Otsego Junior High
June 28, 2024
Welcome 6th Graders and Parents!
I just wanted to send all of you a newsletter outlining all of the events/activities/announcements from the Junior High. We are all excited for Summer, but as the new school year approaches, we will be ready to meet all of you and begin this Junior High journey together! Please familiarize yourself with the format of the newsletter: I typically send these out weekly during the school year with pertinent information related to the Junior High and District events.
All returning JH students, please note the daily schedule for next year. We will not be running a block schedule, we will have a 7 period day with a Success Period. (See Below)
There is a button below with next year's school calendar. Please take a look at next year's school calendar. (2024-2025 District Calendar)
Please familiarize yourself with the Homework Calendar located on our website. I have enclosed a link below for quick reference. This is the location where homework/classwork will be posted for you to view.
Here is the link to our Homework Calendar:
Non-emergency/crisis Referral Form
If you have an emergency/crisis school situation and need to speak to someone at the school please call the office at 419-823-4381 ext. 3100
Welcome Ms. Szychowski!
We are excited to introduce Ms. Jamie Szychowski as our new Junior High School Counselor.
My name is Jamie Szychowski and I am the Junior High School Counselor. I graduated from Bowling Green State University with my undergraduate and graduate degrees. I began my counseling career three years ago at Cory-Rawson Local Schools gaining many experiences and opportunities that I am grateful for. I look forward to the start of my journey at Otsego and meeting all the wonderful staff and community members that are imperative to our students’ success. Outside of work, I enjoy walks with my energetic Australian Shepard, traveling with my fiancé, Justin, and spending time with friends and family. Go Knights!
August 7: Back to School Day *More information will be communicated out over the summer.
2024-25 SNAPSHOT
You can use Payschools to pay for fees and lunches online.
Quick Setup Guide:
Manage your account:
Payschools Signup Information:
Jon Rife, Principal
Jamie Szychowski, School Counselor
419-823-4381 ext. 3006