Emma L. Miller Friday Family Focus
Be Kind, Be Awesome, Be Well!
Friday, 6/7
Good Morning E.L.M. Families,
Happy Friday! Today if Field Day! Please dress for the weather and pack a change of clothes and towel. We will have hot dogs and hamburgers for lunch and an ice cream treat this afternoon. This is one of our most favorite days of the school year!
>>>Photo of the Week: Campfire Stories!
Next Week at a Glance:
Mon. - 6/10 -
Tues. - 6/11 -
Wed. - 6/12 - Gr. 5/6 Six Flags Field Trip
Thurs. 6/13 -
Fri. 6/14 - Grafton Lake Field Trip
News, Updates & Reminders:
* Next Friday we will end the week with our annual trip to Grafton Lake. Families are welcome to join us at the lake and there is a parking fee of $8.00 per car. You are also welcome to follow the bus when we leave the school at 8:45am. Please see the attached "Swimming Rules" below for our visit.
Students will need the following for our trip to Grafton Lake next Friday:
- swimsuit
- change of clothes
- towel & hat
- lunch, drink, snack, water bottle
- sunblock (please apply before school)
* The 5th & 6th grade class will visit Six Flags on Wednesday. We will leave school at approximately 8:45 and return at 4:00pm. Students will need to dress for the weather and may bring extra money for the gift shop, of which they will be responsible. We will be providing their lunch, snack and drinks for the day. This is a rain or shine field trip.
* Check out our children's amazing artwork! Mrs. Saldo, our art teacher, has shared our students' artwork in a digital Art Gallery. You may find the link below.
* We also recommend checking out our school's Facebook page. There are lots of photos of our fun adventures from our trip to the zoo and Camp Read-a-Lot this week. We will also be posting photos of our field day event today.
* Office Communication - We are often busy at the end of the day and your call may go to voicemail, if you call the office. Please know that you are welcome to leave a message and we will receive it.
* The MA DTA will be providing food assistance through EBT during the summer for those families that have been receiving benefits. If you currently receive benefits through EBT, there is nothing more that you need to do to receive the summer food benefit. If you currently do not receive any benefits, and believe that you may qualify, please follow the link below to apply. All information about the program will be provided through the DTA website.
Planning Ahead:
* Our first day of school for the 24-25 school year will be Tuesday, Aug. 27th and it will be early dismissal at 11:30am.
* Aftercare Families - Please be on the lookout in late July for a survey regarding aftercare needs for next year. This survey will help us to plan for the program to open in the fall.
PTG Updates & Reminders:
* As the school year comes to an end, we want give our PTG a great big shout out for all of their hard work and support of our students and school. They are a small group of moms that go above and beyond, and we wouldn't be able to attend our field trip and participate in these extra activities if it wasn't for them. Thank you PTG!
Health & Safety:
* Important Reminder: Medications need to be picked up by Monday, June 17th. Please contact Nurse Kate to schedule a time. Thank you.
Have a great weekend,
Mrs. Tierney
Contact Information
Email: ttierney@savoyelementary.com
Website: www.savoyelementary.com
Location: 26 Chapel Rd, Savoy, MA, USA
Phone: 413-743-1992
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100074472651098