Snow Ridge Village
Quarterly Newsletter ~ April- June2024

Message From A SRV Board Member
As I was getting this newsletter together, I began to think of why we bought in Snow Ridge Village and I hope you find some similarities.
My house here in SRV is a second home. My family uses it as a personal retreat, offering a getaway from our extremely busy everyday lives. Many times throughout the year, we invite family and friends to join us, creating lasting memories and strengthening bonds. We get asked often, will you rent your place? For us, no, not at this time, but I know many others that do. I am thankful for people that do allow for renters, because that is why I decided to purchase a home after renting from a friend for 5 years. Whenever we have a break from school or work, SRV is one of our first options to spend more days than just a weekend here and there. As a family, we enjoy our time in SRV not just in the winter, but all year long, as there are so many friend and family activities we can participate in, we often struggle to fit them all in (hiking, biking, beaching, wineries, antiquing, boating... I could go on). When we are in SRV, I find many opportunities for in-prompt-to get togethers occurring almost every night when my neighbors are also in SRV. Everyone has been so friendly that making friends has been very easy and fun. My daughter is not old enough to pass our house down to just yet, but we are excited and planning for her to continue in these wonderful life long memories and experiences when the time comes. Lastly, more and more of our neighbors are claiming SRV as their permanent home. To me that says a lot when people want more time in SRV and find value in our community.
I say all of this as I know there are concerns about the truck warehouses. Personally, I am not happy about it, but I got to thinking that SRV is nestled in the woods, next to Jack Frost Mountain. We only have to pass the warehouses and the trucks, but we would do that anyway traveling to get to the mountains. They may have an impact to our environment and that should be challenged, but when at my house, I can still see out of my window and see nothing but birds, trees and the mountain while out on a walk. For all of the reasons I stated above, I won't let the changes occurring outside of SRV change why I bought in the village or stop enjoying all of the extras this community provides to me, my family and our friends.
~ Carole Butler
Member News
~ Board Members/Leadership for 2024
- Board President: Leslie Slifer, snowridgepresident@gmail.com
- Vice President & Social Committee Chair: Carole Butler snowridgescc@gmail.com
- Secretary & Website Committee Chair: Shawn Pickul, snowridgev@gmail.com
- Treasurer & Finance Committee Chair: Michael Zumpino, snowridgetreasurer@gmail.com
- Operations Committee Chair: Troy Cavallaro, snowridgeeb3@gmail.com
- Michele LaMastra, Executive Board Member, srvarc1@gmail.com
- Roger Melick, Executive Board Member, srvebtwo@gmail.com
- Patricia Killian, Executive Board Member, snowridgeeb@gmail.com
SRV Standing Committees
- Finance
- ARC (Architectural modifications)
- Operations
- Web-Site
- Social
- We are looking for community members to join all committees. Please reach out to the lead SRV Board member to get information of meeting dates, times.
- All meetings are virtual, occur monthly or as needed. Time commitment is less than one hour a month.
Here are some highlights from our monthly meetings, as shared by committee chairs:
President's Report-
The village is getting ready for spring cleaning., except to see our guys attending to the needs of the village. The Board has worked on and updated the Rules and Regulations for the community, which will be shared with the community in May. Any questions or concerns, should be addressed to Brad at Preferred Management.
Finance Committee- The committee worked together to begin discussions on our annual budget. The board and committee will continue to discuss priorities to support our community. You will receive a proposed copy of the 2024-2025 budget in early May. All SRV members present at the June 1st in person homeowner's meeting will hear from the board. This meeting will take place in the Frosty Toboggan at 10 AM. Unfortunately, we are not able to offer a Zoom meeting as we do not have access to Wi-Fi.
ARC Committee- We have made some changes to the ARC application. Applications can be found on the SRV village website. Completed applications should be submitted to Brad Jones at Preferred Management. His office will approve requests and follow up to make sure the job has been completed. When using a contractor, please remind them they cannot leave their trucks or storage trailers overnight in the village. They can be kept in lot 12. As a reminder, we do not own the land outside of the footprint of our homes. We have allowed for air conditioning units, gutter downspouts, deck stairs, drain spouts and landscape on community property, but only after being approved by the ARC committee. Any questions, please reach out to Brad's office at Preferred Management.
Operations Committee- Over the past several months, the committee met to discuss plans for the community. The theme for this committee is to improve the "Beautification of the Village". The following areas will be focused on within the next few months: Leaf removal, trees - removal and replacement, trails- repaired and updated with signage.
Website Committee- the website continues to be updated and is available 24/7 to provide every homeowner with resources and information specific to the village. You must register to sign on. There is a member's only section that only homeowners can have access to. Contact Shawn Pickul with any concerns or questions at snowridgev@gmail.com. You will need to access this in order to pay your annual dues.
Social Committee- We held our annual Après part in February. 55 families came together for a fun night. See below for the upcoming events. If you have any suggestions for future social events, please reach out and share your ideas to Carole Butler at snowridgescc@gmail.com
Preferred Management Report- Brad shared updates of projects and concerns as reported in the community. Specific areas of focus are on spring clean up, the mulching of every home's walkway with wood chips, preparing for the painting of identified homes and decks. Letters have been sent from Brad' office in the mail, to those identified homes schedule to be painted. You can find the list of homes on the SRV website in the members only section. Brad and our team will continue to monitor the community for issues with drainage when we have large storms.
Elite security is still on site asking for identification for guests as they enter our community. Homeowners can get stickers at the gate or through Brad's office. The guards are on duty Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays and holidays. If you have an issue on the weekend, please call the guard office to report it (570) 443-9970 or Elite dispatch (570) 413-3524. Any issues when the guard is not on, please call 911.
Reach out to Brad's office with any other concerns, brad@preferredmanagement.org
Other discussion points:
- We have been notified by Kidder Township to share the concern of fires started by fireworks and/or fire pits. See Kidder Township Chapter 74- 7 and Chapter 102 180-12 (177). Both are not allowed within our community based on guidelines set forth by Kidder Township.
If you RENT your home in SRV, please make sure the SRV Rules are displayed so they know where the trash is to be stored; parking spaces may not be directly in front of the unit; only two parking spaces allowed with over flow parking in Lot 12 (Just past the guard shack); and no fireworks or open flame fires may be started in the village.
- Rental units, please make sure you have registered with Kidder Township and with Property Management. There are fees to register with both groups. Property Management will send you a copy of the community rules that must be displayed for view within your unit. Please inform your renters where to put their trash, as we have seen bags just left outside of the units for several days. Additionally, place a sign indicating that trash will be picked up on Mondays and Thursdays.
We want our visitors to have a great time, while at the same time respecting our beautiful community.
A reminder to the community, there is a Facebook page "Snow Ridge Village", which is maintained by community members. Please join, but use it for questions, suggestions or celebrations. The board is not associated with this page.
We highly encourage all members of the community to sign up for the newsletters, the website and other forms of communication. Recently, we have met several people who are unaware of happenings because they do not receive emails as it went to their spouse/partner or junk mail and we want to make sure all household members have access to information.
Saturday, June 1st, Bi-Annual SRV Homeowner's Meeting, 10 AM, Frosty Toboggan
Come to meet the board and hear about our focus for the year.
Saturday, June 1st, Happy Hour, 5 PM,
Come play corn hole, chat and enjoy the afternoon. Weather dependent, location to be communicated at Homeowners meeting.
Saturday, August 24th Homeowners Picnic, 5 PM,
Bring an appetizer or dessert to share. Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Corn on the Cob, Soda, water and Gatorade will be available. BYOB
- Please email Carole Butler at Snowridgescc@gmail.com to let us know how many people will be attending.
- We will have corn hole, volleyball, and a water slide for children (bring a towel)
Saturday, September 21st - Golf Event
Join us for a fun afternoon of 9 holes of golf at Jack Frost Golf Course. $ 45 (includes one drink after golf)
Meet after for cocktails. If you don't play golf but want to join for the cocktails, please email me.
Please sign up before September 15th, We have 20 spots. Email snowridgescc@gmail.com to sign up.
Click "Home Owners Log-In" to register for the site to view and pay annual dues.
Follow us on Instagram @snowridgev