January 2025
January 7th, 2025

North Elementary
To serve, support, educate, and elevate ALL students. We are ALL IN! The mission of the Public School System is to ensure that all students acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to become productive citizens. We are also committed to helping our community of parents, teachers and faculty build better connections to improve student outcome.
Please follow our facebook page for daily pictures and info! https://www.facebook.com/APSNorthElementary
Happy New Year, North Elementary Families!
We’re excited to kick off 2025 with some great updates and events!
Ron Clark Academy House Point System
We are thrilled to announce that we will soon launch our Ron Clark Academy House Point system! Teachers will begin sharing points and recognitions with students and this system will replace ClassDojo points. Teachers may continue to use ClassDojo for parent communication or transition to the communication feature in the Ron Clark app. Stay tuned for updates as we roll out this exciting program to enhance school spirit and student engagement!
Upcoming PTO Meeting
Mark your calendars for our next PTO meeting on Thursday, January 16, at 4:30 PM, in Room 19. We encourage all parents and guardians to attend as we discuss upcoming events and ways to support our school.
Second Quarter Awards Ceremony
We’re proud to celebrate our students’ achievements at our upcoming awards ceremony on Tuesday, January 14th:
• Kindergarten–2nd Grade: 1:30 PM
• 3rd–5th Grade: 2:00 PM
Parents and guardians of award recipients will be notified in advance. All visitors must check in through the front office to receive a visitor’s pass before attending the ceremonies. If you know you’ll be attending and you’ve already had your ID scanned into our system, please call Michele, at 575-812-5400, to have your name added to the visitors list and we’ll have your badge printed prior to your arrival (saving all of us time).
5th Grade Musical Extravaganza Field Trip
Our 5th graders will have the opportunity to attend the Musical Extravaganza at the high school on Thursday, January 30th. More details will be shared by your child’s teacher.
We look forward to a wonderful semester filled with growth, learning, and celebration!
Thank you for your continued support of North Elementary.
Karen Middlebrooks
Principal, North Elementary
Happy New Year Families and Students,
As we begin this new year, it is a good time to reflect upon last year and all the things we have to be grateful for. This month in social emotional lessons, I will be focusing on the topic of gratitude. We will be exploring the people, places and things we are grateful for and how to show gratitude in our actions. In praise of gratitude, I leave you with a short article that explains the positive impact of gratitude can have on our everyday lives. It is an absolute joy to serve the families and students of North Elementary as their school counselor and one that I am so very grateful for!
Why do we get more sick in the winter? There are many reasons but the 3 most common are cold weather, staying inside and peak virus season. The cold weather affects your nose’s ability to produce virus fighting mucus which decreases your immune system. Also, in the cold weather people stay indoors more and that helps the spread of germs. The 3rd reason is that viruses thrive more in the cold weather.
What do we need to do? WASH YOUR HANDS! When you cough or sneeze use your elbow or a tissue and wash your hands again. Surfaces need to be cleaned regularly. Do not share drinks or food.
A message to THIRD grade parents.
January 16th - PTO meeting. 4:30 RM 19 Google Meet Code: omq-otas-qvj
January 20th - NO SCHOOL. Martin Luther King day.
January 21st - Award ceremony. K-2 at 1:30pm & Grades 3-5 at 2pm.
January 30th - 5th grade Music Extravaganza Field Trip at AHS
Some first week back fun!
Did you know that missing just 2 days of school per month can affect a student's academic success?
Alamogordo Public Schools is excited to announce our #BeHereAlamo #AttendanceMatters initiative. Across the country, more than 8 million students are missing so many days of school that they are academically at risk. Chronic absence — missing 10 percent or more of school days due to absence for any reason - excused, unexcused absences and suspensions, can translate into third-graders unable to master reading, sixth-graders failing subjects, and ninth-graders dropping out of high school.
Alamogordo Public Schools knows that for your student to achieve their academic, career, and life goals they need to be in school. Attached are tips to help your student succeed and have great attendance. We've also included links to additional resources on the Alamogordo Public Schools website and the Be Here NM website.
The initiative has kicked off, and you will begin to see more information, resources, and contests heading your way from your student's school. Attendance matters, and will impact your student(s) for years to come. Let's help our children make the most of today and every day in the classroom! Be Here Alamo!