HES Family Newsletter
Feb 3, 2024

HES Family Newsletter - February 2025
We're Choosing Love Everywhere!
We always Choose Love at HES, but February is a special time to be involved in activities that promote all components of the Choose Love Formula, Courage-Gratitude-Forgiveness-Compassion. Students will continue to participate in daily lessons and we encourage ALL families to join us on Feb 18th as we hear from the founder, Scarlett Lewis, herself!
Our Busy Classrooms 👷🏻♂️
Pre-Kindergarten by Lisa Nadal
Pre-K's themes this month are first, From Farm to Table and then later in the month we are learning about Transportation. We are learning how our food gets from the farm to our very own tables and even the types of transportation involved in that process. During our literacy time we are learning the letters Rr, Qq, and Uu. We are learning how much of something can fit within another space as well as collecting data, making graphs, and also creating patterns as well as continuing to count to at least 30. We are continuously working on furthering our phonetic abilities such as blending onset and rime and breaking apart sentences into individual words. We are concentrating on writing our own names with each letter written in the correct order. We are exploring how to observe and describe common objects which expands our already extensive vocabularies and helps us learn to notice details that we may have not noticed before around us.
Kindergarten by Hortensia Leon
1st Grade by Jordan McGarvey
2nd Grade by Holly Hand
Second grade will begin the month of February with our Reading CBA then dive right back into practicing comprehension with identifying the central idea, text features, and learning new vocabulary words! We also will begin researching Historical Black Figures for a writing project, In Social Studies, we will learn conservation of Earth's resources, study Texas culture, and end the month with economics of our society. Plant processes will be our focus in Science. Our wonderful mathematicians are busy practicing our math skills. Our focus will be analyzing, comparing, and composing shapes this month.
Parents: Please continue to check your child's take home folder daily. Information about Valentine's Day parties is coming soon. Make sure your child is reading 10-20 minutes each night to keep up their reading skills! Second grade is planning a field trip to Western Belle Farm in West in the month of April. More information will come home to you soon.
3rd Grade by Amber Lopez
Important Reminders:
In order for your child to be successful on the upcoming benchmark tests, please be sure that students get adequate sleep the nights before their tests. Students should also arrive on time to ensure they are prepared and ready for the tests. Benchmarks are practice tests that help us plan and prepare students for their upcoming STAAR test in April.
Important Dates:
February 5 - Reading Benchmark
February 11 - Math Benchmark
February 25 - Living Wax Museum Presentation/Literacy Night
Notes From Around Campus 🏫
Nurse News by Kate Versluis
February is National Dental Health Awareness Month. Taking care of your teeth is very important to how you look and feel, but it also affects your general health, as dental problems can lead to other health problems. The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends the following for both children and adults:
Brush your teeth twice a day with an ADA-accepted fluoride toothpaste. Replace your toothbrush every 3-4 months, or sooner if the bristles are frayed.
Clean between teeth daily with floss. This helps remove plaque, harmful bacteria, and food particles from between the teeth and under the gum line.
Eat a balanced diet and limit between-meal snacks, especially high-sugar snacks.
Visit your dentist every 6 months for professional cleanings and oral exams.
Let’s work together to keep our kids’ smiles bright!
Counselor's Corner by Shae Owens
We are continuing to Choose Love at HES! Choose Love for Schools emphasizes the simple, universal teachings of courage, gratitude, forgiveness, and compassion in action. During the month of February, we will participate in Choose Love Awareness Month. This is a special month dedicated to all four components of the Choose Love Formula. Students will take part in discussions and activities at school that help them review the skills and tools needed to Choose Love in all situations using courage, gratitude, forgiveness, and compassion in action. The February Choose Love calendar will be provided to you so that you will have specific action steps to help practice each component of the Choose Love Formula at home as well.
To kick off Choose Love Awareness Month, we will have Choose Love Dress Days from Feb. 3rd-6th. A flyer was sent home detailing each day’s theme. We hope everyone will choose to participate!
**Please mark your calendars for Choose Love Family Night on February 18th at 5:30PM at the Hillsboro Intermediate School campus. Scarlett Lewis, founder of the Choose Love Movement, will be our special guest presenter, and we will have activity booths for school-aged students. This will be a great way to celebrate HES and HIS being designated as Certified Choose Love Schools. It will be a LOTof fun, so make plans to join us!!
Finally, we want parents to be part of Choose Love Awareness Month as well! You should have received a heart in your child’s folder. We hope you all have a chance to use this heart to write a message about why you love your child. Then, send it back to school so that we can display the hearts in our hallways to fill our halls with your loving words!
“You can’t always choose what happens to you, but you can always choose how you respond, and you can always respond in love.” - Scarlett Lewis, Founder of the Choose Love Movement
Shout Outs from The Specials Team
HES Technology Lab - Mrs. Price
The month of February will be filled with new challenges and adventures for our students. All Grades will learn the difference between inputs and outputs for computers. We will also be learning to use the internet for travel and research as well as taking several virtual field trips.
HES Music Class - Mrs. Abt
Second grade music students will be working on the music for their concert at the end of February. First and Third graders will be studying orchestral and classroom instruments. PreK will learn and play classroom instruments. Kindergarten musicians will study dynamics and tempo.
HES Library Center- Mrs. Wilson
February is Black History Month, and we will be reading books that work perfectly with the Second Grade musical concert! The Library will also be hosting a Literati Book Fair Feb. 25-27. The online fair (https://bit.ly/LiteratiOnlineFair) begins January 27th, so you can get a sneak peek of what’s coming! Approved volunteers can sign up to help at https://bit.ly/BookFairSpring25.
PE @ HES - Coach Franklin
Students in PE will continue to test for state testing once a week. We are also including the younger grade in the FitnessGram, so they are ready for testing and know what to expect when they enter 3rd Grade!
HES Art - Ms. Oneill
Students in 3rd grade will be completing their Rainbow Corn Paintings, then they will work on foam clay sculptures of gourds and squashes. Students in 2nd grade will make origami butterflies. Students in 1st, K and Pre-K will be making hearts with lettering projects to celebrate the upcoming visit from the Choose Love founder.
HES ESL - Particia Roberts
Students in second and third grade will be completing the last round of Summit K-12 tutorials in preparation for their upcoming TELPAS assessment.