Spaulding High School
Winter News, February 2025
Welcome to our winter newsletter. Please read about important things coming up and help us celebrate some of the great things happening at Spaulding.
SAT and PSATs coming
Important to Sophomores and Juniors
On Thursday, April 17, our sophomores will take the PSAT 10 and juniors will take the SAT as part of our standardized testing schedule. These assessments provide valuable insights into student progress and play a key role in preparing them for future academic opportunities.
This year, both tests will be administered in a digital format. To help students perform their best, we encourage them to:
Get a good night's sleep before the test
Eat a healthy breakfast
Utilize practice resources such as College Board’s Official SAT Practice on Khan Academy and Tutor.com for additional support
Additional details on testing logistics will be shared closer to the date. Thank you for your support in helping our students succeed!
Senior Service Day
No School for Freshmen
On April 17, because our grade nine students had an extra day of school at the beginning of the year for Freshmen Orientation, they will not have school during the SATs.
Course Registration News
Registration for next year is underway
Pre-registration for classes for next year is currently underway. Counselors have been presenting to Freshman Advisory classrooms and meeting with upperclassmen individually. If any students or parents have questions or would like to meet with their counselor, please don't hesitate to reach out to the school counselors for assistance.
Below are some helpful websites.
School Counselor assignments: https://sites.google.com/a/sau54.org/shsguidance/home
Infinite Campus: https://sis.rochesterschools.com/campus/portal/rochester.jsp
Program of Studies for next year: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fCoeu-U3Gpt1zyQHbMjBrE6KCLz_-jsXg2cdAH1Rl9M/edit?tab=t.0
Music Department News!
Come see Matilda!
Spaulding Music is busy rehearsing and making preparations for our annual musical production, Roald Dahl’s Matilda - the Musical.
Show times:
Wednesday March 19th at 6:30 PM
Thursday the 20th at 6:30 PM
Friday the 21st at 7:00 PM
Saturday the 22nd at 2:00 PM and 7:00PM
Sunday the 23rd at 2:00 PM
Tickets will be general admission $10.00 for adults and $8.00 for students and seniors.
Art News!
Students earn high scores at Scholastic Awards
The Art Department is celebrating our Scholastic Art participants and winners! We had 3 Gold Keys, 2 Silver Keys, and 11 Honorable Mentions. All together we had 67 participants. Sadly the main ceremony at Pinkerton Academy was cancelled due to weather/storms. We celebrated our students on Tuesday, February 18th in the Spaulding Media Center/Library. Awards were handed out, a slideshow was presented, and artwork was on display for all to see!
Athletic News!
Noah earns his 100th win!
Noah Jackson celebrated his 100th career win in SHS Wrestling. He was even recently recognized at the latest school board meeting. Congratulations, Noah!
Ice Hockey continues to dominate!
Ice Hockey continues to dominate with victories over Dover, St. Thomas, and Alvrine. They won their rivalry game at home against Dover and brought the Anctil Cup back to Rochester for the first time in 5 years! We wish them continued success as they progress to the playoffs! Way to go!
Our Unified Basketball team makes us proud!
Unified Basketball hosted Winnacunnet for an in school matchup that came down to the wire! The teams bonded prior to the game with a pizza lunch and lots of laughs! The fans had a blast cheering on our team in (hopefully) this annual event.
Ready for Spring...
Spring Sports officially kick off on March 24th. Online registration opens on March 1st and can be found at the following link (https://www.familyid.com/organizations/spaulding-high-school) or on the Spaulding High School website under Athletics. We offer:
Boys and Girls Lacrosse
Boys and Girls Tennis
Track & Field
Unified Volleyball (starts 3/31)
Many informational meetings are happening so please listen to announcements or stop by the athletic office for more information! Think SPRING!!
Model United Nations!
Model UN Team competes against 2500
Thirteen members of the Model UN team competed at BosMUNXXIV, hosted by Boston University. There were over 2,500 students in attendance! Our students debated international conflicts and topics such as artificial intelligence, founding the International Criminal Court, Environmental growth, gender equality, and ending financing terrorism. Each of our students worked to negotiate on behalf of their assigned countries and created resolutions that were debated and voted on. This was our most competitive conference to date and the Spaulding students showed off their extraordinary skills.
Career Connected Learning Center
ELO Showcase
In January, all students who completed an ELO this past fall participated in the ELO Student Showcase. 17 talented students participated in Spaulding High School's ELO Student Showcase, sharing their incredible journeys through internships, work-based learning, and independent studies! We're so proud of their dedication and hard work.
Great use of Advisory time...
The Career Connected Learning Center has also been hosting Career Connected Learning Chats during advisory. Over the past two months, we have had representatives from Wilcox, Velcro, HBL Insurance, Eastern Propane, IBEW Local 490 JATC (a NH electrical union), and the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard come to talk to our students.