Green Lane Gazette
November 2024

Important Dates
- 11/7 - NHS Induction
- 11/8 - End of 1st Marking Period
- 11/8 - 12:05 Dismissal
- 11/8 - Underclass Photo Retakes
- 11/11 - No School - Veterans Day
- 11/12 - Financial Aid Night 6-7:30
- 11/13 - Fall Sports Banquet
- 11/15 - First day of Winter Sports
- 11/27 - 12:05 Dismissal
- 11/28 - 11/29 - No School - Thanksgiving Break
Financial Aid Night
We are excited to invite you to our Financial Aid Information Night, designed specifically for you and your family to help ease the stress of understanding how to pay for your post-graduation plans. This event will provide valuable insights into financial aid options and tips for navigating the application process.
Date: November 12, 2024
Time: 6:00-7:30pm
Location: Harry S Truman High School Auditorium
During the evening, you’ll hear from Bucks County Community College financial aid experts and have the opportunity to ask questions about maximizing your funding opportunities for college. Whether you're considering community college, university, or vocational programs, this event is for you! Please register for the event below.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Talking Points
Families have three easy ways to use TalkingPoints and to communicate with their children’s teachers for free! They can use:
- text messaging,
- download the separate app - TalkingPoints for Families - or
- they can use it on the web at: https://families.talkingpts.org/welcome
You can opt to receive text messages or download the TalkingPoints for Families mobile app. You can also use TalkingPoints on the web. There will be no charge from TalkingPoints* to use text messages, the mobile app, or the web.
We've begun using Talking Points as another communication method to send out information via text, as well as some of our teachers. Do you feel or know that your child's teacher has been sending out these message and you're not receiving them? Fill out the form below.
Purchase Your Yearbook
The Harry S Truman High School yearbook is a one-of-a-kind publication. It's a limited edition collection of stories and events from the school year.
You can place your order online easily by going to sscyearbooks.com and following the instructions.
You can also place your order by phone by calling (800)-600-9107.
The yearbook staff has been working hard putting together a great book - so don't delay, purchase your yearbook today!!
Student Parking Permits
Parking pass applications for the 2024-2025 school year are now open to Seniors. No student will be permitted to park on campus without an updated parking pass. Passes from the 2023-2024 school year are not valid for the upcoming school year. If you want to drive to school and park a car on campus, please apply for a parking pass by completing the attached google form.
We will be flexible on the first few days as students process their passes, but please take immediate steps to register vehicles.
Qualified applicants will be issued passes on a first come first serve basis. If your application is approved, you will be contacted to set a time to deliver your signed contract (signed by you and a parent/guardian), pay your fee, and receive your pass.
If you have any questions about this process, you can contact the Truman student affairs office at 267-599-2112.
IXL: Empowering Students to Succeed!
We are excited to announce to all parents of 9th to 11th graders that your students have full access to IXL, a powerful tool designed to help them take charge of their learning. Through IXL, students can work on their personalized action plans, and targeted skill plans for Keystone Algebra, Literature, and Biology. These tailored plans help ensure they are on track for academic success, whether they need extra practice or want to challenge themselves. Encourage your child to take advantage of this valuable resource today!
Cap & Gown Orders
Attention Parents/Guardians of the Class of 2025!
You can go to www.sscgradstore.com to enter SSC's online store and securely place your order.
If you have any questions, please call Student Services Company at 610-539-1330 or email them at gowns@studentservicesco.com
Thank you!
2024-2025 School Counselor Assignments
Please review the chart below to determine the school counselor assignments for 2024-2025.
School Counselor Emails:
- Mrs. Miller - karen.miller@bristoltwpsd.org
- Mrs. Allen - greta.allen@bristoltwpsd.org
- Mrs. Jones - adrienne.jones@bristoltwpsd.org
- Mrs. Bodnar - ann.bodnar@bristoltwpsd.org
- Mr. Wright - micah.wright@bristoltwpsd.org
- Ms. Mallon - rebecca.mallon@bristoltwpsd.org
Locker Assignments
In recent experience we have found that a limited number of students utilize their lockers during the school day as many school items have gone digital and are typically carried in a backpack. With that being said, we'll be assigning lockers by REQUEST ONLY. By doing this, students who want to utilize a locker can also seek for that locker to be assigned in an ideal location. To request a locker, please click the button below to fill out the form.
Technology Insurance Fee
Protect your student's Chromebook from accidental damage and costly repairs by purchasing a technology insurance fee for the 2024-2025 school year. All purchases can be made through the Parent Portal in Infinite Campus. Review this flyer for more details.
$35 today can save $100's later!
Attendance is 🔑
No factor has a more direct relationship to a student's success in school than a good attendance record. Attendance is required of all students enrolled at Harry S Truman High School during the days and hours that school is in session.
All attendance notes, excuses, doctors notes, trip approval requests, and other inquiries should be emailed to hst.attendance@bristoltwpsd.org or call 267-599-2109 to speak with Staci Spoon, our attendance clerk. **Excuse notes can also be submitted through our app**
Educational Tours & Trip Approval Requests
The Board may excuse a student from school attendance to participate in an educational tour or trip not sponsored by the district if the following conditions are met:[12]
- The parent/guardian submits a written request for excuse 10 days prior to the absence.
- The student's participation has been approved by the Superintendent or designee (principal).
- The adult directing and supervising the tour or trip is acceptable to the parents/guardians and the Superintendent.
Please submit absence notices and questions to: hst.attendance@bristoltwpsd.org
Find the Talking Points App in Your App Store Today!
English 9: Students just finished a unit focused on conflict and characterization, and will be moving into examining point of view and irony by reading “The Casque of Amontillado.” There will also be a continued focus on utilizing the R.A.C.E.S. strategy for writing constructed responses. Students will also begin or continue working with the IXL program.
English 10: Students are taking a deep dive into characterization, with a strong focus on motivation and direct/indirect characterization. Students will also be examining numerous reading and writing strategies in preparation for the Keystone Exams. Students will also begin or continue working with the IXL program.
English 11: Students have begun a focus on literature written in the literary era of romanticism. This includes an examination of the subgenre of “dark romanticism” and the literary concept of an archetype. Some of the literary works that will be read and analyzed are “The Devil and Tom Walker” “The Pit and the Pendulum.”
English 12: Students are currently moving into reading literature of the Middle Ages, which includes Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales. Along with the text, students will inspect the role of characterization within various individual tales from the work and the concept of a frame narrative.
Health & PE
Driver Education
Driver Education students have completed the first three units of class. They should understand the basics of driving, including signs, signals, instruments, and controls, as well as fundamental vehicle operations. The students have just finished their "Car Buying" project, where they learned about financing a car, interest rates, and the basics of insurance. Ask your student about their “new car”?
Unified PE
Unified PE has established stretching routines and warm-ups. The class continues to go outside as much as possible, so students should be prepared to dress appropriately for chilly weather. Outside, students have been engaged in choice-based gameplay, reinforcing their skills by selecting different activities and teammates.
Physical Education
PE students have been enjoying the outdoors and the nice weather. After their dynamic warm-up, they have been participating in various games, with volleyball, football, walking, and soccer being their favorites. Classes will continue to go outside for as long as possible, so please remember to bring warm clothing as the temperatures drop.
Health and Wellness
Health students are currently in the middle of our sex education curriculum. So far, we’ve covered the basics of male and female reproductive systems, exploring how each functions and the biological aspects of reproduction. This foundational knowledge has set us up to move into our next unit, which focuses on pregnancy and childbirth.
Students in Algebra 1 are about to begin their study of linear equations, a topic that will dominate the majority of their coursework for the year. Elsewhere, our Pre-Calculus students are learning how to divide polynomials, and Geometry classes are diving into their study of parallel lines.
In Personal Finance and Applied Math classes, students are beginning a unit on budgeting. Learning how to create monthly and yearly budgets is crucial for high school students, as it equips them with skills needed for financial stability and responsibility. Budgeting teaches students to track their income and expenses, allowing them to see how their spending aligns with their financial goals. Monthly budgets help students manage immediate, recurring expenses and make adjustments if they are overspending, while yearly budgets provide a broader view that includes planning for seasonal expenses, savings, and long-term goals. By understanding budgeting now, students build financial awareness and discipline, reducing the likelihood of financial stress or debt as they enter adulthood. Ultimately, these budgeting skills empower students to make informed financial decisions and prepare for a secure financial future.
Biology: Students studied the chemistry of living things, including: why water is so important for life, the organic biomolecules that make up our cells, and how enzymes facilitate biological reactions. Their labs included testing each of water's unique properties, cycling through stations on the four groups of macromolecules, and observing how well enzymes in a potato catalyze a chemical reaction under varying temperature and pH levels. (photo attached)
Environmental Science: Students learned about experimental design, data analysis, and red flags for identifying pseudoscience. In Earth and Space, students completed a unit on astronomy which focused on the Big Bang Theory and the evolution of stars and galaxies.
Chemistry: students are working on the electronic structure of the atom. They just completed labs on endothermic and exothermic reactions. In AP chemistry, students just completed a unit on chemical bonding.
Social Studies
AP U.S. History classes took a trip to the Museum of the American Revolution to wrap up our studies on the Revolutionary Era.
Students in Western Civilizations are wrapping up the first marking period with the Age of Exploration unit. It introduces students to many European explorers, the routes and discoveries they made, and the indigenous populations they encountered.
10th grade students in American Studies courses concluded a study of the 1930’s and have begun examining the factors that led the United States on the path to World War 2.
11th grade Civics students have concluded a thorough examination of the U.S. Constitution and have begun exploring the U.S. Bill of Rights.
Students from Truman’s Psychology class show off they’re 3D brain models
Our DECA students recently attended an engaging DECA Day with the 76ers. The day included meeting with sales staff, participating in a Sports Marketing case study, attending a career panel, touring the Eagles locker room, and enjoying a 76ers game.
Basic Clothing Class: We are thrilled to announce an upcoming field trip to the James Michener Museum in March 2025. Thanks to Title 1 status and a generous museum benefactor, this experience will be free for all students.
Resources for Living: Students are expanding their skills by learning new cooking techniques, including working with fermented foods
Theatre One: Students have wrapped up their Actor projects and are now presenting monologue performances, along with learning about various theatre-related roles beyond acting.
Theatre Two: This class is rehearsing their first play of the school year, focusing on memorizing monologues and scene work.
Theatre Three: Students are beginning their exploration of Dear Evan Hansen.
Theatre Four: The class is starting a new project examining familial traits and behaviors and reading their next major piece of work.
Introduction to Business: students turned creative ideas into action by selling custom keychains during "Red October," inspired by the Phillies' postseason. They sold 51 keychains at $4 each, with top sellers earning a pizza party. Additionally, students learned to program spreadsheets and applied their knowledge by playing the classic Lemonade Stand game.
Fine Arts: Visit the Fine Arts wing in C Hall to see amazing new artwork created by Truman’s talented artists. Student work will be featured in at least five competitive art exhibits across Bucks County this school year.
Unified STEM: Students have been working on project kits donated by Home Depot, and students created laser-cut dinosaur puzzles as a collaborative project.
Principles of Engineering: students are building solar-powered windmills.
Civil Engineering: Students are designing eco-friendly sheds using Autodesk Revit.
FUNdamentals of Engineering 1: Students recently completed a “Pumpkin Challenge,” where students designed CAD-O-Lanterns in Onshape, and the HST staff voted on their favorites. Congratulations to the top students: Zymere Dixon, Dominick Campanara, Jali Yania Sturgis, Benjamin Sherry, Ketherine Bitting, Curtis Vere, Yigit Cakir, Joseph Dunkley, Brady Greene, and Dregon Howell.
Library News: The Harry S Truman Library remains an active hub with new books and activities introduced every marking period. Over 500 books have been checked out in the first two months of school! The library has also partnered with English, science, and sociology classes for collaborative projects. Librarian Ms. Rein attended a Power Library training workshop and is excited to share new resources, including Transparent Language and other databases.
World Language
Hola, Ciao, and Hello!
Classroom Corner
Señorita Broggi’s Spanish classes participated in a scavenger hunt related to school vocabulary that they are learning about.
Signor Gleeson’s Italian classes are learning about Italian movies and media.
ELD classes continue to focus on improving reading comprehension across all content areas.
Teacher spotlight - Our entire staff will be attending a county wide World Language professional development at Central Bucks West High School. We will be learning about additional strategies for Teaching and assessing for growth in the World Language classroom.
Below: Señora Robertson and Signorina Lezi went all out with costumes for Halloween representing historical figures from their home countries of Mexico and Italy.
Senior Spotlight
Alexis Dingley
AM/Arrival Process
PM/Dismissal Bus Lineup
Truman Contact Information
APP: https://harry-s-truman-high-school.edlioweb.app/#/home
Instagram:@officialharrystrumanhsFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/bristoltownshipschooldistrict
Twitter: @TrumanTigerBTSD