NMS Weekly 2024-2025
August 2, 2024
A Jag is respectful, supportive, dedicated to community, and committed to excellence. I am proud to be a JAG!
It's here!!!
The new school year is upon us and we're excited to meet all of the 2024-2025 NMS Jags! Our faculty and staff are already prepping for the new year and looking forward to meeting everyone at Open House on Monday and the first day on Wednesday, August 7, 2024. We're excited for what the new school year brings as we begin to SOAR to New Heights!
Reminders as we start preparing for the new school year:
-As you begin shopping for clothes for the new year, be mindful of the TCS Code of Conduct (you can access it by clicking here) so everyone will be in compliance. Shorts and skirts must be the proper length.
-2023-2024 Yearbooks are still in production. The company contracted to complete the Yearbook has had issues with all school orders. When we have a new update and timeframe for delivery we will pass that along.
-Wednesday, August 7, 2024 is the first day of school for students.
August 1 - TCS Faculty and Staff start
August 5 - Open House
August 7 - Student first day
August 9 - Meet the Jags/Spirit Night with NHS
Open House 2024!
Open House Monday, August 5
All Parents Invited!
Orientations are for all parents in all grade levels.
5:00 PM to 6:30 PM
Attend the orientation at the time below and visit teachers before or after
Orientations by grade level in the lunchroom at
5:00 PM - 6th grade
5:30 PM - 8th grade
6:00 PM - 7th grade
Schedule Changes
Schedule changes
May be changed:
- If a class is missing from the schedule
- If a class has already been taken
May NOT be changed because
- I want a different teacher or pod
- My friends are in a particular pod or class
- I prefer a class during a specific period or time of day
- I changed my mind and don't want a particular class now
Schedule change request forms will be available at Open House and the first day of school from the counselors.
A message from Nurse Brown
Medication Drop-off
Please drop off medication before the start of school
Friday, August 2nd after 10:00 AM
Monday, August 5th after lunch
Meet and Greet 5:00 PM t0 6:30 PM
Tuesday, August 6th 8:-00 AM to 3:00 PM
Athletes at NMS - Schedules
All athletes at NMS, whether playing a sport at NMS or NHS, will be able to start practice after 3:10 PM on school days. All practices will start after school. If a student-athlete has a game that requires them to leave school early, a parent/guardian can check them out and this will be coded as a School Activity. All student schedules will reflect a full 7 period school day on the NMS campus.
CNP - 2024-2025 Student Meals
CNP will continue to operate under the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP), whereby all TCS students are offered breakfast and lunch at no charge. As a result of this provision, CNP served 125,000 more lunches last year than in SY 22-23. Please continue to encourage your students to participate in CNP's FREE student meals.
It’s a NEW School Year and Time to INVEST in NMS PTSA for the ‘24-’25 School Year!
INVEST is our main fundraiser that helps us supplement so many areas of the school that impacts not only students, but also teachers and admins as well! PLEASE consider making a tax-deductible donation this year! ANY AMOUNT APPRECIATED but to be able to do all that we have planned we are requesting $130 per student! We will have a table set up at Open House on August 5 to join NMS PTSA by making your donation! Cash, Check, or Venmo accepted! You can go ahead and mark this off your Back-To-School list by JOINING TODAY!
All parents: To sign up for volunteer opportunities, select the link below and complete the Google Form.
School day Drop-off and Pickup
Doors open at 7:45 AM
- 6th and 7th grade will enter at the gym and wait in the gym
- 8th grade will enter at the front entrance and wait on the stadium seats
- Anyone who will eat breakfast will enter the front doors of the school and go straight to the lunchroom. After eating, students will go to their specific waiting area.
- 8:05 AM students will go to first period classes
- 8:10 AM the school day starts
- If you arrive after 8:10 AM, a parent/guardian has to come into the school with the student to check-in.
Afternoon dismissal is at 3:10 PM
- After 2:30 PM, park in the parking lot (not the double lane in front of the school) and walk in
- No checkouts after 2:40 PM
Please use both lanes of the drop-off area in both the morning and the afternoon.
-Teachers will be on duty helping start, stop, and direct traffic. Please pay attention at all times.
-No cell phone use in the drop-off/pick-up lanes
Traffic info for back to school
*Note: If your child was a TCS student at the end of last school year AND road the bus, you do not have to submit a new transportation form.
TCS families! Be prepared for back-to-school traffic this fall on Rice Mine Road and Watermelon Road, due to the McWright's Ferry Road Extension project.
That means planning NOW. Sign your student up for bus transportation to help reduce traffic, and utilize school buses from the very first day of school. To sign up for bus transportation, call the school office. If your child is not going to ride the bus, plan ahead for possible traffic and leave early.
For regular traffic updates or alerts from the City of Tuscaloosa, text MCWRIGHT to 888777 or go to McWright's Ferry Road | Tuscaloosa County Road Improvement Commission (tcric.org).
TCS Referendum - September 24, 2024
Did you know? The last time the ad valorem tax rate was increased for the Tuscaloosa City Schools was 1986. Inflation has risen by 187 percent since then, significantly impacting the purchasing power of the district. Revenue has not kept up with inflation, and we've tightened the budget as much as possible without impacting instruction. The time has come for a long-term solution to the district’s needs.
If voters approve the proposed 11.5-mill increase to the ad valorem tax rate on September 24, it would mean guaranteed pre-K for all, the expansion of art and music to year-round in elementary schools, plus driver's ed in high schools, investment in school safety, and more. If the referendum fails, it means TCS will have to make difficult budget cuts that will impact every school.
For more information, watch the video and visit www.tuscaloosacityschools.com/referendum. Strong schools mean strong communities.
2024-2025 NMS School Supply Lists
Supply lists for each grade level are below in 2 different formats. Once is a picture and the other is a PDF. (To download the PDF copy you will need to open this newsletter in a browser. They cannot be opened from the email version.)
Breakfast and Lunch Menus
To access the lunch menu files, you must open the newsletter in a browser then select the menus below to download.
2024 - 2025 School Year Calendar Available
Please be sure to review the Academic Calendar for the 2024-2025 school year.
The first day back for students is August 7th, 2024.
2025 8th grade trip to Boston, MA
NMS Parents of Rising 8th graders... Anyone interested in participating in a Spring 2025 8th grade trip to Boston, MA may click on the link below for more information. The link will take you to a folder that includes an informational letter, sample itinerary, costs, and other information. If you have questions you may contact Mrs. Thomas at jthomas@tusc.k12.al.us
Click here for more information
Northridge Swag Store
Need to contact or connect with us?
Northridge Middle School
Dr. Rainey - Principal
Ms. Drake-Blunt, Mr. Rust, Mrs. Wood - Assistant Principals
Mrs. Moore and Mrs. Fox - Counselors
Mrs. Smith - Social Worker
Mr. Cherry - Athletic Director
Mrs. Smith - Secretary/Registrar
Mrs. Nolen - Bookkeeper
Links to our Twitter and Facebook pages:
Facebook: Northridge Middle School
Website: www.tuscaloosacityschools.com/nms
Location: 3811 Northridge Road, Tuscaloosa, AL, USA
Phone: (205) 759-3578
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/people/Northridge-Middle-School/100057362112748/
Twitter: @NMSJags