See You Tomorrow!
Anna Yates Elementary Newsletter: Summer Edition (Resent)
Zoom Orientation Tomorrow, Monday, August 17!
As the summer is coming to a close during these unprecedented times, we are about to begin a school year like never before: virtually! With Governor Newsom sharing in mid July counties on the monitoring list due to elevated disease conditions would need to begin the school year in distance learning, we know that rather than beginning in our in-person hybrid model, we will begin in distance learning.
As we as a district continue to finalize plans, I am hoping everyone can join me at our virtual orientation so that I can share the plans and details related to beginning our school year in distance learning.
We will review:
- Daily schedule and daily requirements
- Attendance expectations
- Material and technology pick up
- Virtual platform expectations
- And more!
I hope you continue to stay safe and healthy and have some moments of relaxation before this summer comes to a close. I have missed our school community and I look forward to seeing you all virtually tomorrow.
Ms. Carter, Anna Yates Elementary Principal
Grades TK-2 Zoom Orientation: Monday, August 17 at 5:00 p.m.
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 884 4020 2888
Passcode: lions
Grades 3-5 Zoom Orientation: Monday, August 17 at 6:00 p.m.
Meeting ID: 828 0313 6106
Passcode: lions
A Message Regarding Devices From Technology Department
As a new school year begins, it was our plan to be able to provide a new device for each child during the first week of school. However, due to COVID-related supply demands and other unforeseen circumstances, we will not meet this goal. In the meantime, we are continuing to supply devices to any student, regardless of the number of students per household, who needs a laptop or iPad in order to participate in only instruction. Once, the new computers arrive, we will collect loaned devices from students in exchange for a new Chromebook.
Students who still require the use of their loaner device can continue to use it until the new devices are delivered. TK, K, and first-grade students use iPads for their classes. Grades 2 and use laptops for their instruction. Second graders who have a loaner iPad from last year can exchange it for a school laptop.
If any student in your household needs a device for online instruction, please complete the form located at https://s-5b896f-i.sgizmo.com/s3/i-37o3oWuPXAvQiAvPQE-3933258/?sguid=37o3oWuPXAvQiAvPQE or Click Here to Start the Application
As we the case last spring, parents/guardians can submit a support request using the form located at https://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/5767268/20-21-EUSD-Home-Tech-Support-Request-v1-01 and a technology staff member will reach out to you to help resolve the issue. We anticipate that the use of the new Chromebooks will decrease the amount of home tech support required.
Emery Unified School District
IT Department
George Somers
Will Fuentes
First Day Of Distance Learning Date Has Changed
All Currently Enrolled EUSD Students Can Access Our Meal Program
Contact Information
Email: samantha.carter@emeryusd.org
Website: annayatesk8.com
Location: 1125 53rd Street, Emeryville, CA, USA
Phone: (510)601-4917
Facebook: facebook.com/annayatesschool