Principal's Weekly
Principal Beth N. Choquette, Bridge Street School
Bridge Street School
2 Parsons Street
Northampton, Massachusetts 01060
413-587-1460 (phone) 413-587-1484 (fax)
Beth N. Choquette, Principal
Elizabeth Peterson, Administrative Assistant
Nicole Soutra, Senior Clerk
Nora DeJasu, Head Teacher
Translation of the Principal's Weekly
At the top of the weekly email, there's a link that reads "View it in your browser," click that and it takes you to the post on a webpage.
Scroll to the bottom where there's a black menu bar and pick the option that says "Translate."
Select the language you would like it translated in and it will then translate it on the webpage.
Traducción del semanario del director
Le gustaría traducir esta carta de noticias? Aquí están los pasos para traducirlo:
En la parte superior del correo electrónico semanal, hay un enlace que dice "Verlo en su navegador", haga clic en eso y lo llevará a la publicación en una página web.
Desplázate hacia la parte inferior donde hay una barra de menú negra y elige la opción que dice "Traducir".
Seleccione el idioma en el que desea traducirlo y luego lo traducirá en la página web.
Quote from 365 Days of Wonder Mr. Browne's PRECEPTS by R.J. Palacio
March 18, 2020
A Message From Principal Choquette
I know that we are all struggling with what is going on around is, not only in our community but around the world. It is difficult to know what tomorrow will bring as it seems as if everything changes day by day. The enormous challenges that come with having schools closed places a lot of additional stress on our families and our students. It is unsettling and I hope you all know that we are all here to support you in any way that we can.
I will be using my "weekly" as a format to communicate with you, as well as email and robocalls, if they are needed. Most of our families receive my weekly online, but there are some that do not. I am asking those of you who may know families that do not receive this via online and who have access, to ask them to email me and I will add them to the mailing list. I have no way of sending out paper copies as my time in the building will be minimal.
Yesterday we handed out student packets from 9:30-1:00 and again from 5:30-7:00, however, for some reason, not all families received the robocall. Therefore, I will go into work tomorrow to hand out packets again. I will hand out packets between 10:30 and noon tomorrow, March 19th. Please keep in mind that all of the materials in the packets and resources here are meant to be enrichment and skill building activities, they are not assignments nor are they required.
Report cards will be mailed out on Monday, March 23, 2020.
My hope for this frequent communication is to provide resources, videos of me reading for the kids, and other helpful information. Originally I was going to try to set up a Facebook page for this, but I think I can reach more families this way.
Please feel free to email me anytime. I am thinking of you and your children everyday and wishing you well. We will get through this together.
Love to you all,
Principal Choquette
Idea of the Week from Principal Choquette
Interview a family member
Taking the time out to learn more about the people in your family might surprise your children. Get them to dig deep and think about their questions and their responses. Save these interviews so you can read them again.
Information on the School Meal Program
Statewide Closure and the Impact on Special Education Letter
Important Information from Dr. Koerner, Mrs. Sperry, Ms. Nora, and Ms. Brittany
Reading Time with the Principal
The Last Stop on Market Street-Click on link to hear the story
Math Problem of the Week-Just for fun (meant to do with an adult...they can be a challenge for sure!)
Art Ideas from Ms. Lilly
Music Ideas from Ms. Michaud
Writing Prompts inspired by the New York Times-Sign up for free
Free Coloring Books from World Class libraries and museums
Bridge Street School Caregiver Survey 2020
The School Council is looking for your feedback! We want to find ways to make our school the best resource it can be.
Please help us by taking our survey (link below), which will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. The last day to complete this survey is Tuesday, March 31. Please complete this survey only once per caregiver.
Link to survey (English) (
(Paper copies of surveys were sent to families who receive paper copies of the Principal's Weekly.)
¡El Consejo Escolar está buscando tu opinión! Queremos encontrar formas de hacer de nuestra escuela el mejor recurso que pueda ser.
Por favor, ayúdenos tomando nuestra encuesta (enlace abajo), que tomará aproximadamente 10 minutos para completarla. El último día para completar esta encuesta es el martes 31 de marzo. Por favor, complete esta encuesta sólo una vez por cada cuidador.
Enlace a la encuesta (Español) (
Tenga en cuenta que si abre este enlace en Google Chrome mientras accede a su cuenta de Google, el idioma de la interfaz (p. ej., el texto del botón) será el predeterminado en la configuración de idioma de su cuenta de Google personal. Si quieres ver el idioma de la interfaz en español, configura el idioma de tu cuenta de Google en español o abre el enlace en otro navegador (p. ej., Safari, Firefox, etc.).
(Se enviaron copias impresas de las encuestas a las familias que reciben copias impresas del Semanario del Director).