Fayette Central Flyer
April 2022
Home of the Hornets
Email: kmccarty@fayette.k12.in.us
Website: fayettecentral.k12.in.us
Location: 2928 N. County road 225 West; Connersville, IN 47331
Phone: 765-825-6261
Fayette Central Mission Statement
The staff of Fayette Central believes that all students can learn given quality educational programs and a desire to learn. Through a cooperative effort that involves the family, school, and community, Fayette Central will provide a safe, educational environment which promotes learning. We will prepare students academically and socially to function as independent, productive citizens and life-long learners.
Principal's Desk
Dear Parents,
Happy spring to everyone! We hope everyone had an enjoyable spring break and are ready to do their best this last quarter.
We will be doing ILEARN in grades 3-6 beginning April 18. Please encourage your children to do their very best to shine and show what they know. Also, please help us by making sure your children are here on time and well-rested on the days their class is taking ILEARN so they don't miss important testing sessions.
Please share the kindergarten registration information with anyone you know who has a child that will be turning 5 by August 1, 2022 so they can register for kindergarten next year. Kindergarten registration will be at Little Spartans' Preschool on April 23, 2022 from 9:00 AM until 3:00 PM. All prospective kindergartners and a family member should come to learn more about kindergarten and get on the list for next fall.
Your children who are already in grades kindergarten through 5th will also be bringing home their intent to return next year letters. We need those back whether you plan to return to Fayette Central next year or plan to move elsewhere so we can start to make plans for the upcoming school year.
April 15, 2022 is Good Friday and we will not have school that day. On April 18, the following Monday we will have a regular school day because that is our second snow make-up day.
Mrs. McCarty, Principal
How Am I Getting Home?Car Rider? Bus?
Student Services Updates
I can’t believe we are less than two months from the end of the school year already! I am so glad we were able to move to no masks before the end of the year - I have enjoyed seeing the students' smiles again! This school year I have had fun with school wide activities such as College Go Week, Red Ribbon Week, and Random Acts of Kindness Week. I am available in the building every day to help students with coping strategies, stress management, and conflict resolution. I love being able to talk with students and help to come up with solutions to problems that they may be having. I also have been busy with several small groups. It has been so exciting to see students grow in their social and emotional learning!
Please keep in mind that we have a Clothing Pantry here at Fayette Central with clothing, hygiene items, and school supplies. Please contact me if your child is in need of any of these things. I am also accepting donations throughout the school year.
Students taking a short break
Students learning new skills
Students Learning New Skills
Mrs. Thompson's Kindergarten News
Hello from Mrs. Thompson’s Kindergarten Class!
The month of March was a busy time here in Kindergarten. We planned, designed and built leprechaun traps! Then the leprechaun came and destroyed our classrooms! We didn’t catch that little fellow this year, but we will try again next year!
During the month of April we will be beginning our annual animal research projects. We will be studying the life cycle of a butterfly while we watch actual caterpillars go into their chrysalis and become butterflies! We will also be learning all the parts of a non-fiction text. After that, our students will then pick their own animal to research and write a whole report on that animal. We are learning so much and are so excited to show off what we know with our projects! Happy Spring!
Mrs. Hale's First Grade News
For math, we just finished up our unit on graphs. We learned how to read and analyze picture graphs, bar graphs, and tally charts in order to answer questions. We also made some graphs of our own! We are working hard at learning the value and names of each coin and putting different combinations of coins together to count and tell how much we have. We continue to work everyday on our math facts for addition and subtraction using a program called Reflex. We are learning that math is very important and that we use it everyday in our daily routines for different things.
In reading this year, we have been working on different strategies that will help us become better readers. Some of the strategies we have worked on are predicting, retelling important details from a story, character analysis, setting of a story, problem and solution, visualizing, and making connections. We also work on our sight words each week so that we can become better readers! We have learned about short and long vowel words, words with digraphs, and we are now starting to work on words with ou/ow, au/aw, etc.
We have worked hard on our writing also this year! We have worked on using correct capitalization and punctuation to write a good sentence. We have worked on putting ideas together to create short stories. We have worked on narrative stories, opinion writing, and how-to writing. We really enjoyed the how-to writing when we got to write about how-to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich! After writing out the steps we followed them and made our own peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for a snack! We are starting our animal research projects now where we will learn about animal habitats, how animals adapt to survive in their habitats. Students will choose an animal to research and will write up a small report on. This will be followed up by an animal diorama project. We can’t wait to see the end results!
Upcoming Events
Good Friday-April 15- No School
Snow Make-up ay # 2 April 18- Regular School
ILEARN- April 18-May 13
Last Student Day- May 25
Calendar Update
April Lunch Menu
Kindergarten Round up
Sixth Grade Digital Visit to CMS
Digital Event link: https://sites.google.com/g.fayette.k12.in.us/6thgradeparentvirtualevent/home