School District No. 50 does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of race, creed, religion, color, immigration status, national origin, age, honorably-discharged veteran or military status, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, marital status, the presence of any sensory, mental or physical disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability. The district provides equal access to the Boy Scouts of America and all other designated youth groups listed in Title 36 of the United States Code as a patriotic society. The following employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination:
Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator for State Law (RCW 28A.640/28A.642): Amy Khile, 1610 Blaine Street , (360) 379-4603, akhile@ptschools.org
Title IX Officer: Laurie McGinnis, 1610 Blaine Street, (360) 379-4602, lmcginnis@ptschools.org
Section 504/ADA Coordinator: Shelby MacMeekin, 1610 Blaine Street, (360) 379-4366, smacmeekin@ptschools.org