Wildcat Press Newsletter
Volume 3, Issue 8 ~ October 16, 2022
Principal's Message
Hello Pride,
I hope everyone got some rest and relaxation during the break. I want to congratulate our students who took advantage of the fall intercession to improve their grades. As we return I want to encourage everyone to keep moving forward. Looking back does not help us get to where we want to be. We cannot fix the mistakes of our past (missing assignments, blown test, absences) however we can improve moving forward.
As we move into the second quarter I encourage you all to make an extra effort to check on grades at least once, but not more than twice a week. If you are not checking often enough you will fall behind and not know it, if you are checking to often you will be stressing yourselves or your student out and that is not good either. Set up a time once a week to check in with your student and go over their infinite campus and teacher google classrooms together. This will help them to know that they are going to be held accountable and won't leave you wondering or assuming everything is fine, when maybe it is not. My suggestion is Wednesday or Thursday evenings. This allows the student to talk with their teacher and find out what they need to do and have the weekend to complete it. The other important piece here is that a check in once a week, gives you a heads up if something drastic has changed. I also wouldn't make this time only about grades. Ask about friends, feelings, do they have questions about things going on in the world. Talk to them about how you feel about important social issues, social media and share your personal beliefs. These times allow you to develop a strong and safe space for your child to share what is on their mind. If they don't get to have any of these conversations with you on a small scale, then when the big things come up they don't know if it is safe or how to get your attention. I know you believe your student knows they can come to you with anything. I assure you that if you are not taking regular time with them, they don't.
Thanks again for sharing your students with us, they are the most important asset in our school!!
Rod Huston
MHS Administrative Team!
Mr. Rod Huston
Mrs. Marguerite Brown
Assistant Principal
Grade Level: Juniors
Freshman F-N
Mr. Rudy Alvarado
Assistant Principal
Athletic Director
Grade Level: Sophomores
Freshman: O-Z
Mr. Kevin Swann
Activities and Clubs
Grade Level: Seniors
Freshman: A-E
MHS Events
Monday October 17th-
School Resumes
Girl’s Volleyball @ St. Mary’s High School - Fr. 4:00, JV. 5:00, V. 6:00pm
Tuesday October 18th-
Chipotle Night Fundraiser 4-8pm
Marching Band Pictures 4-6pm
Boy’s Golf @ Ancala Golf Club 3:00pm
Girl’s Volleyball @ MHS Fr. 4:00, JV. 5:00, V. 6:00pm
Wednesday October 19th-Early Release 1 hour
Senior Night 6-8pm in the Courtyard, Auditorium and Den
Football @Higley High Fr/SO 6:00pm
Thursday October 20th-
Grand Canyon University visit in the Courtyard 11:30-12:30
Boy’s Golf Springfield Golf Club 12:00pm
Swim/Dive Meet @ MJHS 4:00pm
Girl’s Volleyball @Saguaro Fr/So 4:00, JV 5:00, V 6:00
Friday October 21st-
MHS Football @ Higley High 7:00pm
Monday October 24- Red Ribbon Week
Senior Pictures Counseling Corner 7:30-1:00pm
COE College Cedar Rapids Visit 11:30-12:30 in the Courtyard
Tuesday October 25-
Girl’s Volleyball FR/SO 5-6pm vs. Arcadia @MHS
Girl’s Volleyball vs. Arcadia @MHS
Wednesday October 26- Half Day
Portland University visit 11:00-12pm
Drama Fall Showcase 6:00-9:00pm in Room F110
Football FR/SO vs. Casa Grande @MHS 6:00pm
Thursday October 27 -
Girl’s Volleyball FR/SO @Marcos De Niza 4-5:00pm
Girl’s Volleyball JV 5-6:00pm @Marcos DeNiza
Girl’s Volleyball Varsity @ 6:00pm
Drama Showcase 6-10pm Room F110
MHS Varsity Football @Marcos DeNiza 7:00pm
Friday October 28th-
Track or Treat MHS Football Field 6-8:00pm
Saturday October 29th-
Boy’s and Girl’s Swim and Dive @Brophy 9:00am
Kibbles N Bits
Chains of Hope Winners!
Congratulations to Amy LIttler, our MHS Social Worker, students and staff for winning the Chains of Hope contest of a $1,000 grant during Suicide Awareness Week. The contest was put on by Teen Lifeline and Mercy Care to inspire long-term hope on each campus. Students shared a message of hope, a positive statement or even listed a trusted adult on the strips of paper where they were linked together and displayed so they can all read encouraging messages. Well done all!
Childhood Cancer Donation Link
Throughout the month of September, we are recognizing Childhood Cancer Month here at Mesquite. It is guessed that almost 16,000 children are diagnosed with cancer per year in the U.S. and 1 in 5 children diagnosed will pass away. Childhood cancer has left a huge impact on Mesquite. Some of our own students have passed away from cancer, some students deal directly with cancer, and others have siblings that are fighting cancer. The benefits from the donations will be donated to the Arizona Cancer Foundation for Children, a wonderful, local organization that helps families of children with cancer in many ways. They help pay bills, provide access to medical assistance, and simply just bring children cancer fighters some happiness. Please donate in any way you can. Even just a dollar helps. Thank you all!
PSAT/NMSQT- October 25th
Mesquite High School, in accordance with other sister GPS high schools, plans to administer the PSAT/NMSQT© to all of our currently enrolled 10th grade students free of cost on Tuesday, October 25th. Additionally, any 11th grade students who previously registered and paid to participate will also take the exam on this date.
Testing for the students who are participating, will begin at 7:30 am. Transportation will run two times that morning, once at normal time for those who will be testing that day and then agai
The following school day for students in grades 9, 11, and 12 not taking the test and is a Late Start. Please review the schedule below for school start time and class times. The campus is not open to non-test takers before this time.
AP Exam Registration
Club Pictures!
Tuesday, October 18th from 9:30-1:00 all the various clubs at Mesquite High School will be photographed for the yearbook! Come ready to represent your club!!
Senior Night!
Wednesday, October 19th promises to be a great night for all seniors and their families! Come to the MHS Courtyard from 6:00-8:00 to order your yearbook, cap and gown, grad announcements, and class rings! There will be a food truck, items from the spirit store for sale and representatives to help with the FAFSA application.
Essentially, this night includes all things senior related! Come have a great time and gather a pile of information!
Drama Club! That's right, Drama Club! Come join us EVERY Thursday from 2:30-3:30 in room F110. Drama club is where friendships are made and fun is had. Come join us in building up our skills and mastery of theatre, play some games, and join our ensemble of scrappy players. We learn valuable performance techniques, design skills, team building opportunities, and creating something from nothing. Let's play! NO FEES to join. There will be PIZZA and PRIZES.
Track or Treat-Our annual Track or Treat is coming up on October 28th at MHS Football field from 6-8pm. Watch for more information soon!
Memories From Homecoming
Track or Treat
Once again, we are hosting our Track or Treat event and want to invite our families out for a fun night. We will have a number of games and activities for kids to participate in. It's a fun and active way to do trick or treating! See you there!
GPS Tip Line
About MHS
Email: mhsinfo@gilbertschools.net
Website: https://www.gilbertschools.net/mesquitehigh
Location: 500 S McQueen Road, Gilbert, AZ 85233, USA
Phone: 480-632-4750
Twitter: @MHSWildcat_News