Collier Elementary PreK- 6th
December 2024 Newsletter
Message from Mrs. Langford, Collier Principal
December is here and this year is flying by! We are feeling the holidays right around the corner. We have so many things to be grateful for from the beginning of the year.
- We now are a Preschool - 6th grade school
- Our students have shown progress on the Dibels reading test for grades Kindergarten - 3rd grade
- Our school community has grown
- We have had many fun family events this year that have brought us together as a community
We hope that in this month of December that can get very busy, that you and your family are able to rest and recharge together celebrating your family holiday traditions.
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!! 2025 here we come!
Upcoming Events
Dec. 3rd Family STEAM Night 5:30pm
Dec. 4th Last day of Food Drive
Dec. 6th Coffee with the Counselor 7:45am
Dec. 10th Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd Grade OMA Informance 1:30pm
Dec. 13th PTA Parents Night Out, look for fliers for more information
Dec. 16th Spirit Day Holiday Hair and Hats
Dec. 17th Spirit Day Holiday Wear, Sweaters and Shirts
Dec. 17th Grades 4th - 6th Orchestra and Band Concert 5:50pm
Dec. 18th Spirit Day Holiday Pajamas
Dec. 18th Field Trip to Sabino Canyon Grades 3rd, 4th, 5th
Dec. 19th All Grades OMA Winter Concert and Hot Chocolate 9:00am
Dec. 20th No School Grading Day
Dec. 23rd - Jan. 3rd No School Winter Break
Jan. 6th Welcome Back to School
Collier OMA Gold
It’s that time of year – we are spending most of our OMA/Fine Arts time in rehearsals. We are so excited to share what we’ve been learning with you. We have informal, informational performances (informances) and formal performances coming soon!
· Tuesday, December 10, 1:30-2:00 on stage
Kindergarten and 2nd grade dance, 1st grade musical theatre informance
· Tuesday, December 17, 5:30pm in cafeteria
Violins, band and orchestra performance (4th-6th grades)
· Thursday, December 19, 9:00-9:30 on stage
Whole school Winter Concert (all music is winter themed, not holiday themed)
Family and friends are invited to attend these performances.
Don’t forget to ask your students what they are learning about in OMA!
~ms. wendy
Note from Ms William's, Collier Counselor
Dear Families,
As the holiday season approaches, I want to take a moment to wish you all a season filled with joy, peace, and connection. This time of year can be magical, but it can also bring challenges or stress for some. Please know that I am here to support you and your children, whether it's navigating emotions, managing stress, or simply lending a listening ear. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need assistance or resources. Wishing you and your loved ones a warm and wonderful holiday season!
Best regards,
Ashley Williams
School Counselor
Parent Drop Off and Pick Up
Thank you for helping us keep our students safe in the parking lots.
Please do not drive in the bus bay in the morning for dropping off students. Students may be dropped off by the marquee or in the dirt lot next to the bus bay.
Please do not ask your child to run across the parking lot during dismissal. Students need to be picked up on the south (sidewalk) side of the parking lot. If you park on the north side, please get out of your car and walk your child to your car.
Thank you!
Collier PTA
Thank you everyone for participating in our PTA Family Events. We love our Collier Community and getting together helps us keep our bonds strong!
We would love for our membership to increase! Please consider joining today! You are not obligated to volunteer in any way, however, having a strong PTA membership shows our community how much we value each other.
Student Council Spirit Days!
It's Holiday Spirit Week!
December 16th Holiday Hair and Hats
December 17th Holiday Clothing, Sweaters and Shirts
December 18th Holiday Pajamas
Collier Mission and Vision
Collier Mission
All students learn in a positive, supportive environment. Students are taught to think creatively, to collaborate, and to problem solve successfully, in a complex, changing, and culturally diverse world. Cooperative partnerships among families, staff, and students promote success and a sense of community.
Collier Vision
Inspiring all to reach their full potential as leaders in a complex, changing, and culturally diverse world.
Our Focus
Collier offers rigorous academic curriculum blended with real-world applications through Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) instruction.
Tucson, AZ 85749