Bordeaux Elementary School
January 20, 2025
Dear Families,
I hope you and your family had a wonderful three day weekend and enjoyed the cold, but sunny weather.
Calling all volunteers. Our PTSO needs a secretary. This is a great opportunity to give back to your school, participate on a fun team, and help plan wonderful activities and celebrations for our students and families. You can reach out directly to me if you are interested and I’ll get you the necessary contact information.
Speaking of our wonderful PTSO, Friday January 24th will be our next Books and BINGO from 5:30 to 7:30. In order to provide more access to the prizes for all our participants and to spread out the fun, all first time BINGO winners will receive a prize from the prize tables. If someone is lucky enough to win a second or third time, they will be rewarded with a piece of candy and the personal sense of enjoyment at winning. Free high-fives are also available.
We are getting close to wrapping up our mid-year assessments. Students have been working hard at showcasing all their growth from over the past few months.
Attached to the email is a flyer for a Timberland Regional Library event.
This will be a short week, but as always, it’s a great week to be a Bordeaux Bulldog.