SES Sunday Scoop
August 4, 2024
Message from Ms. Biordi
Important Dates:
August 22 - BCSD Elementary Day at Renegades (1:35pm)
August 24 - I Am Beacon Back to School BBQ & Supply Giveaway
August 28 - District Wide Pre-K Meet & Greet @ Memorial Park (2:00pm)
August 29 - Sargent Kindergarten Orientation (3:00-4:30pm)
September 4 - 1st Day of School (K-5)
September 9 - 1st Day of School (PreK)
September 16 - Scholastic Book Fair Begins!
September 18 - Meet the Teacher/Open House (6:00-7:30pm)
September 28 - Girls in Sports Day
September 29 - Spirit of Beacon Day Parade
National Positivity Project Conference
Last week 7 our our teachers attended the National Positivity Project conference and had the opportunity to learn, connect and engage with educators and administrators across the country! Sargent is heading into our 2nd year as a Positivity Project (P2) Partner school and we are excited to continue our commitment to explicitly teaching character through P2's Positive Psychology framework. If you would like to learn more about the Positivity Project, check out the video below!
Welcome Ms. Sweet!
Teacher Assignments
Teacher/Class assignments will be made available on PowerSchool Parent Portal on August 21st. Families will not receive a letter in the mail indicating who the assigned classroom teacher is. It is important to make sure you have access to your Parent Portal account for this reason and for the purpose of receiving future school and district communications. Attached below are instructions for accessing your Parent Portal account, creating a new account and completing the 2024-2025 annual information update. If you need your "Access Code" please call the Sargent main office at 845-838-6900 ext. 4501.
PreK & Kinder Families - Action Needed on PowerSchool Parent Portal
A letter was mailed to new families with detailed instructions for creating a Parent Portal account. Classroom teacher assignments are sent electronically and will be viewable on Parent Portal on August 21, 2024. Parent/Guardians will need an active Parent Portal account by that date to access teacher assignment information.
See below for the steps to CREATE A PARENT PORTAL ACCOUNT. After creating an account it could take 5-10 business days for your account to be confirmed and activated. Enclosed are set up directions and your access code information (unique to each user).
If you have an older student in the district, and you already have a Parent Portal account, you do not need to create a NEW account. Instead, you will follow the steps for ADDING A STUDENT TO YOUR EXISTING PARENT PORTAL ACCOUNT. The access code for the pre-kindergarten or kindergarten student is enclosed.
If your student is going into Kindergarten and attended pre-k in the Beacon CSD, the only action required is to complete the ANNUAL UPDATE form. Having accurate information on file is imperative for us to communicate electronically throughout the school year.
In-Person Help is Available! Should you have any questions, or need help creating an account, please contact the Sargent Main Office (845-838-6900 ext. 4501) and make an appointment to meet with our clerical staff for in person support. Thank you for your timely attention to this and we look forward to welcoming your student to Sargent and working with your family this school year!
๐ Summer Events ๐
School Supplies
The school supply lists for the 24-25 school year have been updated on the Sargent Elementary School website and can be accessed here: https://www.beaconk12.org/Page/2081. The Sargent PTO organized a fundraiser through School Toolbox that is a one stop shop for all of your school supply needs. When information about this fundraiser is available, we will send it out to families.
School Breakfast & Lunch Programs
The Beacon City School District is providing no-cost breakfast and lunch meals to all students for the 2024-2025 School year. Beacon City School District proudly participates in the National School Breakfast and Lunch Program. The School Nutrition department is made up of a team of food and nutrition professionals that are dedicated to studentsโ health, well-being and their ability to learn. We believe that one of the most important ways in which we can help our children perform better in their classrooms is to provide them with the nutrition necessary for the healthy growth of their minds and bodies. Therefore, we provide breakfast and/or lunch in our schools every day. We invite students to show their support for their school food service program through participation. Our goal is to ensure that we serve healthy, well-balanced meals and that our students enjoy what they eat. We recognize that meals need to be exciting and delicious, built with quality foods and fresh ingredients designed to energize and satisfy students on-the-go.
Check out the planned meals http://schools.mealviewer.com/district/BeaconCityNY
There are three ways to pay for ala carte snacks, extra meals and adult cafeteria purchases:
- Send in a check or cash with your child to pay in advance. Please label all envelopes and if paying by check, make checks payable to Beacon City School District. Please put your childโs name or ID number on the check.
- Cash is always accepted daily at the register.
- Pay online at MySchoolBucks.com. (MySchoolBucks charges a 4% fee per deposit transaction).