Python Post
Westwood View Elementary
Westwood View School (
4935 Belinder Ave, Westwood, KS 66205
(913) 993-5800
Kathy Keith, Principal
Twitter: @wwvpythons
Mission: Together We Succeed!
Welcome Back Pythons!
We would like to welcome all of our new and returning families to another start of the school year! The Python News will be emailed to all families monthly and will contain important information for WV families.
We believe in creating an open avenue for communication between school and home. The Python News is only one of these avenues. We also have a twitter account and a school website that will be updated throughout the school year. Please access these sites to keep in touch with all of the news and events taking place at Westwood View.
School Hours: 8:10am -3:10pm
Students may enter the building at 8:00am.
Upcoming Dates
10 Teacher Assignments will be available on Skyward
14 Ice Cream Social 4:30-6:00pm - All family members are invited
(Meet your teacher and drop off supplies in classrooms, clearly labeled with grade and name. If you ordered supplies they will be on your student's desk the first day of school)
15 Classes begin, Grades 1-6 (12:30 Early Dismissal)
15 & 16 Kindergarten Conferences
17 Kindergarten begins (full day)
22 Back to School Night - Parents/Guardians attend, no students
(1st-3rd 5:00pm) (4-6th 6:00pm)
Welcome New Python Staff Members
Mrs. Hutton - 6th Grade
Mrs. Roscetti - PE
Staff Assignments for 2023-24
Principal Kathy Keith
Secretary Jodi Mcatee
Support Staff John Sheahan
Nurse JoAnn Blevins
Social Worker Jami Hamilton-Ansley
Intervention Support Annie Campbell
Instructional Coach Lori Heinze
Building Sub Jan Lyons
Erin Flint
Emily Hoffman
1st Grade
Jessica Brockmeier
Emma Vogt
Susannah Cone
2nd Grade
Jessica Jankowski
Rachel Pruett
Annie Jurgensmeyer
3rd Grade
Jana Winkelbauer
Caroline Cherry
4th Grade
Emily Fox
Sarah Harvey
Zoey Olson
5th Grade
Amanda Jessee
Paige Riekhof
6th Grade
Angie Hutton
Jill Kading
PE Corey Roscetti
Art Paige Crosswhite
Music Matt Mirsch
Library Annie Campbell & Maggie Vallette
Special Education
Resource Teacher Cindy Waeckerle
Speech Teacher Kelsey Kohn
School Psych Laine Guerry
OT Teacher Tracey Bredford
School Lunch Information
Parents will be able to eat lunch with your student starting Sept. 5th. If you are bringing outside food, you may only include your student due to allergies and keeping our students safe.
Food Service will continue to offer healthy and appealing options for all students next school year. The meal prices are below.
Elementary $2.85
Secondary $3.00
Reduced $0.40
Adult Visitor $4.30
Families will be able to complete a child nutrition meal benefit application to see if they qualify for free or reduced-priced meals. The information and link regarding the meal benefit application will be a part of the parent online verification process as well as be available on the Food Service web page after July 1st. Food Service encourages families to apply as soon as the application is available in July so any meal benefits families qualify for will be processed by the start of the school year.
Families are encouraged to check their student’s current food service account balance on School Café - Payments to a student’s food service account can be done by check or cash at the school, credit card online through eFunds ($3 fee) or by calling the Food Service office (no fee). Student account balances (positive or negative) do roll over to the next year – even if the student switches schools within the district.
Arrival/Dismissal Procedures
Parking Lot - Flow of Traffic Map
Skyward/Digital Forms
Skyward Access
The below link will take you to the Skyward page where you can log in and access all digital forms that need to be signed. The Student Handbook is on the district webpage. A link is provided below. Check out the tutorials on how to do different things in Skyward. Digital forms need to be signed before students can receive their ipads or get their pictures/address published in the student directory.
Student Handbook 2023-24
Parents must be on our MVP list in order to volunteer. MVP training is approved for three years before you have to renew your training. There are many trainings throughout the year Jamie Hamilton is our MVP coordinator, feel free to call her with any questions at 993-5856. See the information below for more details.
My Volunteer Pal (MVP) program is the volunteer program for all Shawnee Mission Schools. MVP connects adult volunteers with students ages Pre-Kindergarten to age 18. Volunteer Pals choose from a range of in-school activities, including:
- Mentoring
- Serving as a lunch buddy
- Classroom or school volunteer
- Sharing special talents or career interests
- Tutoring
- Being a friend who listens
- Overnight chaperones for Shawnee Mission School District-approved field trips
- Chat ‘n Chew
- Watch Dogs
- School field trips
Volunteers enjoy flexible schedules, and all activities take place on school grounds during school hours, with the exception of field trips. If there are additional questions concerning the MVP program, please call Ms. Hamilton at 913-993-5856.
MVP Resources
School Fees
The fee schedule, as approved by the Board of Education, lists required fees, school meal prices, and optional fees. High school and middle school course fees can be found in the program planning guides.
Pay Online
Shawnee Mission partners with eFunds for Schools to collect online payments for school fees and meals. Families have the option to pay by credit card, debit card or have funds electronically withdrawn from their checking account.