EXPO Family News
Bi-weekly News and Updates for the EXPO School Community
Principal Message
Hello EXPO Families,
Can you believe we have completed 2 full months of school. I do not know about you but this year is sure flying by. I want to remind you that we do not have school on Monday October 31st. It is a Teacher Preparation day. There is NOT an expectation that students need to complete work on Seesaw or Schoology.
On Friday October 28th, your child brought home a "Fall Conference Request Form". Please try and return this form to school as soon as possible. This will allow us to schedule conferences and honor your request. We will have Conferences on the night of Tuesday November 15th virtually, the night of Thursday November 17th as well as during the day on Friday November 18th. We will also be hosting a Book Fair in our library on Thursday night and Friday during the day. Please stop by to pick up a book!
As you know we have a Digital Learning Day on Tuesday November 8th. I have detailed our plan at EXPO below. Please look for more information from your child's classroom teacher through Seesaw or Schoology.
If you any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at 651-290-8384.
Have a great weekend and HAPPY November!
Council of Parents and Teachers Board Meeting- Monday November 7th
The Expo Council of Parents and Teachers is holding the November Board meeting on Monday, November 7, 6:30-7:00, on Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/zhs-jywz-vhx
All are welcome and the Board is looking for new members! We want to hear your voice, perspective, and input to continue to grow EXPO.
EXPO Council of Parents and Teachers October Meeting
Monday, November 7 · 6:30 – 7:00pm
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/zhs-jywz-vhx
Or dial: (US) +1 424-262-8151 PIN: 704 683 489#
Below are the minutes from our October Meeting. Thank you for those who were able to join us.
EXPO Kids Voting- Monday November 7th
Our EXPO students will be participating in Kids Voting on Monday November 7th. We will use the Library as our "polling location." We will have a tailored ballot based on our local elections that our students will vote for. We will share the results in our next Family update.
Kids Voting is designed to help teach about voting, democracy, civic life, elections, civic responsibility, and the importance of participating in the political process.
We are working with The Center for Youth Voice to help students build civic skills and increase knowledge about the electoral process, democracy, government, and the responsibilities of citizenship.
Digital Learning Day- Tuesday November 8, 2022
Tuesday, Nov. 8, there will be a Digital Learning Day for all EXPO students.
Digital Learning Days are pre-scheduled days when students learn from home using technology, while also meeting with their teachers and classmates virtually. This offers our students and families flexibility on how they access learning. All students should bring their iPads and chargers home the day before the Digital Learning Day.
At EXPO, classroom teachers will host a classroom Google Meets with their class on Tuesday November 8th beginning at 8:00AM. Teachers will begin their google meets with a class meeting and a Reading/Math lesson.
8:00-9:30- PreK-5 classes will meet with their teacher. The rest of their work can take place on their own schedule. Teachers will be available throughout the day. Your student’s attendance will be based on their participation in these online learning activities.
10:00-11:00- Resource Teachers will have office hours for PreK- 3 students
11:00-12:00- Resource Teachers will have office Hours for students in grades 4-5
Resource Teachers will assign asynchronous work for each class on their own page with a link on the classroom teacher’s page. Resource Teachers will model and explain to students the day before what they need to do.
Special Education teachers and service providers will provide services as determined by students’ IEP.
If you have any questions, please contact your student’s teachers or the EXPO main office at 651-290-8384.
Volunteers needed for Fall 2022 Conferences
Fall conferences are fast approaching! EXPO's teachers and staff put in long hours on normal days, and conference days are even longer. To show our appreciation, the Board of the EXPO Council of Parents and Teachers is hosting a meal for all teachers and staff on Thursday, November 17th.
Please consider signing up at the link below to provide food, beverages, or help with clean up (at 6pm). Food donations can be dropped off in the office that day, any time before 2pm.
If you have any questions, please contact Jacqueline Kraus at j.kraus@hotmail.com. Thank you!
Book Fair Volunteers Needed
- Nov 15 & 16 from 8:00 AM-2:00 PM
- Nov 17 from 8:00 AM- 6:30 PM
- Nov 18 from 8:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Give to the Max Day
Help keep EXPO awesome -- Give to the Max now!
EXPO Council of Parents and Teachers is accepting donations for Give to the Max! This is our only fall fundraiser and you can donate now at: givemn.org/organization/Expo
Your donation funds our music and arts programming, outdoor learning, field trips, weekend meals, classroom extras, teacher appreciation and community events -- all things that make EXPO awesome.
Please share the link with your family and friends.
What else makes EXPO awesome? We want to know
Take this quick survey to share your favorite things about EXPO. Your responses will help us build community and encourage more students and families to join our school.
We will use this information to make a promotional video highlighting our awesome school!
Getting to Know the EXPO Staff
Meet our 2nd Grade Team
Important Dates
Monday, October 31: No school for all students
Tuesday, November 8: Digital Learning Day (Election Day)
Thursday, November 10: Picture Retake Day
November 15 & 17: Afterschool Conferences, times to be determined
November 18: Morning Conferences/No School for students
November 24 & 25: No School/Thanksgiving Break
Contact Us
Email: john.bjoraker@spps.org
Website: www.spps.org/EXPO
Location: 541 Warwick Street, Saint Paul, MN, USA
Phone: 651-290-8384