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Dear Kindergarten Parents,
Please continue to check your child's backpack every night. Also, be sure to check TalkingPoints for updates and reminders. With the colder weather upon us, please ensure your child has plenty of warm clothes to bundle up with for outdoor recess.
Math Focus:
Module 3: Comparison of Length, Weight, Capacity, and Numbers to 10
Reading Focus: Unit 3 Module B: Reading instructional Focus:
● Identifying Main Topic and Key Details
● Relate Words and Pictures in a Text
● Use Key Details to Understand a Text
● Ask and Answer Questions
● Use Words to Understand a Text
● Identifying Elements of a Book
● Connect events and ideas in a Text
● Compare and Contrast Texts
Foundational Skills Focus: Rhyming, Syllables, Letter Recognition, Onset–Rime, Letter names and Sounds, Initial Sounds, Medial Sounds, Word Segmenting, nonsense words, and High Frequency Words.
Writing Focus: Writers understand that one purpose for writing is to share information.
Science Focus: Bundle 2: Dealing with Weather: We will be exploring many phenomena while learning the following concepts:
-Weather is a combination of sunlight, wind, snow or rain, and temperature in a particular region at a particular time.
-People measure these conditions to describe and record the weather and to notice patterns over time.
-Some types of severe weather are more likely in certain areas. Weather scientists forecast severe weather so communities can prepare to respond.
-Sunlight warms Earth’s surface.
We have a lot of learning and fun activities yet to do before Winter Break! Please continue to reinforce your child’s learning at home! Thank you for all you do!
Please feel free to reach out with any questions you may have!
-Mrs. Colorado, Mrs. Erives, and Mrs. Thomas
First Grade
November has flown by for 1st grade and we are preparing for December!
Math- We’re starting Module 3. In this Module we are working on ordering and comparing length measurements as numbers by using standard and non-standard measuring units.
ELA- We have started Unit 3, we’re learning to focus on story sequence beginning, middle, and end. We are also learning about choices and how they can affect us and others around us.
The first day of Winter Break will be December 20, 2024. Fliers will be sent home as we approach this date.
Be on the lookout for more information from Northwest.
Thank you!
First Grade Teachers
Ms. Barrientos, Mrs. Falcon, Mrs. Morton
Second Grade
Start Unit 3 Module A- Building Ideas
Readers: understand that illustrations in literacy texts and specific features in informational text help them understand what they read.
Writers: Understand that using multiple sources makes research based writing stronger
Module 4- Addition and Subtraction within 100
Social Studies
Civics/Government: How does the Government work? Rules and laws help people and society, People’s rights come with responsibilities, the United States has three branches of government that make and review laws, there are many different types of government in the world, the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights are the Foundation of American civil society, and Government cooperate in different ways to solve problems
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade
5th Grade
As we approach the end of our first semester, 5th grade will be completing our second unit in ELA. In this unit we have been reading about superheroes! We will continue talking about the characteristics of a superhero. This will lead us to a project in writing where we will select a Real-Life Superhero, research that person, and complete a project about this person.
In math we are about half way through our unit on adding and subtracting fractions. Once we are finished, we will move on to multiplying and dividing fractions. Please continue working with your child on basic multiplication and division facts. When we are comfortable with these facts, other skills become easier.
In Social Studies we are beginning to learn about early slavery in the colonies. Followed with the cooperation and conflicts between Native Indians and the European nations. Which ultimately touches base on the causes of the French and Indian War. We will learn about important people, such as George Washington and Indian leaders that allied or fought to keep settlers from spreading to gain more land. We will finish this semester discussing the consequences of the war.
Before we leave for our break in December, we will finish learning about our watery planet. We will focus on the water cycle, water involved natural disasters, and how engineering can save a town from a hurricane.
Our 5th grade team would like to wish everyone a Happy and Safe Holiday season!
Mr. Struzik, Miss Ochoa, and Mrs. Whelchel