March 2024 Newsletter
February 2024 Newsletter

Message from Superintendent Dr. Sharon I. Byrdsong
Greetings, Norfolk Public Schools’ Families:
As we continue on our productive journey through the remainder of this school year, I am excited to connect with you through this monthly newsletter, which aims to keep you informed of and engaged in the events of our school division. In this edition, we emphasize the pivotal role that consistent attendance plays in our students' academic journeys. Your child's(ren’s) regular presence in school over the coming months will greatly contribute to closing learning gaps and ensuring his/her/their progress to the next academic level. Moreover, we are excited to announce that applications for preschool enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year are now being accepted. Early childhood education lays the foundation for lifelong learning, and we encourage families to explore this opportunity for their young learners.
As part of our ongoing commitment to transparency and accountability, I want to make you aware of highlights from my most recent budget presentation to the School Board of the City of Norfolk. Please review this information in the newsletter. Your support and understanding are crucial as we work to allocate resources effectively and enhance the overall educational experience for our students.
In closing, I want to express my gratitude for your continued support and partnership in our shared commitment to the success of Norfolk Public Schools. By working together, we can create an environment that fosters academic excellence and personal growth for each of our students.
Budget Update for Fiscal Year 2024-2025
Superintendent Dr. Sharon I. Byrdsong’s proposed operating budget for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 was presented to the School Board on Wednesday, February 7, 2024. It includes initiatives related to employee compensation; employee recruitment and retention; right-sizing the school division; safety, security, and building maintenance and repairs; and instructional and social-emotional learning resources for schools and students. A public hearing regarding the budget took place on March 6, 2024, to gain citizen input. The School Board is slated to adopt its proposed operating budget on Wednesday, March 20, 2024. This budget will then be submitted to the Norfolk City Council by no later than April 1, 2024. By city charter, the City Council must adopt a municipal budget, which includes school funding in May 2024. Depending upon the City Council’s action, the School Board may have to address differences in its proposal and then act on a revised budget.
NPS Recognizes Schools with the Best and Most Improved Attendance for January
Norfolk Public Schools is recognizing the schools with the Best and Most Improved Attendance rates each month as part of the division’s focus on reducing chronic absenteeism and promoting on-time, daily attendance. The division would like to congratulate the schools that achieved the Best Attendance and Most Improved Attendance rates for the month of January.
Best Attendance Rate for January:
94.7% Sherwood Forest Elementary School (Grades K-5)
95.8% Academy for Discovery at Lakewood (Grades K-8)
89.7% Academy of International Studies at Rosemont (Grades 6-8)
81.6% Booker T. Washington High School (Grades 9-12)
Most Improved Attendance Rate for January:
James Monroe Elementary School (Grades K-5)
Lake Taylor School (Grades K-8)
Blair Middle School (Grades 6-8)
Granby High School (Grades 9-12)
Congratulations to these schools and their students!
J. K. Rowling, author of the wildly popular Harry Potter series, is credited with saying, “If you don’t like to read, you haven’t found the right book.” Between classroom libraries stocked with high-interest, culturally diverse titles, and Norfolk Public Schools’ Media Centers offering print, audio, and eBooks for checkout, our students have an open invitation to discover books that are just right for them.
The Norfolk Public Library has an exciting offer for our students as well. Parents and students can receive bite-size chunks of a novel each day for a week via email, extending the opportunity to find ‘the right book’ beyond the schoolhouse. As the Norfolk Library advertises, “Give us your email and five minutes a day, and we’ll give you an exciting world of reading.” We encourage all NPS students, and all members of our community, to discover their first or next favorite book by visiting Norfolk Public Library's Online Book Club.
Additional book choices for our youngest readers, complete with audio and Spanish language options, can be found at Unite for Literacy. Once the right books are discovered, parents can visit Reading Rockets to learn more about promoting literacy and a love of reading.
Registration is Open for Family University
Preschool Applications for the 2024-2025 School Year Now Open
Preschool applications for the 2024-2025 school year are now open! Norfolk Public Schools is now accepting applications for children who will be 3 or 4 years old by September 30, 2024.
Online preschool applications will be accepted from now until May 15, 2024, through the link on npsk12.com/preschool. Families in this first round of preschool acceptances will receive placement confirmation by June 15, 2024, via the email provided to ParentVue. Families in the second round of preschool acceptances will receive placement confirmation by July 15, 2024, via the email provided to ParentVue. Applications will continue to be accepted on an ongoing basis and families will be contacted via email and/or phone if there is a preschool opening available.
Acceptance into the preschool program is determined on eligibility criteria and identified risk factors, not on a first-come, first-serve basis. Risk factors include, but are not limited to, family income, level of parent/guardian education, housing concerns or homelessness, and special needs or disability.
If you have any questions regarding the preschool program, please visit the Norfolk Public Schools’ preschool website to view the Preschool FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions). If you have further questions, please email the Department of Early Learning and Title I at preschool@npsk12.com or call 757-628-3944.
Blair Middle School Athletic Director, Kurt Straub, Wins Statewide Award
Mr. Kurt Straub, athletic director of Blair Middle School, was given the Outstanding Service in Middle School Athletics award by the Virginia Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association (VIAAA)! The award is given each year to someone who has made significant contributions to the athletic administration. In his award letter, the organization stated, “it is an award you richly deserve.” He will be honored at the 2024 VIAAA Conference luncheon in April in Short Pump, Virginia. Mr. Straub, who has been with Norfolk Public Schools and Blair Middle School for the past eight years, said he was honored to know his Norfolk Public Schools and VIAAA peers see the hard work he is putting into the programs.
“I think it’s important to know that our kids perform well both academically and, on the field,” Mr. Straub said. “I know how important it is to prepare students for their futures, whether that’s continuing athletics in high school or college or heading into the workforce, and we do that by focusing on developing character as our number one priority. We take students into the community, so they understand the value of giving back. I’m always looking to maximize our student athletes’ full potential on the field or off the field.” Congratulations, Mr. Straub!
Norview High School Wins 2024 School Breakfast Award
Congratulations to Norview High School for receiving the 2024 Virginia School Breakfast Award! To celebrate the accomplishment, the Virginia Department of Education, Office of School and Community Nutrition Programs (VDOE-SCNP) visited the school to celebrate during National School Breakfast Week.
Thank you to Norview High Schools’ School Nutrition Staff for their hard work ensuring students are fed delicious and nutritious meals!
In February, Norfolk Public Schools Celebrated Black History Month
In recognition of Black History Month, Lake Taylor School students hosted an HBCU College Tour! The building transformed into more than 20 colleges and universities, with students as the tour guides. Teachers and staff who attended an HBCU wore their gear to represent and show students what they can accomplish through education.
Students from Larchmont Elementary School performed the play “American Heroes: The Amazing Story of the Tuskegee Airmen” under the direction of Assistant Principal Dee Crisco.
Students from Suburban Park Elementary School and Little Creek Elementary School hosted programs to celebrate Black History Month. Suburban Park Elementary School’s program theme was “All That Jazz,” including choral performances and cheerleading routines. Little Creek Elementary School’s program theme was “Why Mosquitos Buzz,” with both an art show and musical performances by fourth and fifth-grade students.
This Month, We Are Celebrating…
School Social Workers Week
As we celebrate and honor School Social Work Week, we want to highlight the impact of our incredible school social workers who have been supporting students and families since the early 20th century. From humble beginnings addressing truancy to providing vital emotional support, school social workers have evolved into champions of students' well-being and their dedication has shaped the history of education. We would like to thank all of our school social workers who strive and advocate to make a positive difference in the lives of our youth!
Women’s History Month
Happy National Women's History Month! Women's History Month is a celebration of history, culture, and society, dedicated to reflecting on the often-overlooked contributions of women to U.S. history. The theme for 2024 celebrates "Women Who Advocate for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion," which recognizes the example of women who are committed to embracing everyone and excluding no one in our common quest for freedom and opportunity. We honor all of the women this month who have taken the lead to show the importance of change and to establish firmer safeguards, practices, and legislation reflecting these values.
Youth Art Month
Youth Art Month is a celebration of the visual arts in our schools. March honors Youth Art Month to encourage support for quality school art programs, direct attention to the value of art education, recognize art as a necessity for the full development of a better quality of life for all, and provide additional opportunities for individuals of all grade levels to participate in creative art learning.
Music in Our Schools Month
This is the time of year when music education becomes the focus of schools and communities nationwide. March is also Music In Our Schools Month, and we continue raising awareness of the importance of music education for all our children. It is also an incredible opportunity to display the value that music brings and highlight the benefits of high-quality music programs.
School Social Worker of the Year
Ms. Frances Martinez has been selected by her peers as the 2023-2024 School Social Worker of the Year for Norfolk Public Schools! Ms. Martinez’s many accomplishments include developing the first Spanish Resource Guide for Norfolk Public Schools’ families, serving as the liaison for Spanish-speaking students and families through the Department of Student Wellness, providing social-emotional learning support and crisis intervention to numerous students, mentoring new staff, and providing support to her colleagues who need additional assistance with providing school social work services to their families who speak Spanish. When she was a student at Norfolk State University, Ms. Martinez interned with Norfolk Public Schools and after obtaining her Master of Social Work degree in 2022, she joined the department full-time!
Ms. Martinez currently serves as the school social worker at Lake Taylor High School and Jacox Elementary School where she is well respected by her team members. Ms. Martinez is often described by her colleagues as being supportive of others as well as professional in her demeanor in any given situation. She is also willing to go above and beyond to get the job done, exemplifying "No Matter What"!
Month of the Military Child
Plans Underway to Celebrate Month of the Military Child with Goal to Increase Number of Schools with Purple Star Designation
Join Norfolk Public Schools in April as we celebrate Month of the Military Child to underscore children's important role in the Armed Forces community.
Norfolk Public Schools is proud of the more than 4,500 students who are identified as military-connected and of the fourteen schools that have received the Virginia Purple Star Designation. The Virginia Purple Star Designation is awarded to military-friendly schools that meet rigorous qualification criteria. The distinction illustrates each of our schools’ commitment to our military community, especially our military-connected students.
Purple Star Designation schools receive a resolution of recognition, an award coin, and the opportunity to proudly display the Purple Star logo for three school years. In the coming school year, Norfolk Public Schools would like to increase its number of designations and encourage the schools that have already achieved the distinction to take steps to maintain the designation.
As Month of the Military Child draws near, we are encouraging all schools and families to participate in our Military Child Appreciation Spirit Days:
(No observances during the week of April 1-5 due to Spring Break)
Wednesday, April 10, 2024 - Wear Red, White, and Blue Day
Wednesday, April 17, 2024 - National PurpleUp! Day
Wednesday, April 24, 2024 - Favorite Branch of Service Camo Day
Friday, April 26, 2024 - R.E.D. Friday (Remember Everyone Deployed by wearing red)
April 17, 2024, has been designated PurpleUp! Day for 2024 and is included in the spirit days. Purple is the color combination of the five branches of military service.
Community Partner Corner
United States Navy-Naval Station Norfolk
Naval Station Norfolk is the headquarters and home port of the U.S. Navy’s Fleet Forces Command. When ships are in port at the installation, military members take time to volunteer for Norfolk Public Schools. Members serve as mentors, readers, or volunteer for city-wide Norfolk Public Schools events. For two years, the Navy solicited members to provide volunteers for “Servicing Our Schools,” which is a way to offer direct support at the beginning of the year to help schools and teachers prepare for students’ return to the classroom. In honor of President George H.W. Bush’s 100th birthday, the sailors on his namesake ship will engage in acts of volunteerism in identified Norfolk Public Schools on April 25, 2024. Thank you, Naval Station Norfolk, for your service and for your support of Norfolk Public Schools. We appreciate it!
Norfolk Public Schools welcomes positive, collaborative, meaningful partnerships between our schools and our communities to enhance student academic learning and success. For more information on community engagement, contact LaEunice Brown, Community Engagement Coordinator, Office of Communications & Community Engagement, 757-628-3459.
Norfolk Public Schools welcomes positive, collaborative, meaningful partnerships between our schools and our communities to enhance student academic learning and success. For more information on community engagement, contact LaEunice Brown, Community Engagement Coordinator in the Office of Communications and Community Engagement, at 757-628-3459.
Norfolk Public Schools Volunteer Opportunities
Norfolk Public Schools values the support we receive from community partners and volunteers. As part of your preparation in assisting us with reading programs, tutoring, coaching, and mentoring, please be reminded that you must register and receive an email clearance from Raptor, our volunteer management system. Your clearance email will provide you with information on how to set up your portal to track your volunteer hours, monitor the schools you have selected, and receive emails on different volunteer opportunities.
Raptor allows the division to conduct a criminal background check on everyone who volunteers in our schools to help ensure that all within Norfolk Public Schools adhere to the division's safety and security protocols. When completing the application, you can select the school(s) in which you wish to volunteer and the types of volunteer opportunities that most interest you.
Once registered and cleared, volunteers are approved for two years. All volunteers must adhere to the Code of Conduct and Volunteer Duties Acknowledgement, which are found in the application and on the Raptor Frequently Asked Questions page.
All volunteers and visitors must check in to Raptor at the school’s front office to ensure the safety and security of all children in NPS’ care. This also allows school staff to know who is physically in the building in the event of an emergency. For more information, visit the Norfolk Public Schools Community Engagement website. Apply to volunteer today!
Norview Family Engagement Night A Success!
On Tuesday, February 20, 2024, Norview High School held a Family Engagement Night. The evening event was a celebration of the many cultures of students that attend the school and to provide families with information on the available resources in the city and to receive academic support, attendance, and graduation information. Norview High’s supportive community partnerships were evident with over 45 vendors in attendance. Informational resources were provided by graduation coaches, military counselors, Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, and many more. Families enjoyed tasting food from different countries, engaging with teachers, dancing, and playing soccer!
Norfolk Public Schools’ Teachers Are Rock Stars!
Norfolk Public Schools celebrates true Rock Stars – our teachers! The Rock Star Teacher Award recognizes those who have reached 95 percent student completion on their STAR assessments or teachers who have perfect attendance and/or show creativity and accountability toward attendance goals. Congratulations, Rock Stars! Visit the full gallery and return to www.npsk12.com/images throughout the year for pictures from school division events. Photos are free and available for download – perfect for framing!
Winter Sports Season Wrap Up
Region Tournament
Norview HS: Class 5 Region B Regional Champions
Lake Taylor HS: Class 3 Region A Region runner ups
Lake Taylor HS: Class 3 Region A Champions
Maury HS: Class 5 Region B runner ups
State Tournament
Lake Taylor HS Boys Basketball: Class 3 State Runner ups
Indoor State Track Championship
Christine Fitzgerald(MHS): 3rd place-Girls 300 meter dash
Christine Fitzgerald(MHS): 3rd place-Girls 500 meter dash
MHS: 2nd place-Girls 4x400 meter relay
Lavontae Bond(MHS): 1st place-Boys 300 meter dash
MHS: 1st place- Boys 4x200 meter relay
Keith Fernandez(GHS): 2nd Place - 106lbs., 2024 Class 5 State Championships
Marquise Drew-Rogers(LTHS): 2nd Place - 190lbs., 2024 Class 5 State Championships
Norfolk Public Schools is Hiring! #YOUBelongWithNPS
Are you interested in joining the Norfolk Public Schools’ family? Norfolk Public Schools seeks teachers, bus drivers, school nutrition and clerical staff, security guards, and more! Norfolk Public Schools offers signing bonuses for teachers and bus drivers. No Commercial Driver’s License (CDL)? No problem. We will train you. Do not wait! Visit our website for openings and to apply!
The next career fair will be held from 9 a.m. to noon on Wednesday, March 20, 2024, at the Norfolk Public Schools Department of Facilities, 933 Bellmore Avenue, Norfolk. Human Resources staff will also be at Family University on March 23, 2024, to discuss job openings and schedule interviews. Stay tuned for additional career fairs scheduled through August 2024.
Special Education Corner
Big news! Norfolk Public Schools will be starting a SibShop! SibShops are groups for siblings of students with disabilities. The NPS Parent Resource Center Educator will be trained to facilitate the SibShops groups alongside other NPS staff members. The Parent Resource Center will offer an informational parent session for those interested in having their student participate. For more information about SibShops, please visit the SibShops website or contact the Parent Resource Educator using the information below.
The last installment of the winter workshop series partnership between the Norfolk and Portsmouth Public Schools Parent Resource Centers (PRCs) will be held on March 19, 2024. The goal of this series is to encourage productive conversations and develop questions to discuss the postsecondary transition from preschool to grade 12. Register here.
Special Education Tip of the Month
Each month, we share a special education term or tip to help families understand their rights and needs. The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) has released video modules to provide parents, families, and other stakeholders with a brief but comprehensive overview of the special education process on the following topics: Introduction (Overview of Series), Identification, Evaluation, Eligibility, Individualized Education Program (IEP), Reevaluation, Early Intervention, and What’s Next. Each module is designed to be viewed as a stand-alone resource or viewed in succession.How do I contact the Parent Resource Center?
Ms. Kamil Donawa, PRC (Parent Resource Center) Educator
Phone: 757-274-5997 (cell)