Bluejay Bulletin
GACC High School Happenings - Nov. 27 - Dec. 5
From the Principal
Dear Bluejay Families,
As November transitions into December, we find ourselves in the heart of another busy and exciting school year. I want to express my gratitude for the support and dedication of our parents, grandparents, students, and staff members. Guardian Angels Central Catholic truly thrives because of the incredible people who make up our school community. It’s a Great Day to be a Bluejay!
Winter Activities Are Here!
Our winter activities are officially underway, and we are excited to cheer on our students as they showcase their talents and hard work. From basketball to wrestling, speech to one-act plays, and everything in between, our Bluejay pride is strong. Be sure to check the school calendar and social media for updates on games, meets, and performances. Let’s show our support and celebrate our students’ efforts on and off the court, on the mats, or on stage.
Uniform Reminder
As we head into the cooler months, here's a reminder about our dress code: Students are only permitted to wear the approved crew neck sweatshirts and quarter-zip pullovers, as outlined in the student handbook. The full handbook is available on the school website for your reference. Please help us ensure that students are adhering to this policy. (Handbook here)
Upcoming Events
K-12 All-School Mass: Mark your calendars for Monday, December 9, at 8:15 a.m. It’s always a blessing to come together in faith as a school community.
No School: There will be no school on Friday, December 13.
Semester Tests (Grades 7-12): Semester exams will be held on December 19 and 20, with both days being half days for students in grades 7-12.
Weather Closures
In the event of inclement weather, please check our social media platforms and tune into 107.9 for updates regarding school closures or delays.
School Hours Reminder
As it gets colder, remember that the school doors open at 7:45 a.m. Students must have a pass if they need to meet with a teacher before this time. As part of our safety protocol, we also require students to enter the north doors of the High School and Activity Center in the morning. Please remind your students of these policies.
Thanksgiving Gratitude
As we reflect on the Thanksgiving season, I extend my heartfelt thanks to each of you for making our school such a wonderful place. Your partnership and support help us continue to grow in faith, learning, and community. Please keep us in your prayers.
During the season of Advent, we are reminded of the hope, joy, peace, and love that prepare our hearts for the coming of Christ at Christmas. This sacred time invites us to pause amid life's busyness, reflect on God’s endless grace, and prepare a place for Him. At Guardian Angels Central Catholic, we are blessed to journey together as a faith-filled community, embracing the light of Christ and sharing His love with others. May this Advent season bring your families closer to God and one another as we eagerly await the birth of our Savior.
Here’s to a joyful and productive December as we prepare for Christmas!
With gratitude,
Justin Wardyn
Principal, Guardian Angels Central Catholic
House Food Drive Dec. 9 – 12
Support your House by contributing to Guardian Angels Central Catholic’s Food Drive. All items will be donated to the West Point Community Food Pantry.
Competition Rules:
NO expired items will be accepted and your House will receive negative points for any expired donations.
- 3-1 point food items: canned meat (points depend on size of can);
- 3 point food items: jelly, peanut butter, boxed/bagged cereal, shampoo (NO travel size), lotion (NO travel size), body wash (NO travel size);
- 2 point food Items: canned stew, Hamburger-Helper-type boxed meals, boxed side dishes (potatoes, rice, pasta), deodorant (NO travel size), toothpaste (NO travel size);
- 1 point food items: canned soup, canned fruit, canned vegetables, macaroni & cheese, bar soap (1 point each), paper towels (1 point per roll), toilet paper (1 point per roll).
Bring your items to your House Dean’s classroom. The competition ends at precisely 3:30 p.m. on Thursday, December 12. Any items received after 3:30 p.m. on December 12 will NOT count toward a House’s points.
NSAA Believers and Achievers Award
Congratulations to Caleb Ridder, who was honored on Monday night as a Believer & Achiever by Currency and the Nebraska School Activities Association (NSAA)! He received his award at the Class A State Football game, held at UNL's Memorial Stadium in Lincoln.
Believers & Achievers is a statewide program designed to give recognition to Nebraska’s future leaders. All the students nominated for the Believers & Achievers awards program represent the very best of Nebraska’s high schools and are considered local school winners.
Beginning in November and continuing through April, 48 Nebraska high school seniors will be honored as Believers & Achievers. These 48 students will be recognized at NSAA State Championships throughout the 2024-25 activities year and on a poster sent to all NSAA member schools. From those 48 statewide winners, eight will receive $500 scholarships from Currency to use for the college or university of their choice.
Get your Cookie Tray Order in NOW! All orders are DUE December 1!
All-school Mass on Dec. 9
An All-school Mass will be held at 8:15 a.m. on Monday, December 9, in Celebration of the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. School will be held on December 9.
Pro-Life Calendars Make Great Stocking Stuffers!
The 2025 GACC Pro-life calendars are hot off the press, and are available for purchase in the High School and Elementary offices, Flower and Gift Gallery, and St. Mary's rectory. The calendars are $20. Make checks payable to St. Mary's Catholic Church (write Pro-life calendar in the memo).
Attention Parents: Gate Workers Needed
The winter sports season is fast approaching, so we need to fill gate worker slots for basketball games and wrestling meets. Please click the links below to sign up for the game(s) or meet(s) of your choice. Your help is greatly needed and greatly appreciated!
Upcoming Events
28 Thanksgiving - NO SCHOOL
29 Thanksgiving Break - NO SCHOOL
4 Life Runners T-shirts may be worn with uniform bottoms
9 All-school Mass in Celebration of the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, 8:15 a.m.
13 Staff Professional Development/School of Faith - NO SCHOOL
18 Christmas Program, 6:30 p.m.
19 Finals - Noon Dismissal
20 Finals - Noon Dismissal
21 SPA Paper Trailer
23 - 31 Christmas Break - NO SCHOOL
Service Hour Opportunity
Earn service hours by helping with the Franciscan Healthcare Christmas party. During the party, volunteers will pour water, carry food and clear tables.
- The party is on Friday, December 6 at 6 p.m. at the Nielsen Center.
- Jeans may be worn by volunteers.
- Pizza will be provided for all volunteers.
- Sign-up sheet on bulletin board by the office (sign up by December 4).
GACC Capital Campaign Update
The GACC Capital Campaign is making great strides! Download the pdf below for more details on what has been completed so far during phase I, and plans for the future during phase II.
Drivers Education
Northeast Community College will offer Driver's Ed classes in West Point on June 2 - 5, 2025. For more information and to register, download the registration form below.
Order Your 2024-2025 Yearbooks NOW!
* Please note - the $50 early bird price is good until January 15, 2025.
Congratulations to our latest Winners:
- Beth Hunke - $100 The Hog Yard gift card
- Dana Steffensmeier - $500 GACC Tuition Credit
- Alice Klitz - $100 Pizza Hut gift card
- Becca Weborg - $300 Hobby Lobby gift card
- Shelley Wellman - $150 District Table & Tap gift card
The GACC Fine Arts Fundraising Festival of Virtual Games is back and LIVE on Facebook! Last year, the Festival of Virtual Games raised more than $4,000 for our Fine Arts programs.
To get in on the fun, and play to win some great prizes, go to Facebook and search "GACC Fine Arts Fundraising," then click the button to "Join Group."
- Anyone age 18 and older in the United States can participate in the fundraiser. You can conveniently invite ALL your family and friends - no matter where they live in the U.S. - to play fun virtual games that benefit our school and give them a chance to win great prizes!
- Each virtual game offers a limited number of bids to win the specific prize for that game. The bid price is different for each game. Each virtual game is open until all the bids are purchased (details for each game are posted with that game).
- All proceeds benefit the GACC Fine Arts programs, including Band, Speech, One Act, Musical, and Art. If you have any questions, or want to donate a prize for the fundraiser, contact Charissa Steffensmeier at 402-380-9871.
Counselor's Corner
The December ACT is right around the corner. Students SHOULD NOT go into it blind. You are paying $60 for them to take this test, so they should prep!
These ACT® Test practice questions will get your students' brains working before they carve the turkey or settle in for the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. Or better yet, they can quiz their family—whoever gets the most questions right gets the last piece of pie.
And Thanksgiving is perfect for preparing for the December 14 ACT. At OnToCollege.com, remind your students to hammer each of the 5 English Power Passages under Additional English Prep, their treasure map to a huge English score. Hammer some of the 20-minute Math Practice Topics under Additional Math Prep. Hammer the Passages within Additional Science Prep and Additional Reading Prep. Turkey and Test Prep are what Thanksgiving is all about!
Is your son or daughter headed to USD?
- Submit the Scholarship Application. USD's scholarship application deadline to submit is Dec. 1, 2024. Students who have been accepted to USD can apply through the scholarship portal accessible through their MyUSD Portal.
Free Applications through November!
The online application for Newman Hall can be found on our website, along with full information about the housing option here. Applications are FREE for the month of November, so students have until the end of this month to get that FREE application in!
Click the link below for the online Application.
- Complete the online application.
- Schedule an interview using the link provided in the confirmation email from your application.
- Leasing staff will send an email with a sign-in for your Innago account and a lease for you to sign.
Once lease is signed,
- Pay the $300 security deposit through Innago.
- Leasing staff will send guarantor paperwork to parents for signature.
Financial Aid Available: Newman Promise
Newman Promise is our new initiative to make financial aid available to residents, beginning the 2025-26 school year. Any student with a FAFSA Student Aid Index (SAI) of 10,000 or less will automatically qualify for a 25% reduction in the listed rental rate. Our application process allows for both FAFSA paperwork and tax information to be included in order to apply for Newman Promise. Click the link below for more information.
Upcoming Scholarship Deadlines
Don't miss out on these scholarship opportunities:
- Growing Together Career Scholars Program (Cooperative Education Scholarship): Due -Dec. 1
- NHS Scholarship: Due - Dec. 1 at 1:00 p.m.
- Nebraska Poultry Education Scholarship: Due - Dec. 15
- Hagan Scholarship: Due - Jan. 15
Louis & Abby Faye Dinklage ALUMNI Scholarship
Application Instructions:
The Louis and Abby Faye Dinklage Foundation of Wisner will make available 44 $1000 scholarships for ALUMNI of Guardian Angels Central Catholic High School who are full-time college students. An application form is required for this scholarship, even if you have received it in previous years.
These scholarships may be applied to vocational training programs or a bachelor degree program where you are enrolled full-time. They are not applicable for a second bachelor degree or master degree programs. Also, if you have received four previous awards, you are no longer eligible.
Additionally, if you are a non-traditional student and working on your first degree, you may be eligible for an alumni scholarship. If you have just started post-secondary education and do not have a transcript yet, please provide current grades for the fall semester and proof of enrollment for the spring semester or a copy of your spring semester schedule.
Application forms are available at the high school counselor’s offices, or on the school websites. To get an application, go to gaccbluejays.org --> Academics --> School Counselor --> Alumni Scholarships.
The completed application form must be submitted to the school counselor’s office on or before December 6, 2024. You must provide current grades (DO NOT wait for final grades) and proof of enrollment for the spring semester or your spring semester schedule.
* Please note the applicant or parents must be a resident of Cuming County in order to qualify for this scholarship.
Scholarship funds will be distributed in January/February upon verification of successful completion of fall semester and enrollment of second semester. This year, checks will be issued to the college or university instead of the student. Anyone desiring further information may contact the School Counselor at 402-372-5326.
Return completed form and a copy of your current grades and spring schedule to:
Guardian Angels Central Catholic High School
Attn: School Counselor
419 E. Decatur Street
West Point, NE 68788
Applications are open now for the U.S. Department of State's FULL scholarships for U.S. high school students to study abroad!
Sam Christensen Legacy Memorial Scholarship
Is your child considering enrolling in the John Deere Technician Program at Southeast Community College, Milford, Nebraska OR Lake Area Technician College, Watertown, South Dakota, and seeking sponsorship from Platte Valley Equipment? If so, they should consider applying for the Sam Christensen Legacy Memorial Scholarship. Click the link below for more information and to apply by November 30, 2024.
Dates for 9-12th Grade Students: Feb. 12, Apr. 23
Dates for 7-8th Grade Students: Nov. 20, Mar. 12, Apr. 16
Students are invited to join a camp at the University of Nebraska at Kearney from 9:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. to learn about health sciences, professions in healthcare, UNK scholarships, and other opportunities. There is no cost to attend. Students may come with their school or health science club. Camps will have no more than 50 students.
Why Should Students Attend?
Learn About Careers
It’s an exciting day for students to learn about health sciences and careers in healthcare.
First-hand Look
Participate in hands-on activities and interactive sessions all designed to help students learn about healthcare professions.
UNK Opportunities
Students learn how UNK is helping them to become successful through scholarships and other opportunities.
Click the link below to register
For questions, reach out to Sara Bruner at 308-865-8144 or bruners@unk.edu.
Share your idea for making a difference and earn a $1,000 scholarship. This is your chance to tackle a challenge and make your mark! Submit your 2-minute video to share your idea - big or small - and earn a $1,000 scholarship.
This competition is open to students in grades 6-11.
Eight winners will be selected to:
- Recieve a "Change Maker" $1,000 Scholarship to be applied when you come to UNL
- Personalized campus visit (in-person or remote)
- Lunch with the Dean of CASNR
- CASNR Team will visit your classroom (in-person or remote) to regonize the Change Maker Winner
- CASNR media feature of the Change Maker
The video needs to address one or more of the following Grand Challenges:
- Feeding the World
- Water for the Future
- New Energy
- Climate and the Future
- Biodiversity, Sustainability and Environment
- Health
- Engaging Diverse Communities
- Developing Tomorrow's Leaders
Contest opens December 1, 2024 -- Deadline is noon on February 1, 2025.
Hawk Visit Days
Northeast Community College is hosting Hawk Visit Days once a month this year! This year's dates include morning sessions only (9:30 am - 11:15 am/11:45 am if eating in the cafeteria).
• Tuesday, February 20, 2025
• Wednesday, March 5, 2025
• Thursday, April 1, 2025
Each session will include a tour of campus and our residence halls, a student panel, a Next Steps presentation, and lunch in our Hawks Point dining hall!
Registration is limited to 150 students per day on a first-come, first-served basis.
The Walter Scott, Jr. Career Pathway Scholarship
The Walter Scott, Jr. Pathway Scholarship supports students pursuing up to a two-year degree in approved skilled and technical fields of study. This scholarship covers full tuition and fees, plus room and board for up to four consecutive semesters. Download the .pdf below for more information.
GACC High School
Email: justin.wardyn@gaccbluejays.org
Website: www.gaccbluejays.org
Location: 419 East Decatur St., West Point, NE 68788