School Attendance Matters
September 2024

Sand Creek Zone Families --
Last year through our Studer surveys and Sand Creek Zone Partner (SCZP) meetings, we received feedback that many of our families would like additional information related to a variety of topics. Although we will discuss these at our SCZP meetings -- first one is Thursday, September 19th beginning at 5:30 at Sand Creek HS - we realize many families can not make it to in person meetings so are providing information through Zone-wide messaging as well.
Our first topic is Attendance and Truancy.
Regular school attendance for all students is important, it matters, and will help set students up for success and prepare them for what is next, whether that is the next grade level or college and career, there is no better way to ensure students are on the right track than regularly attending school.
- Dustin Horras, Sand Creek Zone Superintendent
No school administrator wants to initiate court proceedings, however all administrators have a professional responsibility and are required to follow Colorado School Attendance Law requirements. Please understand, when schools follow the process above they are doing what the Law requires and what they are accountable to do.
The processes above are followed for any student age 6-17. No matter the age of the student, they are expected to be in school and parent(s) bear the ultimate responsibility to ensure their student is attending school regularly.
Hopefully, this explains the process and expectations all of our school must follow. If you ever receive a letter, or are involved with any other part of the process as described please understand the school is following Colorado Law.