APRES Dolphins S.W.I.M. Feb '25
An Extraordinary Place To Learn
A Message From Head of School Wilson
Greetings Dolphin Families!
Can you believe it is February already? Spring semester is flying by and our scholars and staff have been busy this semester ensuring we are mastering standards and engaging in rigorous learning. We have quite a few activities scheduled over the next few weeks and hope that your scholar is ready and willing to participate.
Our Black History Program is this week. Due to spacing limitations, we are not able to invite parents and families to the show. We understand how important it is for our parents and community to see our scholars as they perform, so we will provide a direct link for you to live stream the program. We appreciate your understanding and are excited for you to view the show virtually. Thank you for your understanding and support.
This week is also our Black History Month Spirit Week. See the flyer below, and please allow your scholar to participate.
Parents, WE NEED YOU! It is the time of year where we elect our parent candidates for the School Governance Council. See below in the newsletter how you can apply to be an elected member of our SGC. This opportunity is open to parents with students who will be in Kindergarten through 4th grade next school year.
YOUR VOICE MATTERS! Please see the information linked below regarding the GADOE School Climate Survey! We need your input. If you have not done so, click the link below for the School Climate Survey and give us your feedback. We need to hear from you!
Parents, we are asking that you all please speak with your students about the importance of meeting academic and social expectations at school. Our goal is to continue to provide a premier learning experience for all Dolphins. If your scholar is not focused and ready to learn, it can create an environment that is not conducive to learning for others. We ask that you continue to encourage productive behavior at school in order for all of our scholars to succeed. Please take time to schedule parent teacher conferences in order to establish a partnership between you and your scholars teacher. Together we can achieve so much more!
Please take a look at the events on the horizon for the next few weeks:
February 2025
10 -14 Random Acts of Kindness Week
17 - President's Day (SCHOOL CLOSED)
18 - Teacher Workday (No School for Scholars)
19 - Fran Warren's Community Meeting Renaissance MS @ 6PM
20 - Spring Picture Day
21 - PTA Family Game Night 6PM
24-28 Black History Month Spirit Week
25 - SGC Meeting @ 4PM
25 - Title I Assessment Workshop 6PM (refreshments at 5:30 PM)
27 - Black History Quiz Bowl
28 - Black History Program (Students Only/ Live Stream Link and Recording will be available)
March 2025
3 - Teacher Workday (No School for Scholars)
4 - Professional Development Day (No School for Scholars)
5 - 7 Read Across America Week
17 - 28 Fun Run Collections Begin
17 - Fran Warren's Community Meeting at Westlake HS 6PM
21 - Skate Night Cascade Family Skate 6PM - 8PM
28 - Fun Run/STEM Day
April 2025
16 - GMAS Parent Night (Grades 3-5 Only) 6PM
21- Fran Warren Community Meeting Seaborn Lee ES 6PM
Dolphins, I cannot thank you enough for the support you have shown, be it through volunteering your time, in-kind donations, sharing a positive narrative or by supporting you scholar with meeting schoolwide expectations. Your commitment to excellence at Randolph is truly appreciated.
In Partnership,
Head of School Wilson, Proud Dolphin
2025 Climate Survey: Your Voice Matters! Please Take the Georgia School Climate Survey Now
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Your voice matters! Help us create a safe, supportive, and thriving environment for our students by participating in the Georgia School Climate Survey.
This quick, anonymous survey gathers feedback on our school’s learning environment, safety, relationships, and overall climate. Your insights directly influence decisions to improve programs, policies, and culture—and impact school ratings with the State of Georgia.
Please take a few moments to complete the survey in the link below, by March 31, 2025.
Please respond as your participation directly impacts your school ratings with the State of Georgia.
Thank you for your partnership in making our school the best it can be!
Declare Your Candidacy for the Randolph SGC
It is time for the election of new members to our School Governance Council. The School Governance Council has both parent/guardian and teacher positions open for election. Parents or guardians of students who will be attending our school during both the 2025-2026 and 2026-2027 school years are eligible to run for the parent/guardian SGC positions. Our School Governance Council (SGC) plays a critical role in the success of our school. The SGC works with school leadership and the community to help determine the long-term direction of the school, design innovative solutions to increase academic achievement, and serve as school ambassadors to the local community. Specifically, the School Governance Council has the following powers:
• Create, approve, and monitor the implementation of the school strategic plan
• Manage the Request for Flexibility process
• Approve the annual budget recommendations and related allocations
• Participate in the hiring of the principal, in the case of a vacancy
• Provide annual feedback to the Area Superintendent on principal performance
If you are interested in running for a position on the School Governance Council, please complete and submit a Parent/Guardian Candidate Declaration Form.
Forms will be available on Monday, February 3rd. We are very excited about the work and value-add of our SGC. We hope that you will consider running for a position!
The Candidate Declaration period ends March 28th and voting will take place April 16 – April 23. In the meantime, if you would like more information about the charter system or SGC elections visit our school’s website or our Charter System Overview.
Principal Wilson
Attendance Matters
Please be reminded that our start time is 7:40 AM daily. Students arriving after 7:40 AM are considered late to school.
Excessive tardiness results in a loss of instructional time for not only your scholar, but for the scholars and teacher who are being interrupted by late arrivals. Please make it a priority to bring your Dolphins to school on time. Dolphins who arrive late in excess of 10 times are subject to the residence verification process. Your name will be provided to our School Social Worker to begin the verification process. If your child does arrive late, a parent or guardian must walk the student in to sign him/her in for the day.
We are thankful for those of you who choose to walk your scholars to class each day. Please be reminded that pajamas, and head scarfs or bonnets are not appropriate dress when entering the building. Our school is a professional environment and must be treated as such. Your compliance with this request is appreciated.
Arrival and Dismissal
- Morning car rider drop-off will take place in the front of the school. Randolph staff will be present at the carpool loop to receive students from 7:10am until 7:40am daily. Parents must park vehicles and escort students into the building and sign-in after 7:40am.
- Bus rider parents, school busses depart our campus at 2:25 pm daily. The FCS Code of Conduct applies to all students transported by school bus.
- Afternoon car riders will be picked up in the front of the school. Cars will enter through the main entrance to the school from Campbellton Rd. Please have your car rider number ready in the window. You must provide the car rider number tag for anyone designated to pick up your student. Picture ID is required when a new person picks up your scholar.
- Afternoon car rider parents, please make sure your scholar is picked up by 2:45pm.
- If picked up from school after 2:45 pm, your scholar will be seated in the front office. Please park and come in to sign your scholar out. Parents who fail to pick up their scholars before 2:4 pm in excess of 3 times will be required to either use bus transportation or secure after school care. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Safety is our priority.
- As with students arriving tardy, students who are excessively picked up late are subject to residence verification.
- Early student pick-up ends at 2:00pm daily. Please contact the school if in need of emergency early pick-up.
Who Do I Contact?
The relationship between the school community and families is critical. It is important that our staff is able to meet the needs of our stakeholders in the most effective way possible. Often times, families and the community believe that the principal is the first point of contact to solve their needs, when in reality there are teams of people who specialize in various areas throughout the school. Our goal is to provide the best customer service possible. In order to best serve you, please use the "Who Do I Contact" list as a guide for which team member can best support you.
School Nutrition
Fulton County Schools offers healthy meals daily. This year all Randolph students will receive free breakfast and lunch. Parents can load money on their student’s account for extra sales, view account balances and purchase history, and set up low-balance reminders by visitingwww.mypaymentsplus.com. Cash payments may also be made at your student’s school.
While we are a free breakfast and lunch school, parents who may qualify for free and/or reduced lunch must complete an application each year. A NEW application must be completed for the 2024-2025 school year. Free & Reduced Meal Applications are available anytime online. Visit www.fulton.schoollunchapp.com to begin the online application process. Families may obtain a paper application from any school cafeteria. If able, all families are encouraged to complete an online application.
Thank you to those who have joined our PTA, and who attend our PTA meetings. If you have not had the chance to join, please scan the QR code located at the front entrance of our school. Membership for parents is $20 and student membership is $10.
Use the links below to join PTA and to purchase Randolph Spirit Wear (proceeds benefit the PTA).
PTA will host a Family Game Night on Friday, February 21st. Be on the lookout for more information to come about this exciting event.
School Governance Council
Our School Governance Council works to meet the innovative and flexible needs of our school. Please join us at our public SGC meetings. Your voice is important!
Our next SGC meeting is Tuesday, February 25, 2025, at 4PM in the media center.
Title I
Randolph ES is a Title I School. We will host Parent Engagement events throughout the school year. We will solicit your input on the Parent Family Engagement Plan (PFEP), which is linked below, the Family School Compact, and your support by attending our engagement activities.
Through Title I, we provide resources for families to support scholars with learning at home. We are currently hosting parent/teacher conferences. Please see the link below for information on how to make the most of your parent/teacher conference.
Our next Title I Family Engagement Event, will be the Annual Assessment Meeting on Tuesday, February 25th at 6PM.
Volunteering At Randolph
We are excited to welcome volunteers into our building! We love having volunteers on a regular basis. Please remember that if you are going to volunteer at Randolph ES in any capacity (in the classroom, in the media center, cafeteria, or at a school event, etc.) you must watch the volunteer video and fill out the volunteer form prior to being in the building. Once you complete the training, it takes up to 48 hours to process your approval. All approved volunteers must re-apply for volunteer status every two calendar years.
APEC After School Care
The mission of APEC After School Enrichment Program is to provide meaningful programming for school age children during out of school times. We accomplish this by using a holistic approach to child development that involves enrichment of the mind, body and spirit through academic, physical and social development. We strategically collaborate with the schools and the community to provide unsurpassed support for the children and families we serve.
APEC After School Enrichment @ Randolph Elementary School
5320 Campbellton Road Atlanta GA 30331Office: 404-287-9709
After School Enrichment – Constructive programming for children including homework assistance and recreational activities.
APEC on Facebook!
Dates on the Horizon
February 2025
10 -14 Random Acts of Kindness Week
17 - President's Day (SCHOOL CLOSED)
18 - Teacher Workday (No School for Scholars)
19 - Fran Warren's Community Meeting Renaissance MS @ 6PM
20 - Spring Picture Day
21 - PTA Family Game Night 6PM
24-28 Black History Month Spirit Week
25 - SGC Meeting @ 4PM
25 - Title I Assessment Workshop 6PM (refreshments at 5:30 PM)
27 - Black History Quiz Bowl
28 - Black History Program (Students Only/ Live Stream Link and Recording will be available)
March 2025
3 - Teacher Workday (No School for Scholars)
4 - Professional Development Day (No School for Scholars)
5 - 7 Read Across America Week
17 - 28 Fun Run Collections Begin
17 - Fran Warren's Community Meeting at Westlake HS 6PM
21 - Skate Night Cascade Family Skate 6PM - 8PM
28 - Fun Run/STEM Day
April 2025
16 - GMAS Parent Night (Grades 3-5 Only) 6PM
21- Fran Warren Community Meeting Seaborn Lee ES 6PM