News From Nighthawk Nation
Elevating Excellence in Academics, Character & Community
Week of April 12, 2021
Leadership Corner
K-3 Campus
It looks to be a perfect Colorado spring weekend. I hope you get outside and enjoy the sunshine.
I am so grateful to be able to partner with you to help educate your child(ren). Thank you for sharing them with us and choosing New Vision Charter School.
4-8 Campus
Middle school students have begun leaving their Chromebooks at school in our Chromecarts in preparation for our state assessments. This is so that we can ensure every student has a fully charged, functioning laptop for the state assessments. We understand this is not ideal and appreciate your cooperation in our efforts.
Parents, please encourage your student to do their best on their assessments. You can help your student succeed during their testing window by encouraging them to do their best and to take their time, ensure they get to bed early the week of their test, and to get them a good breakfast on the days they are testing.
Have a great weekend,
Marian Hejl
CMAS Information
Spring Has Sprung: Dress Code
We Want Your Referral
Florida Virtual Update
Website Link: Florida Virtual @NVCS Website
FLVS-CMAS Testing: In order for us to plan appropriately, please let us know whether or not your child(ren) will be coming into the school building to take the CMAS assessments this spring by completing the CMAS 2021 Help us Prepare Google Form AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. You may indicate whether your child(ren) will or will not take the CMAS assessments by marking the box(es) that corresponds to your selection.
NO SCHOOL/ FLVS CMAS Day April 22nd, Grades 3-7-Advisors will be proctoring CMAS this day and will be unavailable. No new work will be assigned
NO SCHOOL - Friday, April 23rd Advisors will not be available on this day. No new work will be assigned
K-3 DIBELS Progress Monitoring : If your student is signed up for progress monitoring, please help your child connect with their advisor at the correct time.
Advisor Appointments- Please help your student attend scheduled appointments with their advisors. We love to check-in with students and help them succeed!
End of Quarter 4: All work for Quarter 4 will be due by Wed, May 19th by 5pm
Thank you all so much and have a wonderful weekend!
COVID - 19 Information
Counselor Corner
The Center for Family Outreach brings you a free parenting group focused on creating healthy behaviors for yourself and your family. $25 gift cards will be rewarded for completion of the 5 week program. Follow the link for more information and registration:
New Vision is Hiring!
5th Grade Classroom Teacher
MS Science
4-8 Music Teacher
K-8 Substitute Teachers
Library Media Specialist 4-8
Teaching Aide - Learning Center 4-8th
Check out our website to learn more about each position and apply.
NVCS Board of Directors
NVCS PTO Meeting
Monday, Apr 12, 2021, 06:00 PM
The President is to serve the principal executive office of the organization, supervise and direct all activities and control the Executive Board and the direction of the members.
The Vice President is to assist the President and carry out the President's duties in the absences. The Vice President is to prepare an agenda for meetings and to update all the social media accounts.
The Secretary is to keep minutes from all meetings and post them on websites, answer emails, and sign up Executive officers to financial accounts.
The Treasurer is responsible for accounts payable and receivables presents a written financial report every month, and responsible for filing all required tax and/or financial forms.
New Vision Charter School Board Meeting
Monday, Apr 26, 2021, 06:00 PM
299 Peridot Avenue, Loveland, CO, USA
Important Dates to Remember
April 12 - PTO Board Meeting - 6:00 p.m. Virtual - Meeting Link
April 15 - NVCS Board Meeting Meet and Greet
April 22 - April 23: No school for staff or students.
About Us
4-8 Campus: 299 Peridot Avenue
Phone: 970-593-6827
Twitter: @NVCharter