Lesher Middle School
Community Communication: January 17, 2025
Principal's Message
Upcoming Events / Athletic Information
Monday, January 20th
MLK Day: No School
Tuesday, January 21st
Wrestling Gold Cards Due
Wednesday, January 22nd
3:00 C-Team Girls Basketball Scrimmage vs. Webber (@ Lesher)
3:00 Varsity / JV Girls Basketball Scrimmage @ Webber
Gold Card Process:
1) Complete the Online Athletic Registration at https://www.psdathletics.org,
2) Turn in a hard copy of the Physical from your Doctor’s office to Ms. Roth at Lesher. Physicals cannot be uploaded or completed online. A physical is good for 364 days, and
3) Pay an Athletic Fee ($140; unless free or reduced lunch eligible student- fee is waived; $70 unified basketball; or private, charter or home school student- $210)
Once these are completed, Ms. Roth will be providing GOLD CARDS to students before school, during lunch, or after school.
Summer School Information for Current 8th Graders
Greetings Everyone,
PSD Online HS Summer School is almost here and will remain free to all PSD graduating 8th graders to seniors. This includes students entering PSD in the 25-26 school year.
The dates, times, and additional information are posted on the Summer School Website (summer.psdschools.org).
Tuesday, April 1 - 8:00 am | Thursday, May 22 – 3:00 pm - Registration open March 3
Monday, June 2 - 8:00 am | Friday, June 27 - 3:00 pm - Registration open May 20
Please note the following:
Math: Math courses for first-time credit are now available to all students currently in grades 9th - 12th.
Exception: Graduating 8th-grade students are limited to math classes for credit recovery only.
Physical Education: Please inform students, particularly 8th-grade students, that the updated Physical Education course requires 40 hours of documented fitness logs.
World History: The World History curriculum has been revised to align with the new credit genocide standards.
Economics/Financial Literacy: A new 5-credit combination Economics/Financial Literacy class has been introduced to satisfy the financial literacy requirement for students beginning with incoming 9th graders.
Note: All other students should enroll in the separate Personal Finance and Economics courses to earn graduation credits.
Environmental Science: Environmental Science Semester 1 and Semester 2 are now available.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Bianca Katz
Wrestling Store is Open!
Here is the link to our online wrestling store if you are in need of gear! The store is open till January 27th.
PSD Enrollment Survey
Jan. 13, 2025
Dear PSD Families,
Poudre School District offers many excellent options for students, and we want to better understand why our families choose the schools they do within our district.
To gather this information, we have created a short survey in which you are asked to provide feedback on the factors that influence your enrollment decisions. The survey is also an opportunity to share ideas on how PSD schools can become even more attractive and effective options to serve our community.
To participate, please select the appropriate link below based on your student's grade level. If you have students enrolled in multiple school levels (e.g. one middle school student and one high school student), please complete a separate survey for each level.
- Elementary School Survey (Students enrolled in PreK-5 through fifth grade)
- Middle School Survey (Students enrolled in sixth through eighth grade)
- High School Survey (Students enrolled in ninth through twelfth grade)
The survey will be available through Jan. 26, 2025. Your feedback will be used to inform PSD's ongoing efforts to meet the needs of our community by continuing to offer high-quality educational options to each of our students and families.
Thank you for taking the time to share your input.
Poudre School District
Spring SLC (Student Led Conferences) Dates!
Thursday, March 6th 3:00pm - 6:00pm
Monday, March 10th 3:00pm - 6:00pm
Sign Up Information coming in February!
Parents Needed for Snack Shack!
Did you know the PTO supports Lesher faculty and staff with grants? Much of this grant money is raised through the SNACK SHACK, our after school fundraiser that is fun for kids and parents! The snack shack offers internship opportunities to students enrolled in Lesher’s own entrepreneurship class, and parent volunteers are needed each shift to support those students and keep our Snack Shack open! Want to get involved in this fun afterschool event? Please sign up tor a 20 minute slot at the link below:
KioskVue Info for Student Check-in and Check-out
Dear Lesher Families,
We are excited to announce that Lesher has fully transitioned to using the KioskVue system for student check-ins and check-outs. This new system will streamline the process for recording late arrivals and early dismissals, offering families the flexibility to check in or out of school with ease.
How the KioskVue System Works:
QR Code Scanning: Parents can use the ParentVUE mobile app to display their QR code, which can be scanned by the iPad in the front office. This will quickly record their late arrival or early dismissal.
Student ID Card: Students can use their school provided Student ID, which can be scanned by the iPad in the front office.
Manual Entry: If a student does not have their Student ID card, they can manually enter their Student ID and password into the iPad's on-screen keyboard to complete the check-in or check-out.
All options are simple and convenient, ensuring that students' tardiness or early departures are recorded accurately and efficiently.
What You Need to Know:
ParentVUE Access: Ensure that you have access to the ParentVUE app, as this will allow you to view your child’s QR code. If you have any trouble accessing your account or need assistance, please contact the front office.
Student ID and Password: If scanning the QR code is not an option, you can manually enter the student’s ID and password at the front office.
We hope this new system will provide a more efficient and user-friendly experience for all families. If you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to contact the school.
Thank you for your continued support!
Lesher Middle School Attendance
Estimadas familias de Lesher,
Nos complace anunciar que Lesher ha hecho la transición completa al uso del sistema KioskVue para los registros de entrada y salida de estudiantes. Este nuevo sistema agilizará el proceso de registro de llegadas tarde y salidas anticipadas, ofreciendo a las familias la flexibilidad de registrarse con facilidad para entrar o salir de la escuela.
Cómo funciona el sistema KioskVue:
Escaneo de código QR: Los padres pueden usar la aplicación móvil ParentVUE para mostrar su código QR, que puede escanearse con el iPad en la oficina principal. Esto registrará rápidamente su llegada tarde o salida anticipada.
Tarjeta de identificación de estudiante: Los estudiantes pueden usar su identificación de estudiante proporcionada por la escuela, que puede escanearse con el iPad en la oficina principal.
Entrada manual: Si un estudiante no tiene su tarjeta de identificación de estudiante, puede ingresar manualmente su identificación de estudiante y contraseña en el teclado en pantalla del iPad para completar las llegadas o salidas.
Todas las opciones son simples y convenientes, lo que garantiza que las llegadas tarde o las salidas anticipadas de los estudiantes se registren de manera precisa y eficiente.
Lo que necesitas saber:
Acceso a ParentVUE: Asegúrese de tener acceso a la aplicación ParentVUE, ya que esto le permitirá ver el código QR de su hijo. Si tiene algún problema para acceder a su cuenta o necesita ayuda, comuníquese con la oficina principal o la enlace familiar Andreina Mendoza (970-889-3787).
ID de estudiante y contraseña: Si escanear el código QR no es una opción, puede ingresar manualmente la identificación y contraseña del estudiante en la oficina principal.
Esperamos que este nuevo sistema proporcione una experiencia más eficiente y fácil de usar para todas las familias. Si tiene alguna pregunta o necesita ayuda, no dude en comunicarse con la escuela.
¡Gracias por su continuo apoyo!
Asistencia a la escuela secundaria Lesher
Weekly Prize Winners!
Lesher Art Gala!
Vision & Hearing Screening Day
We are looking for a few more volunteers to help with our upcoming Vision & Hearing Screening Day. It's Friday Jan 31 from 7:45-12:00ish. If you are interested, you need to register through the PSD website at: https://www.psdschools.org/community/volunteers
Or call the Lesher Health Office if you have any questions, (970) 472-3807.
Richard Smith (Chard)
RN Consultant for Bennett, Irish, Laurel, and Lesher
(970) 556-5901
2-Hour Delay Bell Schedule
District Extra Curricular Opportunities
Follow this link for district approved flyers that advertise multiple extra curricular opportunities in the district and Fort Collins.
High School Planning Information
Please visit the HS Planning Website for the High School Planning Guide.
The guide covers:
- Exploring career pathways
- Earning college credit and preparing for college in high school
- Career readiness and work experiences
- Integrated Services offerings
PSD Engagement Norms
In an effort to foster a culture of mutual respect, effective communication, and quality customer service, PSD has created a set of norms for staff, family/guardian, and community engagement. These norms aim to set a positive tone for interactions between staff and parents and community members, whether they happen in person, over the phone, or in writing.
The norms will be posted in all PSD schools and include expectations that:
- Calls or emails that are not emergencies will be acknowledged within three school days.
- Appointments between the parties involved will be established as a norm for addressing concerns or discussing important matters through direct communication.
- Appointments will take place as soon as reasonably possible. Adequate time is needed for preparation and research before an appointment.
- Communication will focus on collaboration and understanding – respectful language and non-confrontational behavior from all parties are expected.
- Boundaries between personal and professional life will be maintained, and sensitive matters will not be addressed in community settings.
It’s important for everyone in our schools and in our communities to feel welcome and engage in mutual respect to best serve students.
Morning Fresh Cash for Caps Fundraiser
If you are a Morning Fresh Dairy customer, please bring in your rinsed milk, juice, cream, or other caps to Mr. Mayer. For every cap that is returned, Lesher Middle School earns money. Please turn rinsed caps in to the box in the front office or to Mr. Mayer’s classroom (room 12). If you are interested in Morning Fresh Dairy, every new household sign up that mentions Lesher raises $25. Click here or ask Mr. Mayer (bmayer@psdschools.org) for more information.
Lesher Pre-Arranged Absence Form
If you know that your child will be missing school a full day or more please have them visit their teachers to fill out this form. When completed please return it to the main office. We will make a copy and return it to the student.
Tardy Flowchart
Lesher Bell Schedule
2024-25 District Calendar
2024-25 Application for Free and Reduced Status
Please Click Here to apply for Free and Reduced status
Lesher's Academic Honesty Policy
Bag Policy
Please Visit us on Social Media
Lesher Middle School
Website: https://les.psdschools.org/
Location: Lesher Middle School, Stover Street, Fort Collins, CO, USA
Phone: 970-472-3800
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LesherMiddleSchool
Twitter: @Lesher_MS