Mountain Lions
November 1, 2024
Dear Middlebrook Families,
It’s been a busy week here at Middlebrook! Our students did an incredible job following directions during the reunification drill and practiced a bus evacuation to reinforce safety skills. A huge thank you to our fantastic Father's Club for organizing another successful—and always popular—Zombiebrook event!
We're thrilled to welcome Ms. Molloy back to school! All of us missed her so much and are so happy to have her with us again.
Debbie Ponte, Principal
Michele Molloy, Assistant Principal
National Native American Heritage Month
Sunday, November 3
Daylight Savings
Tuesday, November 5
No School - Teacher Professional Development
Wednesday, November 6
Father's Club Meeting 7:00pm in the cafe
Thursday, November 7
Early Dismissal 1:00pm - Evening Conferences
Monday, November 11
Veteran's Day
Tuesday, November 12
Grade 1 Field Trip to Hillcrest Planetarium; 9:00 - 11:00 AM
BOE Meeting 7:00pm
Wednesday, November 13
Middlebrook Picture Retake Day
Monday, November 18
PTA Meeting 7:00pm
Wednesday, November 20th
Holiday Boutique planning meeting 7:00pm in the cafe
Thursday, November 21
World Hello Day
Friday, November 22
School Store - grades 1-5
BINGO Night (more info to come)
Trimester 1 ends
Tuesday, November 26
2nd grade Thanksgiving Day Parade
Wednesday, November 27
Early Dismissal 1:00pm
Thursday, November 28
No School - Thanksgiving Day
Friday, November 29
No School
Student Spotlight
Read Aloud
On behalf of our entire Middlebrook family, we want to extend our heartfelt thanks to the incredible members of our Father's Club. Their dedication and hard work brought Zombiebrook to life in a truly unforgettable way!
From designing spooky decorations to coordinating exciting games and activities—and crafting an amazing, scary haunted house—the Father's Club went above and beyond to create a thrilling night filled with fun and excitement for our community. Their passion, creativity, and commitment were key in making this event such a success.
Solar System
Grade 1 is studying the solar system.
Mrs. V's class celebrated the solar system by inviting Harrison's dad to share his great, great grandfather's solar system invention.
Staff Spotlight
Boo.. Kworms
DIY Costume of the Year!
3rd and 5th grade teams
....just some of our AMAZING paraeducators!
Crayola Crayons:)
Room D5
Fathers Club
If you have any questions about the club, please email your Co-Presidents at middlebrookfathersclub@gmail.com
Ryan Mones & Max Palmer
Co-Presidents, Middlebrook Fathers Club
School Activities
Do your kids enjoy art, music and dance or have an interest in writing, producing films and taking photos? Then have them submit their creations to the PTA Reflections Program. This year's theme is: Accepting Imperfection.
For inspiration, visit the Reflections virtual art gallery and learn more about prizes and scholarships.
Click here for full details and how to submit your creation. Submissions are due on December 20th.