OCEAN Newsletter

September 27, 2024
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Here are the new announcements in this newsletter:
- Picture Day - September 30
- PSAT for Juniors Oct 28 - Sign up Today
- October 4th Field Trip - Tamanowas Rock and Anderson Lake
- Earn to Learn Class for Students age 16 and up
- Positive Behavior Interventions and Support
- Upcoming Community Events
- OCEAN High School Student of the Week
New Announcements
Picture Day - September 30
OCEAN Picture Day is September 30. Students who have class on campus on Monday, September 30 will have a scheduled time to attend.
For students in grades K-5 they may come for photos at 12:45pm on September 30. Meet at the OCEAN office. K-5 students can also wait until picture retake day on Thursday, Oct 24.
Get ready to say “cheese” and don’t forget – please don’t wear green.
Long Range Planning for OCEAN and High School Campus
The Port Townsend School District is undertaking a long range planning process that includes planning for the futures of the OCEAN and Port Townsend High School Campus. OCEAN students in grades 6-10 will participate in two sessions to help envision possibilities for future facilities for OCEAN School. The first session will be October 2 during the school day.
There is also an opportunity for a small group of students and families members to participate in the OCEAN Facilities Design Advisory Committee. This group will meet Oct. 20, Jan. 8, Feb. 5 from 1:30-3pm and tour other schools on October 24. If you are a student or family member who would like to participate please email srubenstein@ptschools.org to indicate your interest.
PSAT for Juniors Oct 28 - Sign up Today
Juniors - the PSAT (preliminary SAT) will take place on Monday, October 28 at PTHS. The PSAT provides practice for the SAT test and connects you to potential scholarship providers. The test costs $18 with fee waivers available. Please contact your School Counselor, Emily Eldridge at eeldridge@ptschools.org, if you'd like to take it. We'd like a preliminary list by September 30, so sign up today!
October 4th Field Trip - Tamanowas Rock and Anderson Lake
The first field trip of the year. Yay! We are going to be hiking around Tamanowas Rock. This site is considered sacred to the S’Klallam people (see article attached below). Its history and importance makes it a vital place to know about as we study WA State history and geography.
Please come prepared to hike 3 -5 miles. Also, please be prepared for all weather. It is a beautiful spot and it will be fun to observe all the signs of fall in the woods.
Remember all trips are parent accompanied but we do have room in the vans for some unaccompanied students. These spots are filled on a first come first served basis. Please email dmolotsky@ptschools.org if you plan to come. YAY for local field trips! Any questions? Contact Daniel, dmolotsky@ptschools.org
Date: Friday 10/04/16
Meeting time: 9:45 – Daniel’s Portable
Leaving time: 10:00
Hiking Tamanowas and Anderson Lake 10:00 – 2:00
Lunch 12:00 – 12:30
Return time: 2:30
What to bring: Water bottle, lunch, snacks, raingear, and appropriate shoes.
If you have them please bring: Journals and pencils. and binoculars.
Tamanowas Rock is owned and managed by the Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe. The area is considered sacred to the S’Klallam people and has been instrumental in defining, maintaining, and enhancing cultural practices of the S’Klallam.
The site is a traditional cultural place of the S’Klallam and other tribes in the region. Additionally, the site contains several caves, a basalt monolith, and rock shelter. This site has been named to the National Register of Historic Places pursuant to criteria A, because the caves offered both a place of refuge for the S’Klallam people and a location of religious importance. The rock shelter demonstrates that this was an occupation site, at least seasonally. (From: https://jamestowntribe.org/history-and-culture/tamanowas-rock/ )
Earn to Learn Class for Students age 16 and up
Earn to Learn Paid Career Training Classes.
Earn $500 as you unleash your career potential. Mist be 16-24 years old, live in Jefferson County, be open to learning new things and can commit to 45 hours of learning. Classes Start Oct 15. Tuesdays 5-7pm. 16 weeks.
Info night Tuesday October 1 @ the Nest 5-6pm, 1119 Lawrence Street.
RSVP Text or call: #360-554-9171
To apply use this application link:
Positive Behavior Interventions and Support
Our school is participating in an important district initiative. It is called Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS).
What is Positive Behavior Interventions and Support?
PBIS is not a program but a way to create positive behavior systems for the whole school. The goal is to teach and support behavior for all students in order to create a classroom conducive to learning. Some kids need PBIS more than others but a positive system helps everyone. Teachers and staff work together to plan and solve problems, making sure all students can learn in a safe and supportive environment.
What is PBIS at our school?
We have adopted a unified set of school expectations for behavior in our school. You will see these rules posted throughout the school. They are found in every classroom and non-classroom setting in the school and are :
What does it actually look like?
When a student is “caught” being kind, respectful, inclusive or safe a staff member thanks them, identifies the positive behavior and hands then an “Otter buck.” Students can choose what to do with the Otter buck. Either:
Safe up their Otter bucks for the school store that’s open on Wednesday at 1pm and Thursday’s at 2:00 in Judd’s classroom.
Take part in a friendly competition (grades K-5 and 9-12 only); stapling Otter bucks to the wall in MB or Kyle's class. The first class to get the Otter bucks to the floor picks a school appropriate, MB or Kyle approved movie. The second class picks a healthy snack.
Please do not hesitate to reach out with questions or concerns!
The OCEAN Staff
Upcoming Community Events
Support our robotics teams at the following events.
OCEAN High School Student of the Week
Each week the Port Townsend Leader Highlights Students of the Week from Jefferson County High Schools.
Teagan Boyd is the OCEAN Student of the Week. Teagan exemplifies the OCEAN value of kindness. They can regularly be seen around campus helping other students and adults. Through their kindness they help other students feel welcome at our school. In addition Teagan is a dedicated student who tries their best at school each day.
This week at OCEAN
From Previous Newsletters
Sign Up for Staff Meals for Conference Weeks
Sign-Up genius link for supporting meals during conference week
OCEAN K-12 Parents: Food LOVE for OCEAN Teachers & Staff (signupgenius.com)
A big thank you to the OCEAN community. The OCEAN staff appreciates your support in providing a nourishing meal during our busy conference days. We are often hustling between conferences and knowing there is a meal waiting for us in the office is an amazing gift to the staff.
OCEAN Family Campout
Please join us for the annual OCEAN Family Camp Out
A PT PTA sponsored event
WHEN: October 11-13, 2024
WHERE: Fort Flagler Wagon Wheel
● Whatever you need to camp your way, including your food
● bikes, games, exploring gear
● Guitar, bongo, harmonicas & your favorite songs for campfire joy
● Campfire stories, myths & urban legends
● Art & craft supplies
Saturday Pancake Breakfast provided by PTA
** bring your own dishes and cutlery**
OCEAN T-Shirt and Hoodies For Sale
All Hoodies and T-Shirts are the winning logo made by William DeJarnatt printed on a light blue garment.
All orders due by 12/20. Make checks payable to Port Townsend School District and bring to the OCEAN office with the order form.
FREE Mindful Morning Movement at Blue Heron Wednesday Mornings
FREE Mindful Morning Movement at Blue Heron
Calling all parents, aunts and uncles, grandparents, caregivers... Students and family members, age 11 and up, welcome!
Wake up with gentle stretching! Get over the mid-week hump with a few deep breaths and easy movement.
Wednesdays, Sept. 25 - Oct. 30, 7:30am - 8:10am, Blue Heron Gym
Seeking: Fish Volunteer
WANTED! Fish volunteer! Are you or someone you know able to cut out a simple salmon shape in wood for students to design and paint? We need 25-30 wooden salmons to paint by October 18th. Salmon can range in size from 1-2 feet.
Are you or someone you know able to lead a group in fish printing on October 18th ?
If so, please contact MB: marmstrong@ptschools.org
Upcoming Events
- September 30 - Picture day
- October 4 - Field Trip Tamanowas Rock
- October 5 - Mini Maker Fair
- October 9 - Indigenous People's Day In Class Presentations
- October 11-13 - OCEAN PT PTA Camp Out
Communications Tips
Want OCEAN K-12 Events to show up on your digital calendar?
Want to Get School Communications Via Text?
Opt in by texting “Y” or “Yes” to our district’s short code number, 67587.
About OCEAN K-12
Email: srubenstein@ptschools.org
Website: https://ocean.ptschools.org/
Location: 3939 San Juan Ave, Port Townsend, WA, USA
Phone: 360-680-5750
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/oceank12
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/oceank12
Non-discrimination statement
Port Townsend School District No. 50 does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of race, creed, religion, color, immigration status, national origin, age, honorably discharged veteran or military status, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, marital status, the presence of any sensory, mental or physical disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability. The district provides equal access to the Boy Scouts of America and all other designated youth groups listed in Title 36 of the United States Code as a patriotic society. The following employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination:
Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator for State Law (RCW 28A.640/28A.642): Carrie Ehrhardt 360.680.5756 cehrhardt@ptschools.org
Title IX Officer: Carrie Ehrhardt 360.680.5756 cehrhardt@ptschools.org
Section 504/ADA Coordinator: Shelby MacMeekin, 1610 Blaine Street, (360) 680.5763, smacmeekin@ptschools.org
Title IX inquiries may also be directed toward the U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights (OCR):https://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/index.html