January 9 - 19
We wish you the VERY BEST in 2024!
Early Dismissal THIS THURSDAY
Next Hot Lunch - Tuesday, January 23
Grade 9 -12 Exam Schedule
To access the Exam Schedule and the Permission Form to leave after writing exams you can find it on our website, or just click the image or HERE.
FROZEN - February 19 - 21
Our Jr High Students have been working extraordinarily hard preparing for their production of Frozen!
Tickets can be purchased here at the school or at Bashaw Community Resource Centre. We look forward to seeing you there!
Please Help!
Please contact the school to find out more about how you can help! Call 780-372-3800 or email Dawna Andriatz at dandriatz@brsd.ab.ca
Mark your Calendars
Junior Girls Developmental Team Tournament OLMP 🏀
MP Kurek to visit school January 16
MP Kurek will visit our Grade 6 and 10 classes on Tuesday, January 16
Sr Boys Home Invitational Tournament 🏀
Come cheer on our Sr Boys Basketball team as they host their invitation tournament January 19-20
Jr Team Tournaments 🏀
Our 3 Jr Basketball Teams will be playing in tournaments in Forestburg and Stettler over the weekend
NO SCHOOL - January 31
Our Teachers and Staff will be participating in a PD day on Wednesday, January 31.
Semester 2 will begin on Thursday, February 1.
Thank You Added
We have added Bashaw & District Thrift Store to the wonderful list we shared on December 20. We so deeply appreciate everyone who contribute through their gifts, talents, resources and time to our students, school and staff. ❣️
More information: YMindCamrose@gmail.com phone 780-672-2570, ext 6 text 780-679-5825
Early dismissals will be the FIRST Thursday of most months. Students will be dismissed at 12:05. THIS IS A CHANGE FROM LAST YEAR.
About Us
Email: sjenkins@brsd.ab.ca
Website: www.bashaw.brsd.ab.ca
Location: 5304 51 Street Box 69
Phone: 780-372-3800
Facebook: facebook.com/bashaw_school